App Information قدراتك - استعد لاختبار القدرات
- App Nameقدراتك - استعد لاختبار القدرات
- Package Namecom.ahijazi.quduraat_test
- UpdatedJuly 9, 2014
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.0 and up
- Version1.2
- DeveloperSolution Tab
- Installs100,000 - 500,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryEducation
- Developer
- Google Play Link
قدراتك - استعد لاختبار القدرات Version History
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قدراتك - استعد لاختبار القدرات 1.2 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /3/19Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)File Size: 8.1 MBTested on: Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean, API: 18)File Sha1: 588cc79709d4e64392e023fbe1c1ef13ebdd5754 -
قدراتك - استعد لاختبار القدرات 1.2 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /10/11Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)File Size: 8.1 MBTested on: Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean, API: 18)File Sha1: 588cc79709d4e64392e023fbe1c1ef13ebdd5754
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عمرك العقلي - اختبار عمر العقل 2.0.1 APK
اعرف ما هو مستوى عقلك! .. هل عقليتك كبيرة امصغيرة!!"مرررررره حلو واتمني الكل يحمله جدا رائع اكثر من الروعه ♥ ♥ "احد التعليقات عن البرنامجبرنامج (عمرك العقلي ) يقوم باختبار عمر عقلية المستخدم... هذاالاختبار ياباني واسمه الاصلي هو 《精神年齢チェック》..حيث يقوم باختبارالمستخدم خمسة عشر أسئلة متنوعة من الواقع لمعرفة العقلية التي يتعاملبها الفرد في المجتمع .. هذا البرنامج لا علاقة له بذكاء المستخدم بليقوم بـاختبار العمر العقلي.أسال المجرب.."ممتاز جدا ارجوا تجربته" خالد الحارثي"برنامج ممتاز يجعلك تعيد التفكير في نفسك وأولوياتك" ياسرالقحطاني"ممتاز يحسسك بالنضوج العقلي لك والي حولك" عبدالرحمن القرون"يعطيك فكر حقيقي عما انت" MeM Shams"إن اللعبه جميله ورائعه اقدر العبها في النت واقدر انزلها في الجوالانا عمر عقلي 37راقي وانا عمري 14" Hammoud KhawajiI know what is the levelof your mind! .. Do mentality big or small !!"Mrrrrrrh sweet and I wish everyone a very wonderful holds morethan magnificence ♥ ♥" one of the comments about the programProgram (mental age) is testing the age of the user mentality... This Japanese test and his original name is "精神 年 齢 チ ェ ッ ク"..hat testing the user fifteen diverse questions of fact mental tosee which handles the individual in society .. This program hasnothing to do has cleverly used but is testing mental age.Ask the experimenter .."I hope very excellent experience," Khaled Al-Harthy"Excellent program makes you rethink yourself and your priorities,"Yasser Al Qahtani"Excellent Ihsesk mental mature you and to those around you,"Abdulrahman centuries"Think about what gives you the real you" MeM Shams"The game is beautiful and wonderful appreciate Play it in the netand I appreciate has brought in mobile I am a mental age of 37sophisticated and I was 14" Hammoud Khawaji
قدراتك - استعد لاختبار القدرات 1.2 APK
هل تريد الحصول على درجة عالية في اختبارالقدرات؟؟التطبيق 1# في الاستعداد للقدرات - الان في الاندرويد"برنامج رائع وسهل جدا وانصح به الي عندهم اختبار قدرات" احدالتعليقات عن التطبيق"برنامج متكامل جدا رائع ويستطيع الطلاب التدريب على حل المعادلات"احد التعليقات عن التطبيق@@@@ مجانا لفترة محدودة بدل (2.45$) @@@@تطبيق قدراتك هو التطبيق الشامل الذي يقوم باعدادك لاختبار القدراتالعامة من قياس في القسم اللفظي والكمي.****ما الذي يجعل تطبيق قدراتك الافضل اطلاقا****~ اختبارات تجريبية مشابهة للاختبارات الفعلية في القدرات~ نصائح لكي تساعدك في استعدادك للاختبار~ تساؤلات عن الاختبار وطرق المذاكرة~ قصص نجاح حقيقية عن الطلاب الحاصلين على درجات عليا~ اسئلة تدريبية للاختبار مع الاجابات و الشرح~اكثر من ٢٥٠ سؤال~ لا يحتاج البرنامج الى اتصال بالانترنتتابعنا على الفيسبوكتابعنا على تويتر:QuduratK@قدرات, اختبار القدرات, قياس, القدرات, القياس , قدراتك,الاستعداد, مذاكرة , قدراتي, قدراتDo you want to get a highscore in the aptitude test??Application # 1 in the run-up to the capabilities - now inAlandroed"Great program and very easy and I would recommend it to testthe capabilities they have," one comments on the application"Integrated program is very gorgeous and training students cansolve the equations," one comments on the application@ @ @ @ Free for a limited period instead of ($ 2.45) @ @ @@The application of your abilities is a universal applicationwhich prepare you for the test to measure the overall capacity inverbal and quantitative section.**** What makes the application of the best of your abilities atall ****~ Experimental tests similar to the tests in the actualcapacity~ Tips in order to help you in your willingness to test~ Questions about the test and methods of studying~ Real success stories about students who graduate degrees~ Training to the test questions with answers and explanation~ More than 250 question~ The program does not need to connect to the InternetFollow us on / quduratkFollow us on twitter:QuduratK @Capabilities, aptitude test, measurement, capacity, measurement,abilities, willingness, memorization, my abilities,capabilities
تعلم الانجليزية للمبتدئين 1.0 APK
هل انت مبتدئ وتدريد انت تتعلم اللغةالانجليزية؟ اذا هذه التطبيق هو افضل تطبيق لك لتعلم اللغة الانجليزيةساااارع واحصل هذا التطبيق فورا قبل انتهاء الفرصة..### ماذا ستستفيد؟- ستتعلم ماذا تحتاجة لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية- كيف تصبح ماهرا في اللغة الانجليزية- كيف تتحدث الانجليزية بطلاقة- اسرار عن تعلم اللغة الانجليزيةميزات التطبيق:- يدعم صورة وسائط الأفقي.- تصميم تسهيل القراءة.- ارتباطك ظيفة.- ميزة بورق الجدران.استمتع بتطبيق تعلم اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين وتعلم كيف تتعلمالانجليزية بسرعة وطلاقةAre you a newbie andTadrid you learn English? If this application is the bestapplication for you to learn EnglishSaaaara get this application immediately before the end of theopportunity ..# # # Why would benefit?- You will learn what you need for the learning of English- How to become skillful in the English language- How to speak fluent English- Secrets for learning EnglishApplication features:- Supports portrait and landscape modes.- Design easy reading.- Bookmarking function.- Feature wallpapering.Enjoy the application of learning English for beginners to learnhow to learn English quickly and fluency
رجيم الزبادي : سريع ومضمون 1.02 APK
الان تطبيق رجيم الزبادي، سيخبرك كل شيء عن هذا الرجيم الفعال..مجانا لفترة محدودة (2.99$)ماذا قالوا من رجيم الزبادي:"ريجيم ينقص وزنك 9 كيلو في 12 يوم""رجيم الزبادي يلصق بطنك بظهرك من تجربه"الهدف من رجيم الزبادى ان الشخص المطلوب ان يقوم بالتخسيس سيكوناعتماده اعتمادا كليا على الزبادى فالزبادى يشعرك بالشبع لفترة طويلةوليس هذا فقد ايضا رجيم الزبادى يمد جسمك بكل العناصر المهمة والمفيدةويقدم لك افضل العناصر الغذائية لجسمك لجعل كل اجهزة جسمك تعمل بشكلطبيعى وصحى.لان اى خلل فى احد الاجهزة قد يؤثر عليك وهنا تنجح فكرة رجيم الزباديفى حرق الدهون المتراكمة حول البطن والشحوم الموجودة والتى يكون نتيجةلها ظهور الكرش.استمتع بها التطبيق واعرف عن رجيم الزبادي للتخسيسNow applythe diet yogurt, will tell you all about this accursed effective ..Free for a limited time ($ 2.99)What did they say diet of yogurt:"Diet reduces weight 9 kilometers in 12 days""Diet yogurt sticks to your belly with your back from theexperience" The goal of Diet Yogurt that the person is required to bepaid Baltkhsais will adopt entirely dependent on Yogurt Valzpadymakes you feel full for a long time and not this has also DietYogurt supplying your body with all the important elements anduseful and offers you the best nutrients for your body to make allthe devices your body is functioning normally and healthily.Because any defect in one of the devices might affect you and herethe idea of diet yogurt succeed in burning the accumulated fataround the abdomen and in the grease, which is the result of theemergence of a rumen.Enjoy it and I know the application for slimming diet yogurt
Your Mental Age 1.0 APK
Have you ever asked yourself 'What is MYMENTALAGE ?Well now you can find out the answer. We'll ask you a seriesofmultiple choice questions which you have to answer. Thequestionsare random and you might see questions that are verysimilar toones you have already answered. Don't worry. That's allpart of thehighly technical and scientific testing process.Please note that we can only accept your first answer andyoucan't change your mind. So you need to make sure youthinkcarefully. We would recommend though that you don't think toohard.Sometimes your first instinctive reaction is going to be themostaccurate. If you think, you could end up trying to answer'young'or 'old' to give a fake result. Just go with the flow andanswer asyou first think and this will produce the best mentalageresult.At the end of the mental age quiz we present you simply withanumber which is your mental age. Nothing more. Nothing less.Enjoyand share !
اختبار مستوى اللغة الانجليزية 1.0.1 APK
هل تريد ان تعرف مستواك في اللغة الانجليزيةفورا وفي الحال؟تطبيق تحديد مستواك في الانجليزي يساعدك لكي تعرف مستواك فيالانجليزي بكل يسر وسهولة$$ تذكر أن هذا التطبيق:- مجاني, فأنتم على الحب و السعة- مرن! يمكنك اختبار لغتك في الوقت الخاص بك من أي جهاز ذكي- دقيق! تم تصميم الاختبارات لدينا من قبل خبراء مؤهلين تأهيلا عاليامع العديد من سنوات الخبرة في مجال تدريس اللغة- شامل! اختبار كل عنصر من عناصر اللغة الإنجليزية ، من القراءة إلىالمفردات والقواعد- مرح! يمكنك مشاركة نتائجك مع الأصدقاء ودعوتهم لأخذ الاختبارأيضا- مباشر ! الحصول على النتائج الخاصة بك في مباشرة عند الانتهاء منالاختبارتعلم, انجليزية, لغة انجليزية, اختبار, اختبار تحديد مستوى, اختبارتحديد مستوى اللغة الانجليزية, انجليزيDo you want to know yourlevel of English language immediately and in the case?Application to determine your level of English in order to helpyou know your level of English easily and conveniently$ $ Keep in mind that this application: - Free, you are the love and Capacity - Flexible! You can test your language in yourown time from any smart device - Careful! Tests are designed by our highlyqualified experts with many years of experience in the field oflanguage teaching - Comprehensive! Test every element of theEnglish language, reading to vocabulary and grammar - Fun! You can share your results with yourfriends and invite them to take the test also - Live! Get your results in immediately uponcompletion of the testLearn, English, English language, test, test to determine thelevel, test to determine the level of English, English
sat essay prompts - FREE 1.0 APK
Now you can get a 12 in the SAT essay sectionby using the OFFICIAL essay prompts in this app.Just FREE for now ($ 4.99)App features:- OFFICIAL essay prompts- More that 14 Essay prompts to practiceThe SAT essay measures your ability to:develop a point of view on an issue presented in an excerptsupport your point of view using reasoning and examples from yourreading, studies, experience, or observationsfollow the conventions of standard written EnglishThe essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you candevelop and express ideas. You should, therefore, take care todevelop your point of view, present your ideas logically andclearly, and use language precisely.Your essay must be written on the lines provided on your answersheet — you will receive no other paper on which to write. You willhave enough space if you write on every line, avoid wide margins,and keep your handwriting to a reasonable size. Remember thatpeople who are not familiar with your handwriting will read whatyou write. Try to write or print so that what you are writing islegible to those readers.
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اختبار القدرات 3.0 APK
اختبار القدرات : فرصتك إلى تحسين و تطوير قدراتك ومهاراتك وإجتيازاصعب الإختبارات. يستخدم التطبيق مقياس الكشف عن الطلاب الموهوبين والمتفوقين - عدد كبير من الأسئلة في مختلف التصنيفات - تطبيق تعليمى ومجانى 100% - جميع الأسئلة على شكل اختيار مـن متعـدد 4 خيارات -أسئلة مختارة بعناية ومتنوعة بما ينعكس بالإيجاب علي المختبر - اختبارالآباء قدرات أبنائهم بسهولة - مشاركة نتائجك مع جميع مستخدمي التطبيقوالحصول علي أوسمة للأفضل وخلق تنافسية. - إمكانية مراجعة إجاباتالأسئلة تنقسم الأسئلة داخل التطبيق إلى: - جزء لفظي (لغوي) - جزء كمي(رياضي) يشتمل الجزء اللفظى أسئلة عن معاني المفردات أو الكلماتبالإضافة إلى إكمال ما بين النقاط في شكل جمل تنمي القدرة علي فهمتركيب الجمل و إستباط ما تحتاج إليه لتكوين جمل مفيدة والقدرة عليالاستنتاج واستيعاب المقروء بجانب التناظر اللفظى : والتي تهدف أسئلةالقياس به إلى تقريب و ايجاد العلاقات المتشابهة بين زوج من المفردات.أما الجزء الكمى : فيشمل حل المسائل و الرياضية و القياس و الاستنتاجيهدف التطبيق الي اختبار القدرات العامة وذلك بفحص عدد من القدرات منخلال المهارات اللفظية وكذلك الكمية وتنمية المخزون اللغوى لدي الطلابننبه المستخدمين إلى أن هذا هو الإصدار الأول و نتمني منكم دعمنا عنطريق... وضع تقييم - مراجعة - مشاركة مع الأصدقاء وأخيراً: وضع أرائكمو تطلعاتكم للأصدارات القادمة واضافة مزيد من اسئلة اختبار قياس ...نتمني للجميع بقضاء وقت ممتع و مفيد ملاحظة : يرجي تنبيهنا بأي أخطاءأو مشاكل تواجهكم عند إٍستخدام التطبيق للعمل علي إصلاحها
قدرات 2 4.0.0 APK
أول برنامج إلكتروني للتدريب على اختبار القدراتالمحوسبة ، كتاب إلكتروني ضخم يتضمن عددا هائلا من تمارين القدراتالحقيقية للتدريب وتقييم وقياس قدرات الطلاب، وهناك تقديم مساعداتفورية بإستعمال استراتيجيات الحل السريع ، مع إعطاء تقرير مفصل عنالدرجات والأخطاء.مميزات برنامج قدرات:يتميز برنامج قدرات بواجهة مميزة ، تمارين حقيقية ، سهولة الاستخدام ،جمال التصميم ، أثبت نجاحا كبيرا من خلال تطبيقه على عددا كبيرا منالطلاب والطالبات ، لاقى استحسان وشكر من المركز الوطني للقياسوالتقويم .----أ/ إبراهيم قشير----The first letter of atraining program on the computerized test capacity, a huge e-bookincludes a huge number of real capacity for training, evaluationand measurement of students' abilities exercises, there to provideimmediate assistance strategies using rapid solution, giving adetailed report on grades and errors.It features the capabilities of the program:Featuring distinctive capabilities of the program interface, realexercises, ease of use, the beauty of design, has proved a greatsuccess through its application to a large number of male andfemale students, was applauded and thanked the National Center forAssessment in Higher Education.----A / Ibrahim Qushayr----
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Hello English: Learn English 1158 APK
"Learn spoken English and Grammar from Hindi,Indonesian, Thai, Arabic, Malay, Urdu, Malay, Bangladeshi Bengali,Bengali, Punjabi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Oriya,Assamese, Malayalam, Chinese, Portuguese, Turkish and Nepali. Afree English learning course used by over 24 Million learners forspoken English, grammar, and vocabulary building.Hello English by CultureAlley is the number 1 ranked freeEducational App, and the best free App to learn English.Featured as "GOOGLE'S BEST OF 2016 APPS" and "MOST INNOVATIVE APPOF 2016" By IAMAI.Features:★ 475 Interactive Lessons: 100% free interactive lessons withconversational English, grammar topics, vocabulary and more. Alllessons work offline as well.★ Interactive Games: On reading, translation, spellings, grammar,vocabulary. With immediate results and grammar tips.★ Have discussions with teachers: Ask questions on grammar andtranslations to teachers.★ Practice using daily news: Learn with latest news, articles,audio-video clips, and e-books.★ Conversation practice game: Hold daily-use conversations byspeaking into the App - improve your spoken English skills.★ 10,000 words Dictionary: Learn new words, and hear theirpronunciation.★ Know Your Rank: Know your global and city rank.Download the free App right away to help with your dream jobinterview, or with an exam, or to impress your friends! ImproveEnglish speaking, writing, reading and comprehension, and listeningskills. Speak English with confidence!"
BYJU'S – The Learning App APK
Fall in Love with learning!Stay on top in every subject with classes from India’s bestteachers including Byju Raveendran, using state of the arttechnology for visualization. Understand and master all conceptsright from High School Foundation Class 6-12 Math & Science toCompetitive Exam Prep like JEE, AIPMT, CAT & IAS.Features:- Engaging Video Lessons: Designed by India’s Best Teachers, theseunique video class modules will give you complete understanding ofeven the most complicated concepts in such a simple way that youwill fall in love with learning. Special Modules on ICSE, CBSESample Papers for Class 7-10 students and AIPMT & IITJEEcoaching for Class 11-12 students.- For CAT Aspirants, video lectures directly from Byju and Santoshthemselves and complete test series (over 200 chapterwise tests)and 20 Full Length Mocks.-Complete syllabus coverage: The modules are planned in a way as toprovide complete coverage of all state-level Boards, ICSE and CBSEsyllabus for class 10, 9, 8 and 7. Complete IIT JEE Preparation andAIPMT Preparation for Class 11-12.- Chapter wise Tests for Class 7-12: Large collection of fulllength and topic based tests including IITJEE and AIPMT Mock Tests& ICSE and CBSE sample papers for class 10 to 7. Also practicetest based on Class 10th Question Papers for CBSE, ICSE & StateBoards.- Detailed Analysis: View detailed analysis of your progress andperformance which will help you plan even better and improve yourperformance.- Personal Mentors & Guides: Get your doubts cleared by ourmentors who are from top institutions like IIT/IIM – lay solidfoundation for IIT JEE preparation.- Adaptive Learning: Learn in a way that works best for you throughour adaptive learning modules which are designed to cater to eachstudent’s personal learning needs.With 6.5 Lakh+ likes on Facebook, we are the most liked EducationCompany on Facebook!Proven Results: Thousands of Our students have been using themobile learning and tablet training modules for CAT, IAS &IIT-JEE coaching successfully and have consistently secured topranks in all competitive exams. With a total of 87 Civil Servicesselections, 4 rank-holders in IIT top 100, a success ratio of 1 outof every 7 student getting an IIM Call and thousands of happystudents & parents, all in the launch year of this new mode oflearning itself, we have proven beyond doubt that a love forlearning can and does produce great results!!Awards that came our way- Although we don’t consider this of primeimportance, it makes us feel extremely proud that our work has beenrecognized by almost every major media house. A few notablementions are -1. CNBC TV18 Crisil Emerging India Award for Education2. Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India and Fast 500 Asia Award3. NDTV Profit Business Service Excellence Award4. ET Now Education Excellence AwardOur vision is to make learning such an enjoyable process thatstudents begin to learn not just for exams, but for life!!
CppDroid - C/C++ IDE APK
CppDroid is simple C/C++ IDE focused onlearning programming languages and libraries.Features:* code complete ** real-time diagnostics (warnings and errors) and fixes ** file and tutorial navigator (variables, methods, etc)* static analysis ** smart syntax highlighting* portrait/landscape UI* auto indentation and auto pairing (configurable)* configurable code syntax highlighting (themes) ** compile C/C++ code (no root required)* works offline (built-in compiler, no internet connectionrequired)* great C/C++ code examples included ** detailed C++ tutorial and learn guide included ** add-ons manager and auto updates* Dropbox support ** Google Drive support *On first launch CppDroid extracts SDK (about 150Mb) anddownloads and extracts examples and tutorials, so about 215Mb of internal storage space is required. It can't be moved tosd card because of android security.Start learning C and C++ by examples (menu / Project /Examples) or tutorials (menu / Project /Tutorials).App blog:http://www.cppdroid.infoAdvanced paid features (marked with *) review: also ArduinoDroid app:
Memrise: Learn New Languages, Grammar & Vocabulary 2023.2.6.0 APK
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Current Affairs GK - SSC IAS IBPS Exam Prep Tests 16.4.6 APK
OnlineTyari app is India's No.1 TestPreparation App for Hindi, English and Marathi medium. We providedaily updates on current affairs 2017 and GK. It contains latestonline study material for SSC (CGL, CHSL, 10+2), IBPS (Bank PO,Clerk, RRB, SBI & Associates Bank), GATE , UPSC (IAS, IPS,IES), Railways RRB, Insurance LIC AAO and state level governmentexams.Hindi and Marathi Medium SupportContent is available in Hindi (हिंदी), English and Marathi mediums.Get access to daily GK current affairs in Hindi. Improve yourGeneral Knowledge (GK) in Hindi. Get essential topics and studymaterial for GK and Current Affairs 2017, NCERT questions andsolutions, Maths (Reasoning and Aptitude), English Learning andComputer Knowledge.Daily Study and PracticeLatest daily GK current affairs notes for 2017 sent in morning withquiz. Read current affairs Weekly and Month wise. Questions andnotes provided on topics like Banking,Environment, Foreign Policyand International news. Get Job Alerts, Employment News, NewsDigest and Articles about the current happenings around theworld.Mock Tests and E-BooksSection wise and Full Length Online Mock tests are provided forexam preparation. Targeted Test series with guidance are availablefor exams like IAS, SSC, Bank PO. Solve previous years exam paperson app.OnlineTyari AIT (All India Test) allow one to check India levelrank before real exams. Detailed analysis and comparison isprovided in All India Tests.Recommended Books available in E-Book (PDF, E-pub) format. ReadBooks offline after downloading. Competition exam mock papers andE-books are available from best coaching classes of India.SSCOne app for all SSC 2016 Exams preparation. Prepare for SSC CGL,CHSL , GD Constable, Stenographer, CPO exams. Prepare for SSC inHindi Medium here. Topics for SSC like English Learning, Quant,Reasoning in app.Banking Exams (IBPS, Bank PO, SBI PO & Clerk)Single place to clear your bank exams. Daily notes, practice papersand e-books provided for Banking exams. We cover SBI PO, SBI Clerk,RBI, NABARD, SEBI, SIDBI and other bank exams. Bank specific topicslike Economy, English Tests and Banking Awareness covered.IAS (UPSC Civil Services ) 2017Crack your IAS Pre and Mains exam with help from OnlineTyari.Targeted study capsules from leading coaching like Chronicle,Vision IAS etc available. Cover your syllabus with guidance fromexperts. IAS specific topics like Ethics & Governance, Optionalpapers, Case studies available. Chapter wise Notes from NCERT forHistory, Geography, Polity subjects.GATE , IES & PSUStudy material (Mock test & E-Books) available for Engineeringbranches like Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, CivilEngineering and Mechanical. Solved previous year papers availablefor GATE & IES.Other Exams- Railways RRB and Loco pilot , insurance LIC AAO : Mock tests, MCQquestions and E-books available for Railways RRB and LIC AAOExams.- Teacher Exam: CTET, UGC NET, state level like UPTET, MPTET, REETand B.Ed exams.- Defence and police exams like CDS, NDA, IB and CRPF.- State level exams: -i) For north india we cover exams like RAS and REET (Rajasthan),UPPSC and UPTET (Uttar Pradesh), Bihar SSC and BPSC (Bihar),Haryana PSC, MPPSC (Madhya Pradesh), Maharashtra (TET, B.Ed.,Police and MPSC).ii) For south india we cover exams like Tamil Nadu PSC, Kerala PSC,Andhra PSC and Telangana PSC exams.OnlineTyari have largest network of students. Student communityallow students to ask an answer questions, seek test prepguidance.Study Material from publishers like Arihant, Jagran Josh, Chronicleand Pratiyogita Darpan available.Updates related to Application form and dates, exam pattern,syllabus , Admit cards regularly sent. Know about Examnotifications , result dates within app.Visit:
CBSE Class 8, 9, 10, 11 Course 2.56 APK
★★★FREE NCERT Solutions & RevisionQuestions★★★Complete CBSE classes 8th ,9th 10th and 11th study coursepowered by Everonn is available on your mobile & tab. Thisguide will help you ace your schools exams and have fun whilelearning.A very well researched course, this course contains learningcontent, animations, questions & answers, study notes, NCERTsolutions etc to help you with your school curriculum. The courseis based on the NCERT books and closely follows the syllabus forCBSE Class 8 ,9 and10 books.Each NCERT textbook chapter is explained in detail along withpractice questions and important questions that are likely to comein school exams. The course also provides detailed solutions to allthe questions present in NCERT books and has these solutionsavailable for free !The course contains detailed chapters for Class 8th, 9th, 10thand 11th -Class 8 - Science, Maths, Geography, History, Social &Political Life and English.Class 9 - Science, Maths, Geography, History, Economics, DemocraticPolicies and EnglishClass 10 - Science, Maths, Geography, History, DemocraticPolicies, Economics, Disaster Management and EnglishClass 11 - Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology and CommerceFor each class the course contains 2 sample chapters for eachsubject for free and the course (with access available on web also)start from INR 595For each NCERT book, all the chapters are covered in full detailalong with solutions to all NCERT questions.Also these solutions are completely FREE. So you don't need to buyextra guides for NCERT questions and answers.The content is developed by Everonn's research team inconsultation with some of the top CBSE schools in thecountry.It is a cross platform course that works across your Mobile,Tablets and Web.Visit us at to check out thecomplete course on the web.
Marbel Panduan Ramadhan + Suara APK
Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan yang dinantikanoleh semua umat muslim di dunia. Syukur Alhamdulillah kita tinggaldi negara dengan mayoritas muslim sehingga bulan Ramadhan terasabegitu meriah dan menyenangkan. Apakah bulan Ramadhan hanya milikorang dewasa saja. Tentu saja tidak. Anak-anak pun sangat antusiasmenyambut bulan Ramadhan.Nah, bagaimana dengan buah hati anda yang masih balita?Bagaimanakah cara anda menjelaskan apa itu Bulan Ramadhan dankeutamaannya kepada sang buah hati? Mengenalkan bulan Ramadhankepada buah hati dengan cara yang menyenangkan sangatlah penting.Hal ini untuk menanamkan kepada anak-anak bahwa bulan Ramadhan itumenyenangkan.Kini telah hadir MARBEL PANDUAN PUASA RAMADHAN khusus untukanak-anak. Aplikasi ini mengajak anak-anak untuk belajar :1. Apa itu puasa?2. Apa saja keutamaan bulan Ramadhan?3. Apa saja rukun puasa?4. Apa saja amalan yang bisa dilakuakn di bulan Ramadhan?Marbel menggabungkan konsep belajar dan bermain menjadi satusehingga melahirkan cara belajar yang lebih menyenangkan. Materiakan disajikan dalam bentuk yang menarik dilengkapi dengan Gambar +Sound Narasi + Animasi untuk menarik minat anak-anak dalam belajar.Selanjutnya, mereka bisa mengasah kemampuan melalui permainanedukasi yang disediakan.Kelebihan :------------------Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan gambar dan ilustrasi serta animasiyang menarik, sehingga anak-anak akan merasa tertarik untukbelajar. Setiap materi dilengkapi dengan narasi pendukung. Aplikasiini dilengkapi juga dengan doa berbuka puasa, niat berpuasa sertaniat shalat tarawih lengkap dengan voice narasi, tulisan dalamhuruf arab dan latin, serta artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia.TENTANG MARBEL--------------------------------------------------Marbel adalah aplikasi pendidkan khusus untuk anak-anak usia 2 s/d8 tahun. Bersama Marbel, anak-anak bisa belajar banyak hal dengancara yang menyenangkan. Tersedia materi pembelajaran yang akanmembantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenal sesuatu misalnya sajahuruf, angka, buah, sayur, hewat, alat-alat transpotasi, warna, danmasih banyak lainnya. Yang paling menarik dari marbel adalah :Permainan edukasi yang menyenangkan. Ada berbagai macam permainanyang akan menguji kemampuan mereka. Permainan itu terdiri dari :tepat cepat, ketangkasan, daya ingat, kecerdikan, asah otak danmasih banyak lainnya. Marbel dilengkapi dengan gambar dan animasiyang menarik, musik orisinil, serta narasi panduan yang bergunabagi anak-anak yang belum lancar membaca.Kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan ragu untukmengirimkannya ke :support@educastudio.comInformasi lebih lanjut mengenai Marbel:Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: @educastudioBagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain, tak ada salahnyamencoba aplikasi Marbel. Anak-anak tak hanya mendapatkan kesenangandalam bermain, namun juga ilmu yang bermanfaat. Belajar sambilbermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayoo kita temani anak-anak belajar,bersama Marbel tentunya.. :)The month of Ramadan is amonth that is eagerly anticipated by all Muslims in the world.Praise to God we live in a country with a Muslim majority thatRamadan was so festive and fun. Is Ramadan belong only to adultsonly. Of course not. The children were very excited to welcome themonth of Ramadan.Well, what about your baby are still toddlers? How can you explainwhat it was the month of Ramadan and its primacy to the baby?Introduce the month of Ramadan to the baby in a fun way is veryimportant. It is to instill in children that Ramadan was fun.Now has come Marbel RAMADAN FAST GUIDE specifically for children.This application invites children to learn:1. What is fasting?2. What are the virtues of Ramadan?3. What are the pillars of fasting?4. What can dilakuakn deeds in Ramadan?Marbel combines the concept of learning and playing into one thatgave birth to a way of learning more enjoyable. The material willbe presented in an attractive form comes with Image + SoundNarrative + animations to attract children's interest in learning.Furthermore, they can hone skills through educational gamesprovided.Advantages :------------------The application comes with pictures and illustrations andinteresting animation, so the children will feel interested inlearning. Each material is equipped with a supporting narrative.This application is also equipped with a prayer iftar, theintention of fasting and of prayer tarawih complete with voicenarration, written in Arabic and Latin letters, as well as itsmeaning in Indonesian.ABOUT Marbel--------------------------------------------------Marbel is a special education application for children ages 2 s / d8 years. Together Marbel, children can learn a lot of things in afun way. There are learning materials that will help children tolearn about something for example only letters, numbers, fruits,vegetables, Hewat, means of transportation, color, and many more.The most interesting of the marble is: a fun educational game.There is a wide variety of games that will test their skills. Thegame consist of: a fast right, dexterity, memory, ingenuity, brainteasers and many more. Marbel equipped with interesting images andanimations, original music, and narrative useful guide for childrenwho are not yet fluent reading.We expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitate to send it to:support@educastudio.comFurther information about Marbel:Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: mothers who like to accompany the children to play, there's noharm in trying the application Marbel. Children not only have funin the play, but also useful knowledge. Learn while playing .. ??Why not..?? Ayoo we accompany the children to learn, along Marbelcourse .. :)