App Information Что за слово?- 4 фотки 1 слово
- App NameЧто за слово?- 4 фотки 1 слово
- Package Nameru.redspell.whatthewordru
- UpdatedApril 17, 2017
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3 and up
- Version
- DeveloperRed-Spell
- Installs1,000,000 - 5,000,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryWord
- Developer
- Google Play Link
Что за слово?- 4 фотки 1 слово Version History
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Что за слово?- 4 фотки 1 слово 1.5.3 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /3/21Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 37.9 MBTested on: Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread, API: 10)File Sha1: 607fcc52c2612ab73967a7174f203307761aaa9f -
Что за слово?- 4 фотки 1 слово 1.5.3 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /1/13Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 37.9 MBTested on: Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread, API: 10)File Sha1: 607fcc52c2612ab73967a7174f203307761aaa9f -
Что за слово?- 4 фотки 1 слово 1.5.3 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /5/14Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 49.3 MBTested on: Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread, API: 10)File Sha1: 133b9c5a0c2909b639804b2933d934a5e8cac2c0 -
Что за слово?- 4 фотки 1 слово 1.5.3 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /5/9Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 49.3 MBTested on: Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread, API: 10)File Sha1: 133b9c5a0c2909b639804b2933d934a5e8cac2c0 -
Что за слово?- 4 фотки 1 слово 1.5.3 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /5/3Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 49.3 MBTested on: Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread, API: 10)File Sha1: 133b9c5a0c2909b639804b2933d934a5e8cac2c0 -
Что за слово?- 4 фотки 1 слово 1.5.3 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /3/20Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 49.3 MBTested on: Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread, API: 10)File Sha1: 133b9c5a0c2909b639804b2933d934a5e8cac2c0 -
Что за слово?- 4 фотки 1 слово 1.5.3 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /2/3Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 49.3 MBTested on: Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread, API: 10)File Sha1: 133b9c5a0c2909b639804b2933d934a5e8cac2c0 -
Что за слово?- 4 фотки 1 слово 1.4.8 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /12/28Requires Android: Android 2.2+ (Froyo, API: 8)File Size: 46.3 MBTested on: Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread, API: 10)File Sha1: 0f546bb80e8856c8cd0b8bb70de7ed7891f48175
Red-Spell Show More...
Что за слово?- 4 фотки 1 слово APK
4 фотки 1 слово - угадай какое слово!★ Все загадки на русском! Не автоперевод! ★Русская версия лучшей игры для iOS "What's the word" (4 pics 1word) теперь доступна для Android! Каждая загадка - это 4 фото,объединенные какой-то идеей. Можешь понять, что между нимиобщего?Попробуй и пойми, почему мир влюбился в эту игру!Без регистрации и мудреных правил, просто играй и получайудовольствие! Более 300 заданий не дадут тебе заскучать, анекоторые из них, возможно, сведут тебя с ума, но оно тогостоит!Головоломка - это самый умный способ убить время!Начни играть!4 photos 1 word - guesswhat a word!★ All puzzles in Russian! Taxpayers do not! ★Russian version of the best games for iOS "What's the word" (4 pics1 word) is now available for Android! Each puzzle - is 4 photos, ajoint idea. Can you understand what they have in common?Try and understand why the world fell in love with this game!Without registration and intricate rules, just play and have fun!More than 300 jobs will not let you get bored, and some of them mayhave will drive you crazy, but it's worth it!Puzzle - this is a smart way to kill time!Start playing!
What's the Word: 4 pics 1 word APK
This game is surprisingly simple and veryaddictive. You just need to guess the word that unites all fourpictures. For example, if there is a picture of a bank card and apicture of a river bank, the word is... bank! And when you see apicture of a four-leaf clover and a happy jackpot winner, the wordis... luck!If you enjoy word games, then you'll find What's the Word to be afast game with a deep gameplay and tons of fun. The best part isthat rules are so easy that you already know how to play!We have prepared over 1000 puzzles for you. Can you beat themall?Have Fun!
Steampire 1.3.6 APK
Tactical Military Strategy- Team raids on bases of other players- Find vulnerable spots in enemy's defense to seize resources- Use gestures to control vectors of attack during the battle- Play on your phone, tablet or computerEpic story - The Bloody Age of ChaosYou will immediately find yourself in a large-scale battle. TalEcthelion intends to win power over the world. This is a battle forthe throne between the merciless emperor's legion of the Empire ofFear and the king of free lords of Aestus.You will witness the triumph of evil. You'll feel the fury of abattle. You'll see through the eyes of General Tal Ecthelion thetowers of the Thousands of Kings Castle crumbling under the guns ofyour army. You will see the horror in the eyes of the lords,knights and soldiers, when you come to the throne. Feel theuniverse trembling when the civilization enters a new era - an eraof your board.Rules of war always remain the same. Revolution never brings peaceand prosperity. The feudal lords, who sworn allegiance to the newmaster, started their own game. Numerous guerrillas suddenly gotarmed with the best weapons. The Empire lost almost all battles forislands, and now there formed first bases of resistance. A fewpunitive expeditions didn't adjust the conflict. The series ofbloody fights between clans, minor thrones, heroes and monsters,which went down in history as the War of 200 years.Here begins your adventure. You are a descendant of one of thelords. You'll face hard adventures, quests and missions on your wayto return lost influence. What legacy will you leave behind?ONLINE PVP KINGDOM BATTLES WITH OTHER PLAYERSBesides the Emperor there are lots of other problems and the mostcrucial of them are other players. They want to conquest the powertoo, but they need resources and minerals for construction offortresses, so they don't care whether to loot imperial camps oryour peaceful mining base.JOINT EPIC RAIDS ON BOSSESUnite your allies and go to the epic raids on the fortifiedimperial forts. Coordinate strategy of troops' landing by chattingand play as a team. Together you will turn the enemy's fortress inruins.BATTLE STRATEGY - TACTICS ARE UP TO YOUUse gestures to coordinate attacks in real time.Make up your army. In the barracks you can hire destroyers,marksmen, foot soldiers, trolls, healers and others. Large arsenalof tactical methods: rush assault, taking enemy on the flank anddeceptive maneuvers. Use magic spells and destroy all or just lootthe treasury and quietly leave? The choice is yours!DEFENCE AND SURVIVAL - BUILD MILITARY BASETowers, walls and cannons defend the city and make it animpregnable island. Hide your treasury and resource storages deepinto your base. Build turrets, set mines and traps aroundthem.Your castle is not a peaceful village that can be easily plunderedby any impostor, but a fortified fortress, a citadel. Defensiveguns will punish the thieves who want to steal yourresources.LEVEL UP YOUR HEROMake your character stronger, improve him. Arm him with the bestweapons and enjoy watching him destroying walls, defeatingopponents one by one and breaking into enemy's town hall.CLAN WARS WITH SEIZURES OF TERRITORY AND BESIEGES OF CAPITALSFriends and allies create clans. Strategic unions give rise toalliances. Use diplomacy to make joint raids with other guild onyour common rivals. The strongest conquers the territory.Capitals are fortified clan bases. During the siege the surges ofthree attackers are aiming to destroy the town hall, whiledefending forces are repelling attacks in real time: repairing andstrengthening their walls and striking enemies with spells fromtowers.Winning the siege will make you master of the territory, but don'tget excited too soon about that, because other clan probably hassome plans for this territory, and although the war isn't declaredyet...My Lord, the fight is inevitable.
Royal Arena 17.8 APK
Real-time player versus player arena iswaiting for you!Collect and upgrade cards of troops, spells and defenses. Destroyenemy towers to defeat your opponents and win rating points andchests with epic cards. Form a Clan to trade cards and build yourvery own battle family.FEATURES– Duel players from around the world in real-time– Earn chests to unlock rewards, collect new cards and upgradeexisting ones– Work out a strategy and build your deck to defeat youropponents– Get ahead your opponents on the way to the top!
Букволом - Игра в слова 3.3.0 APK
Внимание!В игре можно использовать существительные и прилагательные вименительном падеже и единственном числе, а так же некоторыесуществительные во множественном числе.Загадка:Среди камней и молний,Среди бомб и льдаПритаились длинные-предлинныеСлова...От создателей Что за слово! Дааа, это снова мы. На этот раз мыпредставляем Вам новую, уникальную головоломку, которая по своейкрасоте не уступит Ruzzle Adventure, а по увлекательности будетнаравне с такими играми как эрудит, балда, виселица и другимилюбимыми с детства занятиями на поиск и составление слов. Отложитена время кроссворды и сканворды.Перед Вами Букволом - новая и оригинальная игра в словаполностью на русском языке, которая придется по нраву как взрослым,так и детям.Здесь Вам предстоит поиск слов в очень большом наборе букв —весь алфавит и еще немножко ;) Но буквы на поле притаилисьнепростые. От одних веет лютым холодом, другие нависли чернойгрозовой тучей, в которой затаилась молния, третьи ждут недождутся, когда Вы их взорвете. А где-то вместо буквы тяжким грузомлежит камень. И кажется, он здесь лишний. Не плохо было бы егоразбить?В этой игре у Вас нет ограничений в составлении слов — толькоправильная орфография. Но странных языковых единиц, как в однойнебезызвестной adventure, вы не найдете. Все слова взяты изспециальных, проверенных временем и специалистами словарей.Самая главная особенность этой головоломки - уникальные игровыеблоки, которые не позволят вам скучать на протяжении всей игры.Собирайте молнии, не боясь получить удар электричеством, взрывайтевсе вокруг, разбивайте камни об землю и выполняйте другиеувлекательные задания, параллельно с любимым поиском и наборомслов.60 совершенно потрясающих и разнообразных уровней созданы слюбовью и желанием доставить вашему мозгу истинное удовольствие.Некоторые из них вам придется решать дерзко и быстро, другие можнобудет весело проходить всей семьей, а третьи могут оказаться оченькрутой головоломкой, которую под силу решить только самымэрудированным знатокам русского языка.Все это сдобрено красочными анимациями и бодрящими звуками,которые не дадут вам скучать на протяжении всей игры. Вы тольковзгляните на скриншоты! Самое приятное сочетание приятного сполезным — здесь и сейчас.Ну, а управление - "как два свайпа об асфальт…" Свайпнул вверх -слово засчитано. Движение вправо, и неудачное слово сброшено.Так же имейте ввиду, что эту игру Вы можете спокойно дать своимдетям. Ведь нет ничего лучше для детей, чем развивающаяголоволомка. Пусть они находят длинные слова, узнают новые ирадуются своим достижениям в изучении орфографии.А как же соревнование с друзьями, спросите Вы? Ответом будеткнопочка Google+ на главном экране. Присоединяйтесь в игровомуценту и собирайте длинные слова, набирайте очки и выходите напервое место среди всех любителей словесных игр!И все это совершенно бесплатно и без рекламы. Чудеса…Качайте, дерзайте, наслаждайтесь!И еще. Будьте внимательны. В игре можно сделать рядорфографических открытий!Attention!The game can use nouns and adjectives in the nominative case andthe singular, as well as some plural nouns.Riddle:Among the rocks and lightning,Of bombs and iceLurk long-predlinnyeWords ...From the creators of What's the word! Yeah, we have it again. Thistime we bring you a new and unique puzzle, which in its beauty willnot give Ruzzle Adventure, and will be on the fascination alongwith such games as a scholar, goosey, gallows and other favoritechildhood activities on search and compilation of words. Set asidetime for crosswords and crossword puzzles.Before you Bukvolom - new and original word game entirely inRussian, which have the liking of both adults and children.Here you have to find words in a very large set of letters - theentire alphabet and a little more ;) But the letters on the lurkdifficult. From some fierce blows cold, others hung blackthundercloud in which lurking lightning, others can not wait whenyou explode them. And somewhere instead of the letter is a heavyload stone. And it seems he's here once. Would do well to breakit?In this game, you are not restricted in making words - only thecorrect spelling. But strange linguistic units, as in one of theinfamous adventure, you will not find. All words are taken from aspecial, time-tested and specialists dictionaries.The main feature of this puzzle - unique game blocks that willnot let you get bored throughout the game. Collect the lightning,without fear of getting hit by electricity, blow up all around,smash rocks on the ground and perform other exciting job, alongwith search and favorite set of words.60 absolutely stunning and varied levels are created with loveand a desire to deliver your brain a real pleasure. Some of themyou have to decide boldly and quickly, while others can be fun topass the whole family, while others may be very cool puzzle gamethat can solve only the most knowledgeable connoisseurs of Russianlanguage.All of this is flavored colorful animations and invigoratingsounds that do not let you get bored throughout the game. Just lookat the screenshots! The most pleasant blend of business withpleasure - here and now.Well, and management - "as two swipe on the asphalt ..."Svaypnul up - word counted. Move right and wrong word reset.Just keep in mind that this game you can safely give theirchildren. There is nothing better for children than developingpuzzle. Let them find long words, learn new and enjoy theirachievements in the study of spelling.But what about competition with friends, you ask? The answerwill be a button on the main screen Google+. Join in the game andcollect long-cent word, collect points and get off at the firstplace among all lovers of word games!And it's completely free and without advertising. Miracles...Download it, go for it, enjoy!And more. Be careful. In the game you can make a number ofdiscoveries spelling!
Brush & Smudge - coloring book APK
Just give a coloring book and crayons to kidsand they can entertain themselves for hours!Brush and Smudge is a fantastic, smart and fun coloring app forkids! It has kids-friendly, intuitive design. The app provides anawesome easy-to-use tools helping your kid to improve drawingskills and boost creativity.Features:- Simple, intuitive, kids-friendly interface- Lots of templates- Save colored pictures to the photo album- Advertisement free- Juicy graphics- Perfect for preschoolers and toddlers- Tested on kids :)Now let your kid draw!
Путь в облака: поиск предметов APK
Эта история про одного мальчика, которыйпытается раскрыть тайну своей семьи. Мамы не стало, когда он былсовсем маленьким. Отец никогда не хотел говорить о том, чтослучилось, отделываясь общими фразами. Ещё в детстве, наш геройпообещал себе, во что бы то ни стало, узнать всю правду.Уже подростком, во время своей первой поездки в Париж, он начинаетсвоё расседование, которое проведёт его через всю Европу.Перед вами квест в жанре поиска предметов. Вам с мальчикомпредстоит пройти весь путь, решить головоломки и, в конечном итоге,найти ответы.Путь в облака – захватывающая игра в формате "я ищу". Европа,множество интересных персонажей, с которыми расследование столкнётглавного героя. Неожиданные диалоги и глубокая история о личномпоиске и взрослении ребёнка.Сталкиваясь с проблемами, многие взрослые замирают перед ними,парализованные тревогой и беспокойством. Но дети не такие – они ещёумеют мечтать. Поэтому когда всё становится плохо, наш геройсмотрит на небо, чтобы увидеть ответы в облаках.Особенности:– Соберите кусочки разгадки в разных городах Европы– Увлекательная сюжетная линия– Красивая графика, проработанные локации– Интересные персонажи, неожиданные диалоги– Скрытые загадки и объекты– Поиск объектов в различных режимах– Много уровней, для тех кто любит искать скрытые предметы посписку на русском языке или силуэтам– Необычный геймплей, погружает в атмосферу тайн и загадок,опасных, но забавных приключений– В эту игру можно играть без Интернета: в дороге, в самолете, вметроСмотрите на небо, ответы скрыты в облаках!This story is about a boywho tries to solve the mystery of his family. Mom died, when he wasvery young. My father never wanted to talk about what happened,confining generalities. Even as a child, our hero promised myself,no matter what, to know the truth of that.For a teenager, during his first trip to Paris, he began hisrassedovanie, which will hold it through the whole of Europe.Here is a quest in the genre of search items. You and the boy willgo all the way to solve puzzles and eventually find theanswers.The path to the cloud - an exciting game in the format of "I'mlooking for." Europe, a lot of interesting characters, which willface the investigation of the protagonist. Unexpected dialogues anddeep history of personal searching and growing up child.Faced with problems, many adults freeze in front of them, paralyzedby anxiety and restlessness. But children are not - they are stillable to dream. So when things get bad, our hero looks at the sky tosee the answers in the clouds.Features:- Collect pieces of clues in different European cities- Exciting storyline- Beautiful graphics, detailed locations- Interesting characters, unexpected dialogues- Hidden puzzles and objects- Search for objects in different modes- Many levels, for those who like to look for hidden objects on thelist in Russian or silhouettes- The unusual gameplay, plunges into the atmosphere of secrets andmysteries, dangerous, but fun adventure- This game can be played without the internet: on the road, on aplane, in the subwayLook at the sky, the answers are hidden in the clouds!
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Icomania 1.7 APK
★★★★★ From the creators of #1 app "4 PICS 1 WORD”Celebs, brands, movies and more – can you guess what the icondepicts? Find out why the whole world loves Icomania and JOIN THE FUN!★SIMPLE AND HIGHLY ADDICTIVE GAMEPLAY★Check out the icons, guess the answer and win! There are hundredsof puzzles to solve!★TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE★How well do you know pop culture? Icomania keeps you guessing withawesome icons depicting celebrities, movies, brands and more…★FEAST FOR THE EYES★Stunning handcrafted designs with icons that bring a smile to yourface =)★PURE, INSTANT FUN★No registration, no complicated rules – just instant fun! Getstarted now!
لعبة كلمة السر APK
لعبة كلمة السر: ببساطة لعبة السنة كل من لعبهاأحبها وادمنها!.. قمة التسلية والفائدة. افضل الالعاب العربيةلعبة قضينا معها احلى الاوقات في الصحف والمجلات الان متوفرة مجاناوبجودة عالية على جهازك.اللعبة المشهورة للصغار والكبار, تعرف ايضا ب "لعبة الكلمة المفقودة"أو "لعبه الكلمة الضائعة" "لعبه البحث عن الكلمات"العاب ذكاء جديدة شيقة مجانية*** ميروك لكلمة السر 3 مليون تحميل وهذا الاعجاب الهائل... 3 مليونشكراً ******* اذا وصلت هذه الصفحة ولم تتثبت اللعبة بعد فلا تضيع الوقت واضغطعلى تثبيت, ولن تندم ابداً. ماذا تنتظر؟! :)عليك العثور على الكلمات المبعثرة في الجدول وشطبها. في النهاية تتبقىمجموعة احرف ورمز عليك معرفة وفك كلمه السر.في هذه اللعبة هدفنا الى استعمال اللعبة بحالة استرخاء فلا يوجد توقيتاو نقاط. فاستمتع بوقتك مع عشرات المراحل.المراحل بنيت بعناية ليغطي كل لغز موضوع معين لزيادة التشويق. وفي قسممن المراحل على اللاعب اكتشاف الكلمات بنفسه.تتميز اللعبة بالتنوع والاثراء الثقافي في شتى المجالات. فيها خفةوافادة وتسلية.اللعبة بنيت بعيدا عن الضغط والتوقيت والسرعة, ويمكن لعبها في اي وقتباسترخاء, ويمكنك التوقف ومعاودة اللعب في اي لحظة من اللعبة.لعبة كلمه السر الان متوفرة ايضا على الايفون. الرابط: Password: simplyGame of the Year both played and loved Adinmha! .. Summitentertainment and interest. The best Arab GamesGame spent with Best Moments in newspapers and magazines are nowavailable for free and high quality on your computer.The famous game for young and old, also known as the "Game lost theword" or "game missed the word" the "game search for words."Games new intelligent interesting free *** Mirok password three million download this Likes massivethree million ... Thank ******* If you reached this page did not satisfy itself after the gamedo not waste time and click on the install, and will never regret.What Are You Waiting For?! :)You'll find scattered words in the table and written off. In theend, remaining character set and the code you know and decrypt thepassword.Our goal in this game is to use the game relaxed condition, thereis no timing or points. , Enjoy your time with dozens ofstages.Stages carefully built to cover a certain topic each puzzle toincrease the suspense. In a section of the stage for the player todiscover his own words.The game is characterized by diversity and cultural enrichment invarious fields. Where lightness and testimony andentertainment.The game was built away from the pressure, timing and speed, andcan be played at any time, relaxed, and you can pause and resumeplaying at any moment of the game.Game password is now also available on the iPhone. Link:
وصلة 2 - لعبة كلمات متقاطعة 1.0 APK
وصله لعبة الكلمات المتقاطعة الجزء الثاني مناجمل العاب الذكاءوصلة ٢ لعبة الكلمات المتقاطعة المعروفة ولكن بصورة عصرية ومسليةأكثر.. جربها !!في كل مرحلة مجموعة من اسئلة المشوقة والممتعة, وراء كل سؤال لغز حولصورة أو معلومة او جملة. حروف الاجوبة تتقاطع - بأحرف مشتركة - ممايتيح لك كشف حروف عن طريق حل اسئلة متقاطعة.هذه اللعبة بجودة اسئلتها تعتبر دورة ثقافية شاملة ستثري معلوماتكبشتى المجالات,وهناك الكثبر من الاسئلة الخفيفة التي تعتمد على فطنتك وذكاءكولا يخلو اي سؤال من متعة التفكير والتشويق.اسئلة متنوعة مناسبة لجميع الاعمار- معلومات عامة في شتى المجالات- اكمل الجملة, المثل, الاية- اسئلة تفكير وذكاء- على الشاشة- سيارات وماركات- اسئلة دينية, رمضان- مشاهير ولاعبي كرة قدم- خرائط واعلام ودول- صور مكبرةوصلة هي تطوير للعبة كلمات متقاطعة- اسئلة حديثة ومتنوعة- اسئلة مصوّرة- عند محاولة حل كل سؤال يتم فحص الجواب مما يمنع الاخطاء التي تفسداللغز- طريقة اللعب مطورة تلائم الاجهزة الذكية- الالغاز بنيت بعناية وذات جودة عاليةcrosswordsوصلة وصل connect link يوصل crosswordLink game Crosswordsecond part of the nicest IQ GamesLink 2 game Crossword known, but in a more modern and entertaining.. Try it !!At each stage a series of exciting and interesting questions, andeach question behind the mystery about the picture or informationor phrase. ABC answers intersect - common letters - allowing you touncover letters by solving crossword questions.This game is the quality of her questions is a comprehensivecultural cycle will enrich your knowledge in various fields,There Alkthber light of questions that rely on your intelligenceand AftntekNot without any question of thinking fun and suspense.A variety of questions suitable for all ages- General information in various fields- Completed the sentence, ideals, Verse- Thinking and intelligent questions- on the screen- Car and brands- Religious questions, Ramadan- Celebrities and football players- Flags and maps states- Enlarged imagesLink is the development of the game crossword- Modern and diverse questions- Pictorial questions- When trying to solve each question the answer is checked, whichprevents mistakes that spoil the puzzle- How to play and an upgraded suit smart devices- Puzzles carefully built and of high qualitycrosswordsAnd link connect link connects crossword
Word Search 5 1.6 APK
Popular series of higscores games Word Search is back with 10 newcategories! How fast can you find all the words? Submit your scoreto a global leaderboard to see who is the best!Categories included:- famous actors- famous actresses- dogs- ice cream- zoo animals- circus- The Hobbit- Singers- body parts- randomFeatures:- 10 categories- each game is different- each category has a global leaderboard, so you play against otherpeople all around the world- simple but addicting gameplayPlease try also my other games if you like this one :)Requirements: Flash player installed!
وصلة 3 - لعبة كلمات متقاطعة 1.0 APK
هذه اللعبة جديدة كلياً مبنية على فكرة الكلماتالمتقاطعة المعروفة ولكن بصورة عصرية ومسلية أكثر.. جربها !!في كل مرحلة مجموعة من اسئلة المشوقة والممتعة, وراء كل سؤال لغز حولصورة أو معلومة او جملة. حروف الاجوبة تتقاطع - بأحرف مشتركة - ممايتيح لك كشف حروف عن طريق حل اسئلة متقاطعة.هذه اللعبة بجودة اسئلتها تعتبر دورة ثقافية شاملة ستثري معلوماتكبشتى المجالات,وهناك الكثبر من الاسئلة الخفيفة التي تعتمد على فطنتك وذكاءكولا يخلو اي سؤال من متعة التفكير والتشويق.اسئلة متنوعة مناسبة لجميع الاعمار- معلومات عامة في شتى المجالات- اكمل الجملة, المثل, الاية- اسئلة تفكير وذكاء- على الشاشة- سيارات وماركات- اسئلة دينية, رمضان- مشاهير ولاعبي كرة قدم- خرائط واعلام ودول- صور مكبرةوصلة هي تطوير للعبة كلمات متقاطعة- اسئلة حديثة ومتنوعة- اسئلة مصوّرة- عند محاولة حل كل سؤال يتم فحص الجواب مما يمنع الاخطاء التي تفسداللغز- طريقة اللعب مطورة تلائم الاجهزة الذكية- الالغاز بنيت بعناية وذات جودة عاليةشكرا لتفاعلكم مع اللعبة ورجاء مساعدتنا في نشر اللعبة قدرالمستطاع,بعض التعليقات عن اللعبة:* افضل لعبة ثقافية ع المستوى العالمي بصراحة ارشح هذه اللعبة بانتكون افضل لعبة ثقافية معلوماتية شيقة ممتعه لا يمكن ابدا ان تمل منها، انفراد متميز بفكرةجديدة للكلمات المتقاطعة يستحق القائمون عليها بتكريم لائق بالانجاز!* جده ولا احلى من هذه الثقافه الممتعه والمسليه اشكركم لدرجةالغليان وكل عام وانتم بكل خير* اول لعبة عربية تعجبني من حيث البرمجة والمضمون والسلاسة وتنافسالالعاب العالمية احسنتم :)* تطبيق رائع مفيد ومسلي صراحة برنامج مفيد ينشط الذاكرة ويستحقالتحميل* البرنامج رائع جداا ومسلي يستااهل مليوون نجمه افضل برنامجمعيcrosswordsوصلة وصل connect link يوصل crosswordThis game is based on anentirely new idea Crossword known but more modern and moreentertaining .. Try it !!At each stage a series of exciting and interesting questions, andeach question behind the mystery about the picture or informationor phrase. ABC answers intersect - common letters - allowing you touncover letters by solving crossword questions.This game is the quality of her questions is a comprehensivecultural cycle will enrich your knowledge in various fields,There Alkthber light of questions that rely on your intelligenceand AftntekNot without any question of thinking fun and suspense.A variety of questions suitable for all ages- General information in various fields- Completed the sentence, ideals, Verse- Thinking and intelligent questions- on the screen- Car and brands- Religious questions, Ramadan- Celebrities and football players- Flags and maps states- Enlarged imagesLink is the development of the game crossword- Modern and diverse questions- Pictorial questions- When trying to solve each question the answer is checked, whichprevents mistakes that spoil the puzzle- How to play and an upgraded suit smart devices- Puzzles carefully built and of high qualityThank you for Tvaalkm with the game and please help us inspreading the game as much as possible,Some comments about the game:* Best Game cultural p global level frankly transpire this gameto be the best cultural game enjoyable interesting information cannever tire of them, individually distinct ideaNew crossword puzzle worth honored by the organizers of a decentachievement!* Grandfather in the best of this culture of enjoyment andentertaining atmosphere thank you to boiling Every year, you allthe best* The first Arab game like it in terms of programming andcontent, and smooth and compete World Games Well done :)* Wonderful application useful and entertaining explicitlyuseful program activates memory and worth the download* Wonderful and entertaining program Jaddaa Astaahl Mon starbest program with mecrosswordsAnd link connect link connects crossword
4 Pictures 1 Word [Arabic] 3.0 APK
Four pictures one word is a very entertainingand engaging game which will help you train your cognitiveskills.All what you have to do is find the link word between fourdifferent picture.☝✓ Four picture one word is 100% free with an incredibledesign.✓✓ Suitable for all ages✓ Fully in Arabic and adapted to the Islamic culture .✓ Different difficulty levels✓ 4 pictures 1 word has over 1500 questions✓ You can ask a friend for help
رشفة: كلمات متقاطعة وصلة مطورة APK
هناك الكثير من المحاولات في المتجر لتقديم لعبةكلمات متقاطعة, لكن اذا وصلت الى هنا, فقد وصلت الى أفضل لعبة كلماتمتقاطعة وصله: جودة في التقديم والمحتوى والفائدة, جربها وستعرفبنفسك.2 الجيل الثاني من الكلمات المتقاطعة وأكثر..!! 3crosswords game and connected wordsتشمل اسئلة كلامية وأسئلة مصورة بشتى المجالات: في الأدب, معلوماتعامة, أسئلة دينية, رياضية, مرادفات, اسئلة تفكير خفيفة,وكذلك تشمل اسئلة مصورة: لاماكن ومعالم مشهورة, ممثلين وشخصيات مشهورةفي شتى المجالات, أعلام وخرائط الدول, سيارات والكثيراسئلة متطورة تجدها فقط في هذه اللعبة: خلف الكاميرا, شخصيات مرسومة,لوجو وشعارات معدّلة. رموز ومعالموصله رشفة لعبة كلمات متقاطعة ثقافية مسلية في جميع المجالاتلعبة كلمات متقاطعة مطورة خصيصا للموبايل تتميز بسهولة الاستعمال فيعرض الاسئلة وإدخال الاجوبة, سابقاً وصلةجودة في التصميم وجودة في المحتوى, لعبة لن تمل منها وحتماً ستنهيجميع مراحلها.جمع اكبر عدد من النجوم وتحدى اصدقاءك في لوحة الصدارةالعالمية.جمع أكبر عدد من الانجازات الممتعة خلال اللعبThere are a lot ofattempts in the store to make a crossword game, but if you arrivedhere, it has reached the best game crossword Link: The quality ofthe presentation, content and interest, try it and you will knowyourself.2 The second generation of the cross and more words .. !! 3crosswords game and connected wordsQuestions include verbal and pictorial questions in various fields:in literature, general information, religious questions, sports,synonyms, questions light reflection,As well as questions include pictorial: the places and famouslandmarks, famous personalities and representatives in variousfields, flags and maps of states, cars and a lotSophisticated questions can be found only in this game: behind thecamera, drawn characters, Lugo and slogans modified. Symbols andlandmarksLink sip game crossword cultural entertaining in all areasCrossword game developed specifically for mobile use easilycharacterized in the Questions view and enter answers, formerlylinkQuality in design and quality content, the game will never tire ofthem and inevitably will end all its stages.Collect as many stars and challenge your friends in the panel ofglobal prominence.Collect the largest number of achievements by playing fun
WordStorm APK
WordStorm is a highly addictive and easy toplay word game. It is very similar to word wheel games that can befound in a number of newspapers.The objective of the game is to try to guess all of the 35 mostcommon words that can be made from the 9 letters shown. Each wordmust be 4 or more letters long and must contain the centralletter.There's a unique puzzle for every day which everyone else will beplaying that day too!Random Game - You can now play a random game. This can be accessedvia the menu on the high scores view.For the latest news on all of my games please follow @SeansGames onTwitterRecently demonstrated at "DroidCon" as one of the "Best ofLondroid!"Please email us at if you have any problemswith the game.