App Information بيانو احترافي دون أنترنت
- App Nameبيانو احترافي دون أنترنت
- Package Namecom.chokeirpianoarabe.pianogame
- UpdatedMarch 21, 2015
- File Size1.5M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.2 and up
- Version1.0
- Developerchokchok
- Installs1,000 - 5,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryMusic
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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بيانو احترافي دون أنترنت 1.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /9/16Requires Android: Android 2.2+ (Froyo, API: 8)File Size: 1.5 MBTested on: Android 4.4W (KitKat, with wearable extensions, API: 20)File Sha1: 05fa9045522c49a4f2afca9cd07911bb0cd55e5a
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وضعيات الجنس والجماع للمتزوجين 1.0 APK
اوضاع الجماع بالصور للمتزوجين فقطتحتاج الحياة الزوجية إلى تجديد مستمر، لتصبح أكثر رومانسيةوجاذبيةويفضل الكثير من الأزواج اتخاذ وضعيات جديدة للجماع.. إلا أنالغالبية العظمى من الأزواج تتخد وضعيات محددة في كل معاشرةزوجية.تعرفوا معنا بالصور على أفضل الوضعيات الجنسية للجماع.. مع العلمأن هذه المادة مخصصة للمتزوجين فقط.ويمكن ملاحظة الوضعية جيداً، من خلال تداخل قدمي الزوجين خلالأوضاع الجماع، أو الأشياء المستخدمة، كالسرير، والكنبة، والكرسيالدوار، والكرسي العادي، وغيرها..مثلما يسعد الرجل فى ممارسة الحب مع زوجته يحبها فانه يكون اكثرسعادة اذا شعر ان زوجته تتجاوب معه لانها تحبه وتشعره بانه هو الاخرمرغوب وعلى الزوجةان تأخذ فى الاعتبار ان المعاشرة وسيلة للاعراب عن الحب والعواطفالحارة وليست فقط عملا جنسيا.وعلى الزوجة ايضا ان تعرف بان ممارسة الحب مع الزوج تجربه لذيذةيتم فيها تبادل المتعة من خلال الاخذ والعطاء.يقول خبراء العلاقات الزوجية ان على الزوجة ان تتجاوب مع زوجهاولاتقوم فقط بدور الدمية الجنسية التى تعمل بنفخ الهواء.هذا الدور السلبى يثير قلق الزوج فغياب النشاط مع الحركة الدالةعلى الاستجابه والتفاعل اثناء اللقاء مع الزوج يجعله يشعر وكأن زوجتةلاترغب ولا تشتاق اليه.انه يريد ان يشعر بانه مرغوب من زوجتة واذا كانت الزوجة الشاكيةتريد حقا امتاع زوجها فان عليها ان تترك العنان لنفسها وتستجيبلمداعباتة وتشاركه ممارسة الحب بطريقة ايجابية ولتحقيق ذلك عليها انتغير طريقتها الجامدة وان تجرب اشياء جديدة وتطرق مجالات اخري للمتعةوالمغامرة الحسية.واذا كان امتطاء زوجها حركة غير مقبوله من جانبها فان عليها ان تجرباوضاعا اخري فبإمكانها ان تضطجع على جانبها بطريقة موازية لزوجها جنباالى جنب او الاضطجاع على حافه السرير فيما يإتيها زوجها للايلاج منالامام وهو واقف على قدمية مع الانحناء فوق زوجتة كما يمكن للزوجةتنويع الاوضاع اثناء جلوسها على كرسى كبير.ان التزام الزوجة بذلك الوضع الوحيد الذي لا يتغير وهو ان تستلقىعلى ظهرها وزوجها اعلاها وتظل جامدة على هذا النحو - يقلل من فرصالمتعة الوصول الى الذروة لهذا ينبغي ان تستغل اعجاب زوجها بجسمهاورغبته فيها فى تطوير حركاتها واكتساب مزيد من الثقة بجسمها ونفسهاكما يمكن للزوجة ان تستعرض جسمها بالطريقة التى تثيير الزوج كأنهاتكشف فخديها وتحرك وركيها وتستغل شفتيها وتستعمل يديها وتنطلق فى عالمالمتعة والمحبة والسعادة والتجاوب الكامل مع الزوجتطبيقنا تطبيق مجاني 100% و سهل الاستعمال يعمل بدون أنترنتThe conditions ofintercourse for married couples only picturesMarried life you need to continuously renew, to become moreromantic and attractivePreferably a lot of couples take new positions for sexualintercourse .. However, the vast majority of couples Taatkhaddspecific positions in each marital cohabitation.Know us pictures on the best sexual positions for intercourse ..knowing that this article intended for married couples only.This can be seen a good position, through the legs of overlapduring intercourse the couple situations, or objects used, such asa bed, and the sofa, chair and the rotor, and the Holy normal, andothers ..Just as man is happy in the practice of love with his wife lovedit be happier if he feels that his wife responds with him becauseshe loves him and makes him feel that he is also desirable and thewifeTo take into account that cohabitation way to express love and warmemotions, not only sexual act.The wife also have to know that the practice of love with thepair experience for delicious fun exchange is through the give andtake.Marital relations, experts say that the wife responds to herhusband and accused of doing just the role of sex doll, which worksby blowing air.This negative role raises concern pair absence of activity withthe function to respond to movement and interaction during themeeting with the husband makes him feel as if his wife does notwish not miss him.He wants to feel that he coveted from his wife and if the wifeis the complainant really want to entertain her husband, it must beleft free rein to itself and respond to the Mdaabath and share thepractice of love in a positive way and to achieve that it mustchange its way rigid and try new things and touched again for funand adventure sensory areas.If the riding her husband's movement is unacceptable for its part,it must try are conditions other They could lie down on its sideparallel fashion to her husband's side by side or lie down on theedge of the bed with vocations her husband to penetration from thefront, standing on his feet with bending over his wife and wife candiversify situation During her accession to the big chair.The wife's obligation to the only situation that does not changeand is to lie on her back and her husband the top and remain staticin this manner - reduces the fun opportunities to reach the peak ofthis should be exploited Like her husband, her body and desire inwhich to develop movements and gain more confidence in her body andherself as the wife can to review the way in which her body like apair Ttheir reveal Fajdaha and move and Rkiha and exploit her lipsand used her hands and released to the world of fun and full oflove and happiness and to respond to the pairOur application 100% Free and user-friendly application workswithout Internet
Conseils Drague et Séduction 1.0 APK
La meilleure application pour vous bien guiderdans le bon chemin de drague et séduction , cette app vous proposeles conseils d'or en domaine de drague et séduction ;Elle vousprésente les meilleurs conseils de A à Z , pour tuer votre peur enséduisant une fille ou une femme , en vous présentant lesmeilleures méthodes d'après les célèbres dragueurs du monde , cesméthodes de drague sont les plus réussi !! Vous allez avoir l'artde bien communiquer dès aujourd'hui avec les femmes et les fillescharmantes !! Au revoir au peur !!Cette application vous donne :--Comment rédiger vos propres phrases de drague !!--Comment ne plus avoir peur en parlant avec les femmes et lesfilles !!--les méthodes utilisées par les dragueurs !!--Exercice pour commencer et bien draguer et séduire !!The best application toproperly guide you in the right path dredge and seduction, this appoffers you the golden advice domain dredge and seduction; Itpresents you the best advice from A to Z, to kill your fear byseducing a girl or woman, by presenting best practices from thefamous minesweepers of the world these dredge methods are mostsuccessful !! You will have the art of communicating today withwomen and charming girls !! Goodbye to fear !!This application gives you:--How Write your own dredge phrases !!--How Do not fear talking with women and girls !!--The methods used by dredgers !!--Exercice To start and flirt and seduce well !!
وصفات ازالة الشعر الزائد 1.0 APK
الشعر غير المرغوب فيه هو سبب إحراج الكثيرين منالنساء و السيدات , بينما انت بحاجة للتخلص من الشعر الغير مرغوب فيهمن أماكن خفية مثل الإبطين و بعض المناطق الحساسة الأخرى لأغراض صحيةوللتخلص من رائحة الجسم ، والشعر على الوجه واليدين والساقين وما إلىذلك لا يشكل أي خطر على صحتك , ولكن هذا الشعر غير مرغوب فيه و يمكنإزالته بحيث تشعر أنك واثق بما يكفي لمواجهة الناس و الشعور بالرضى عننفسك . بشرة نظيفة وواضحة و براقة هو حلم الجميع وليس انت فقط . لذا،إذا كنت قد قررت التخلص من الشعر غير المرغوب فيه والبحث عن تقنياتمختلفة مثل الليزر ، والتحليل الكهربائي , أو الوصفات الباهضة الثمنفإنه يمكن تجريب بعض العلاجات المنزلية لإزالة الشعر لعدة أيام . قدتنجح في توفير الكثير من المال ، والتخلص من إزالة الشعر غير المرغوبفيه بوسيلة سهلة ورخيصة .ادن هدا التطبيق لك سيدتي , سيقدم لك أحسن الوصفات السهلة التحضيرو الغير الباهضة الثمن مجربة من طرف العديد من النساء و ينصح بهاالخبراء .وصفات مجانية و تطبيق مجاني لا يتطلب توفر الانترنت أي أنه يشتغلبدون أنترنت.**وصفات طبيعية لازالة الشعر الزائد في الوجه و الساقين و المناطقالحساسة**مشاركة الوصفات مع من تريدين عبر الرسائل النصية أو مواقع التواصلالاجتماعي**تطبيق سهل الاستعمالUnwanted hair is thecause of embarrassment to many of the women and the ladies, whileyou need to get rid of unwanted of hidden places such as armpitsand some other sensitive areas hair health purposes and to get ridof body odor, and hair on the face, hands and legs, and so does notconstitute any the risk to your health, but this hair is desirableand can be removed so that you feel confident enough to face thepeople and feeling good about yourself. Skin clean and clear andglamorous is the dream of everyone, not just you. So, if you'vedecided to get rid of unwanted hair and the search for differenttechniques such as laser, electrolysis, or recipes prohibitiveprice it can workout some home remedies for hair removal forseveral days. You may succeed in saving a lot of money, and to getrid of hair removal unwanted easy and cheap means.Laden Hedda application you Madam, will give you the bestpreparation easy and non-prohibitive price recipes tested by manywomen and is recommended by the experts.Free recipes and free application does not require any Internetprovides that operates without the Internet.** Recipes natural to remove excess hair on the face and legsand sensitive areas** Post with recipes from want or via text messages and socialnetworking sites** User-friendly application
Draw teacher 1.0 APK
Draw teacher is a unique app that teaches youhow to draw step-by-step ! drawing is considered to be verycomplex. You won't believe how easy it can be with this app.Thisapp is suitable for teaching yourself and your kids how to draw, agreat tool for art educators , and a fun activity that family andfriends can do together!The learn to draw apps includes a large collection of drawingson any subject. You are sure to find what you really want !The way how to draw : Despicable me tutorials work is simple.You choose a tutorial from the list that you want to draw . Youthen mimic each step to draw what you choose .You can take the appwherever you go and draw on your medium of choice . Drawing paper ,chalkboard ;sidewalk -it's up to you !The following is a list of the features that you can expect withthe draw apps :*** Free to use***Portable;easy to use !***A large collection of designs for drawing***Easy 10-20 steps tutorials for each drawing !***Option to go back to a previous step or skip ahead _ learn atyour own pace !***on screen draw mode You can follow step by step instructionright on your screen***register your drawing***many colors to draw_Draw animals_Draw cars_ Draw cartoons_ Draw houses
Remedies Unwanted Hair Removal 1.0 APK
Unwanted hair is a cause of embarrassment formany. While you need to get rid of unwanted hair at hidden placeslike armpits for hygienic purposes and to get rid of body odor, thehair on your face, hands, legs etc. does not pose any risk to yourhealth. But yes, these unwanted hair can be removed so that youfeel confident enough to face people. Clean and clear skin is adream of everyone and you are no exception. So, if you have decidedto get rid of your unwanted hair and are researching about varioustechniques like laser, electrolysis, permanent waxing etc. you musttry certain home remedies for hair removal for some days. You maysucceed in saving a lots of money and getting rid of unwanted hairremoval in an easy and cheap way.Discover these home remedies which are found at your kitchen orpantry that are very effective in removing the unwanted hairpermanently. You can simply rely on any of these natural remediesto remove your unwanted hair in the body.So our app suggest you the best home remedies to help you removeyour unwanted hair .** easy home remedies fo unwanted hair removal**share your remedies with your friends by texting or socialnetworks.
best French pick-up lines 1.0 APK
You've often find problems approaching girls?and you think about what you will say to her, to the point thatfinished his drink and suddenly disappeared?Good !! this application you will say goodbye to this problem, youare not going to fall into this problem again , our applicationoffers the best succeed sentences and pick up lines for you toapproach girls and women with great success !!This application offers more than 45 sentences and pick up lineswith their methods and mistakes that you should avoid !!** Best approach sentences and pick up lines most successful inthe world !!** sentence of the Day which changes daily !!** ability to share your favorite pick up line in the socialnetwork or message ...The best application of the approach of sentences for asuccessful seduction !! Learn and go now approach girls and womens!!
Workout food & fitness recipes 1.0 APK
Are you training and workingout ? and yourbody still the same ? or you want to be more sexy to girls ? wellmaybe it's because the food !! ALL of us know the importance offood and meals which we eat before and after workout , it's themost important thing , so we are often hesitated what to choose andeat !! :/Fitness and workout request a healthy and good food ,whichcontains enough proteins to build our body and let our musclesbigger than before .This applications will help you to choose the best meals,recipesand food to eat before and after your workout.**Healthy food and recipes**Post-workout snacks**Pre-workout snacks**Recipes and food suggested from the greatest experts**Share your favorite food with friends by SMS,Facebook,Bluetooth...Try our app and get the full energy for your workout :) !!
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极品钢琴 (Just Piano ) 4.3 APK
《极品钢琴》是一款情趣独到的绿色音乐游戏。游戏方式是当音符下降到琴键上方的水平线的时候,按下对应琴键,便可弹奏出美妙动听的音乐。等级考试、榜单挑战、网友对战等独特的玩法,以及覆盖了各种社交媒体的极品钢琴更能让你与你的好友开启乐趣无穷的挑战比拼,互动体验,更多参与,更多快乐!极品钢琴,好玩有趣的手机钢琴游戏。"Need for Piano" is a fununique green music game. Game notes the way down to the horizonwhen the top of the key when pressing the corresponding keys, youcan play the wonderful sounds of music. Grade examination, list thechallenges that online play against other unique gameplay andsuperb piano cover a variety of social media but also allows youand your friends challenge competition open fun, interactiveexperience, more participation, more fun! Need piano, piano fun andinteresting mobile games.
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ButtonBass EDM Cube Dominator APK
This is the NEW EDM cube from EDM beats with ease. Start and stop loops by just pressing thecubes! Try the auto mix feature and have the cube make beats foryou! There is also an random mix button that will randomly generatea beat with the # of loops you choose. There are volume controlsfor each sound at the top and bottom of the app.I included the Keyboard control function in this one! Just clickthe show keyboard button and you can use your androids keyboard tocontrol the cube.You can play one sample at a time or press multiple buttons atonce. Swipe control is also included.Enjoy!Jason
Dubstep Pads DJ Music Game 1.0 APK
Maak Dubstep muziek door op de pads in dezeDub stap DJ app.Dubstep is een genre van elektronische uit Zuid-Londen, dat in hetbegin van het jaar 2000. Het is gemaakt van sterke baslijnengestart, patronen van trommels, geknipt monsters, en af en toezang. Hoor de bas druppel!Kenmerken:> 3 Volledige kits van studiokwaliteit Dubstep loops> Drumloops> Dubstep loops> Dubstep Drop loops> Vocal loops> 60 lussen in totaal> Gemakkelijk te gebruiken> Mooie HD-interfaceProbeer de verschillende kits om te zien welke u verkiest enword de echte Music DJ, de Dubstep Master!Logo in icoon desined door Open embleem Stock:
Real Acoustic Guitar Game 1.02 APK
Mix different guitar riffs and chords togetherin this game to create your own songs and tunes!Create your own live music and impress your friends, just like youwere playing a real acoustic guitar!Select a guitar by tapping on it to make it start playing.Tap more guitars to make them start playing too, easily creatingnew music.Red guitars are rhythm riffs and chords, while yellow guitars aresolos and lead.Have fun creating your own guitar music!Features:> 12 unique riffs to experiment with.> Easy to use User Interface.> Attractive colours and feel.> High volume recordings so you can hear the guitarsclearly.We have an Electric Guitar version coming soon!
ButtonBass House Cube House APK
This is the NEW HOUSE cube Mix HOUSE beats with ease. Start and stop loops byjust pressing the cubes! Try the auto mix feature and have the cubemake beats for you! There is also an random mix button that willrandomly generate a beat with the # of loops you choose. There arevolume controls for each sound at the top and bottom of theapp.I included the Keyboard control function in this one! Just clickthe show keyboard button and you can use your androids keyboard tocontrol the cube.You can play one sample at a time or press multiple buttons atonce. Swipe control is also included.Enjoy!Jason
Hot star Drums 1 APK
Are you looking for an awesome music drumsapplication? Feel like you are a member of a real rock band playingHot star Drums.Hot star Drums is everything you need to learn and play music ondrums set!! Get some new music skills with this Hot star drummingapplication.This virtual drum kit is great app to play and learn the drumson your mobile device.Learn how to play the pieces of rock, folk, pop music on drumset anywhere by using this music drums game. Surprise your friendsand family!Play around with your pocket drum kit. Music creation has neverbeen so easy.Hot star Drums music app comes with amazing drums set andcymbals. This Hot star Drums kit is loaded with a ride cymbal,snare drum, floor drum, closed and open hi hats, splash, crashcymbal, ring cymbal, tom toms.If you like making music, you will adore this virtualpercussion. Hot star Drums will let you create your own drum beatsor you can play songs built in Hot star Drums.Hot star Drums is a must for everyone. From the music-deaf todrums enthusiasts, kids, adults, expert drummers and musicbeginners.Download Hot star Drums and develop your music ear.To play Hot star Drums just run Drums and make music! Supersimple to play!1) Choose between 4 difficulty levels and then choose a songfrom music list.2) Use your fingers as a drum sticks and have fun playing drumbeats.3) Tap the highlighted drums and cymbals on your screen and get asmany points as possible!4) Make beautiful drum beats and record them5) Pick other parts of drum set e.g. tambourine, cowbell.6) Enjoy your own drum beats and music!Hot star Drums app features:-great entertaining music drums app-three game modes to choose from-high quality sound-simple drums music application-drums app tutorial-Four difficulty levels-easy to use app controls-multi touch percussion-drums animations, visual feedback of tapped drums andcymbals!-record and playback mode, You can share your best beats!-a lot of sample songs to play, many tracks to learn and play-develop your music ear with Hot star Drums music app
ButtonBeats Dubstep Balls Smash APK
These are the ButtonBeats Dubstep Balls. This is a follow up to thepopular Buttonbeats Dubstep Cube! I'm sure some of you have beenwaiting for this! Enjoy. Each of the spheres is a heart poundingdubstep beat. Mix 3 or four beats together to make a song! was launched in august of 2007 by me, Jason. I hada set of music samples I wanted to mix up and I didn't have anysoftware available so I made a program to mix them up. My friendcame over and was playing the program for over an hour. So Ithought It would be cool to upload it to the internet. So I boughtthe domain name and uploaded a few differentprograms I made. A short time later I made the piano. I put thesong Jingle Bells up to play on the piano. Then people began tosubmit many songs for the piano. After about a year I got my friendEverett involved in producing the site and getting the name outthere. From there we had a friend Ariel that made music. Ariel,Everett and I spent many afternoons recording sound samples,editingthe samples, designing ui, making beats, ordering beats, designingt shirts, stickers, programming and barbecuing. Within the lastyear we brought Stephan on board. He has skinned the whole sitewith a new look this summer and has other good ideas in the worksright now. Between the four of us, we have the website generatingover two million views a month. The site is popular all over theworld and continues to grow. Thanks for being part of ButtonBeats.
har•mo•ny 3 2.1.1 APK
har•mo•ny 3 is a puzzle game of beautifulcolor and captivating music, unified in perfect harmony."As close to puzzling perfection as you can get" - AppAdvice"Every part of this game oozes relaxation..." - TouchArcadeA Work of Art...New chapters feature 170 exquisite levels, each handcrafted toaesthetic perfection. Your objective is to strategically rearrangeblocks to reassemble each palette to its correct order.New Features… New Challenges...Color palettes subtly morph before your eyes. Gameplay elementsfade and dance to beautiful music. With a rapidly increasingdifficulty level, har•mo•ny 3 will delight your eyes and ears whilestimulating your brain in a relaxing, near-hypnotic experience. Yousimply have to experience it to believe it.Mesmerizing Ambience by Hammock...Treat your ears to nearly three full hours of some of the mostbeautiful music you will ever hear. har•mo•ny 3 is an encorepresentation featuring some of the most-loved music from the sequelwhile adding 6 new, unreleased tracks featured only in thegame.Wallpapers Galore...Every level you reach contains a beautiful wallpaper rich withcolor that you can save to your device.Experience the Sound of Color...Go ahead and treat yourself to har•mo•ny 3. Your eyes, ears andmind will thank you.••••••••••If you're enjoying the game please take a moment to provide agood rating & review - it helps us tremendously! Thank you foryour support!