App Information قصص جحا - بدون انترنت
- App Nameقصص جحا - بدون انترنت
- Package Namecom.ahijazi.juhaa
- UpdatedJanuary 31, 2015
- File Size18M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.2 and up
- Version1.0.0
- DeveloperSolution Tab
- Installs50,000 - 100,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryComics
- Developer
- Google Play Link
قصص جحا - بدون انترنت Version History
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قصص جحا - بدون انترنت 1.0.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /3/15Requires Android: Android 2.2+ (Froyo, API: 8)File Size: 17.6 MBTested on: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean, API: 17)File Sha1: 6b57eb1ce08568eb15ecaf2e073333d01d7024b3 -
قصص جحا - بدون انترنت 1.0.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /10/31Requires Android: Android 2.2+ (Froyo, API: 8)File Size: 17.6 MBTested on: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean, API: 17)File Sha1: 6b57eb1ce08568eb15ecaf2e073333d01d7024b3
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عمرك العقلي - اختبار عمر العقل 2.0.1 APK
اعرف ما هو مستوى عقلك! .. هل عقليتك كبيرة امصغيرة!!"مرررررره حلو واتمني الكل يحمله جدا رائع اكثر من الروعه ♥ ♥ "احد التعليقات عن البرنامجبرنامج (عمرك العقلي ) يقوم باختبار عمر عقلية المستخدم... هذاالاختبار ياباني واسمه الاصلي هو 《精神年齢チェック》..حيث يقوم باختبارالمستخدم خمسة عشر أسئلة متنوعة من الواقع لمعرفة العقلية التي يتعاملبها الفرد في المجتمع .. هذا البرنامج لا علاقة له بذكاء المستخدم بليقوم بـاختبار العمر العقلي.أسال المجرب.."ممتاز جدا ارجوا تجربته" خالد الحارثي"برنامج ممتاز يجعلك تعيد التفكير في نفسك وأولوياتك" ياسرالقحطاني"ممتاز يحسسك بالنضوج العقلي لك والي حولك" عبدالرحمن القرون"يعطيك فكر حقيقي عما انت" MeM Shams"إن اللعبه جميله ورائعه اقدر العبها في النت واقدر انزلها في الجوالانا عمر عقلي 37راقي وانا عمري 14" Hammoud KhawajiI know what is the levelof your mind! .. Do mentality big or small !!"Mrrrrrrh sweet and I wish everyone a very wonderful holds morethan magnificence ♥ ♥" one of the comments about the programProgram (mental age) is testing the age of the user mentality... This Japanese test and his original name is "精神 年 齢 チ ェ ッ ク"..hat testing the user fifteen diverse questions of fact mental tosee which handles the individual in society .. This program hasnothing to do has cleverly used but is testing mental age.Ask the experimenter .."I hope very excellent experience," Khaled Al-Harthy"Excellent program makes you rethink yourself and your priorities,"Yasser Al Qahtani"Excellent Ihsesk mental mature you and to those around you,"Abdulrahman centuries"Think about what gives you the real you" MeM Shams"The game is beautiful and wonderful appreciate Play it in the netand I appreciate has brought in mobile I am a mental age of 37sophisticated and I was 14" Hammoud Khawaji
قدراتك - استعد لاختبار القدرات 1.2 APK
هل تريد الحصول على درجة عالية في اختبارالقدرات؟؟التطبيق 1# في الاستعداد للقدرات - الان في الاندرويد"برنامج رائع وسهل جدا وانصح به الي عندهم اختبار قدرات" احدالتعليقات عن التطبيق"برنامج متكامل جدا رائع ويستطيع الطلاب التدريب على حل المعادلات"احد التعليقات عن التطبيق@@@@ مجانا لفترة محدودة بدل (2.45$) @@@@تطبيق قدراتك هو التطبيق الشامل الذي يقوم باعدادك لاختبار القدراتالعامة من قياس في القسم اللفظي والكمي.****ما الذي يجعل تطبيق قدراتك الافضل اطلاقا****~ اختبارات تجريبية مشابهة للاختبارات الفعلية في القدرات~ نصائح لكي تساعدك في استعدادك للاختبار~ تساؤلات عن الاختبار وطرق المذاكرة~ قصص نجاح حقيقية عن الطلاب الحاصلين على درجات عليا~ اسئلة تدريبية للاختبار مع الاجابات و الشرح~اكثر من ٢٥٠ سؤال~ لا يحتاج البرنامج الى اتصال بالانترنتتابعنا على الفيسبوكتابعنا على تويتر:QuduratK@قدرات, اختبار القدرات, قياس, القدرات, القياس , قدراتك,الاستعداد, مذاكرة , قدراتي, قدراتDo you want to get a highscore in the aptitude test??Application # 1 in the run-up to the capabilities - now inAlandroed"Great program and very easy and I would recommend it to testthe capabilities they have," one comments on the application"Integrated program is very gorgeous and training students cansolve the equations," one comments on the application@ @ @ @ Free for a limited period instead of ($ 2.45) @ @ @@The application of your abilities is a universal applicationwhich prepare you for the test to measure the overall capacity inverbal and quantitative section.**** What makes the application of the best of your abilities atall ****~ Experimental tests similar to the tests in the actualcapacity~ Tips in order to help you in your willingness to test~ Questions about the test and methods of studying~ Real success stories about students who graduate degrees~ Training to the test questions with answers and explanation~ More than 250 question~ The program does not need to connect to the InternetFollow us on / quduratkFollow us on twitter:QuduratK @Capabilities, aptitude test, measurement, capacity, measurement,abilities, willingness, memorization, my abilities,capabilities
تعلم الانجليزية للمبتدئين 1.0 APK
هل انت مبتدئ وتدريد انت تتعلم اللغةالانجليزية؟ اذا هذه التطبيق هو افضل تطبيق لك لتعلم اللغة الانجليزيةساااارع واحصل هذا التطبيق فورا قبل انتهاء الفرصة..### ماذا ستستفيد؟- ستتعلم ماذا تحتاجة لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية- كيف تصبح ماهرا في اللغة الانجليزية- كيف تتحدث الانجليزية بطلاقة- اسرار عن تعلم اللغة الانجليزيةميزات التطبيق:- يدعم صورة وسائط الأفقي.- تصميم تسهيل القراءة.- ارتباطك ظيفة.- ميزة بورق الجدران.استمتع بتطبيق تعلم اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين وتعلم كيف تتعلمالانجليزية بسرعة وطلاقةAre you a newbie andTadrid you learn English? If this application is the bestapplication for you to learn EnglishSaaaara get this application immediately before the end of theopportunity ..# # # Why would benefit?- You will learn what you need for the learning of English- How to become skillful in the English language- How to speak fluent English- Secrets for learning EnglishApplication features:- Supports portrait and landscape modes.- Design easy reading.- Bookmarking function.- Feature wallpapering.Enjoy the application of learning English for beginners to learnhow to learn English quickly and fluency
رجيم الزبادي : سريع ومضمون 1.02 APK
الان تطبيق رجيم الزبادي، سيخبرك كل شيء عن هذا الرجيم الفعال..مجانا لفترة محدودة (2.99$)ماذا قالوا من رجيم الزبادي:"ريجيم ينقص وزنك 9 كيلو في 12 يوم""رجيم الزبادي يلصق بطنك بظهرك من تجربه"الهدف من رجيم الزبادى ان الشخص المطلوب ان يقوم بالتخسيس سيكوناعتماده اعتمادا كليا على الزبادى فالزبادى يشعرك بالشبع لفترة طويلةوليس هذا فقد ايضا رجيم الزبادى يمد جسمك بكل العناصر المهمة والمفيدةويقدم لك افضل العناصر الغذائية لجسمك لجعل كل اجهزة جسمك تعمل بشكلطبيعى وصحى.لان اى خلل فى احد الاجهزة قد يؤثر عليك وهنا تنجح فكرة رجيم الزباديفى حرق الدهون المتراكمة حول البطن والشحوم الموجودة والتى يكون نتيجةلها ظهور الكرش.استمتع بها التطبيق واعرف عن رجيم الزبادي للتخسيسNow applythe diet yogurt, will tell you all about this accursed effective ..Free for a limited time ($ 2.99)What did they say diet of yogurt:"Diet reduces weight 9 kilometers in 12 days""Diet yogurt sticks to your belly with your back from theexperience" The goal of Diet Yogurt that the person is required to bepaid Baltkhsais will adopt entirely dependent on Yogurt Valzpadymakes you feel full for a long time and not this has also DietYogurt supplying your body with all the important elements anduseful and offers you the best nutrients for your body to make allthe devices your body is functioning normally and healthily.Because any defect in one of the devices might affect you and herethe idea of diet yogurt succeed in burning the accumulated fataround the abdomen and in the grease, which is the result of theemergence of a rumen.Enjoy it and I know the application for slimming diet yogurt
Your Mental Age 1.0 APK
Have you ever asked yourself 'What is MYMENTALAGE ?Well now you can find out the answer. We'll ask you a seriesofmultiple choice questions which you have to answer. Thequestionsare random and you might see questions that are verysimilar toones you have already answered. Don't worry. That's allpart of thehighly technical and scientific testing process.Please note that we can only accept your first answer andyoucan't change your mind. So you need to make sure youthinkcarefully. We would recommend though that you don't think toohard.Sometimes your first instinctive reaction is going to be themostaccurate. If you think, you could end up trying to answer'young'or 'old' to give a fake result. Just go with the flow andanswer asyou first think and this will produce the best mentalageresult.At the end of the mental age quiz we present you simply withanumber which is your mental age. Nothing more. Nothing less.Enjoyand share !
اختبار مستوى اللغة الانجليزية 1.0.1 APK
هل تريد ان تعرف مستواك في اللغة الانجليزيةفورا وفي الحال؟تطبيق تحديد مستواك في الانجليزي يساعدك لكي تعرف مستواك فيالانجليزي بكل يسر وسهولة$$ تذكر أن هذا التطبيق:- مجاني, فأنتم على الحب و السعة- مرن! يمكنك اختبار لغتك في الوقت الخاص بك من أي جهاز ذكي- دقيق! تم تصميم الاختبارات لدينا من قبل خبراء مؤهلين تأهيلا عاليامع العديد من سنوات الخبرة في مجال تدريس اللغة- شامل! اختبار كل عنصر من عناصر اللغة الإنجليزية ، من القراءة إلىالمفردات والقواعد- مرح! يمكنك مشاركة نتائجك مع الأصدقاء ودعوتهم لأخذ الاختبارأيضا- مباشر ! الحصول على النتائج الخاصة بك في مباشرة عند الانتهاء منالاختبارتعلم, انجليزية, لغة انجليزية, اختبار, اختبار تحديد مستوى, اختبارتحديد مستوى اللغة الانجليزية, انجليزيDo you want to know yourlevel of English language immediately and in the case?Application to determine your level of English in order to helpyou know your level of English easily and conveniently$ $ Keep in mind that this application: - Free, you are the love and Capacity - Flexible! You can test your language in yourown time from any smart device - Careful! Tests are designed by our highlyqualified experts with many years of experience in the field oflanguage teaching - Comprehensive! Test every element of theEnglish language, reading to vocabulary and grammar - Fun! You can share your results with yourfriends and invite them to take the test also - Live! Get your results in immediately uponcompletion of the testLearn, English, English language, test, test to determine thelevel, test to determine the level of English, English
sat essay prompts - FREE 1.0 APK
Now you can get a 12 in the SAT essay sectionby using the OFFICIAL essay prompts in this app.Just FREE for now ($ 4.99)App features:- OFFICIAL essay prompts- More that 14 Essay prompts to practiceThe SAT essay measures your ability to:develop a point of view on an issue presented in an excerptsupport your point of view using reasoning and examples from yourreading, studies, experience, or observationsfollow the conventions of standard written EnglishThe essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you candevelop and express ideas. You should, therefore, take care todevelop your point of view, present your ideas logically andclearly, and use language precisely.Your essay must be written on the lines provided on your answersheet — you will receive no other paper on which to write. You willhave enough space if you write on every line, avoid wide margins,and keep your handwriting to a reasonable size. Remember thatpeople who are not familiar with your handwriting will read whatyou write. Try to write or print so that what you are writing islegible to those readers.
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قصص مضحكة قصص جحا والبخلاء 1.1.1 APK
تطبيق قصص جحا والبخلاء - مضحكة .قصص جحاقصص جحا قصص مضحكة قصص متنوعة ورائعة قصص للأطفال، قصصجحاوالحمار،قصصجحا المضحكة قصص جحا المضحكة والقصيرة قصص جحاالمضحكةمكتوبة قصصجحاالمضحكة جدا قصص جحا وحماره مضحكة قصص جحا وحمارهمضحكةنوادرجحا، قصصمكتوبة قصص نادرة لجحا، قصص جحا للاطفال مكتوبة،قصصجحاللاطفالمكتوبة، قصص جحا المضحكة، قصص جحا المضحكةمكتوبة،حكاياتجحامكتوبة.JuhaapplicationstoriesandScrooges - funny.Juha storiesJuha stories funny stories varied andfascinatingstoriesofchildren's stories, Juha stories and ass,stories JuhafunnyJuhastories ridiculous and short Juha storiesfunnywrittenJuhastories very funny Juha stories and donkey funnyJuhastoriesanddonkey funny anecdotes Juha, written stories arerarestoriesofJuha, stories Juha for children written , Juhastorieswrittenforchildren, Juha funny stories, funny storieswrittenJuha,Juhatales written.
نكت وفيديوهات مضحكة 2017 28.0 APK
عاوز تضحك؟ مخنوق من أي حاجة؟ مفقوع من حد؟ أكيدحتلاقي حاجة تعجبك في "نكت مصرية" حتلاقي أجمل نكت في الدنيا حتضحك منقلبك نكت جميلة و مضحكة ستمكنكم من التسلية مع اصحابكم عبر ارسالها عنطريق مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ووسائل اخرىمع هذا التطبيق أحلى نكت سوف تضحك بدون توقف وتنسى بها همومك ويمكنكمع أحلى نكت مشاركة النكت مع اصدقاء عبر شبكات الاجماعية فايسبوك والواتساب و تويتر و sms مع أحلى نكت بها جميعا أنواع النكت نكت تحشيش- نكت النذالة -نكت مصرية -نكت سعودية -نكت جحا -نكت عربيةنكت عراقية-نكت لبنانية -نكت سورية- آخرنكت -نكت أردنية، اتمنى انينال هدا التطبيق اعجابكم وشكراAaoz laugh? Smothered anyneed? Mvqua of the end? Sure, you'll need like the "Egyptianjokes," it'll be the most beautiful in the world Andg jokes fromyour heart pretty funny jokes and will enable you to entertainmentwith Asahabkm cross sent by social networking sites and othermeans With this application will be the sweetest jokes non-stoplaugh and forget their worries and you can share jokes with thesweetest jokes with friends via unanimous networks Facebook andTwitter and Alwatsab and sms with the sweetest jokes are all kindsof jokes Thacah jokes - jokes villainy -nki Egyptian -nki Saudi-nki Juha Arab -nkiJokes Jokes Iraqi-Lebanese -nki Sorah- Akharenkt -nki Jordanian, Ihope to obtain Hedda application you like it and thank you
نكت المنشار 2015 Blagues Dz 1.0 APK
نكت المنشار 2015 , المنشار عبارة عن حصةتلفيزيونية يقدمها الفكاهي سليم الك,تطبيق المنشار يسمح لك بالاستمتاع بالنكت المقدمة من سليم الك ..تطبيق المنشار 2015 مجاني,كل اسبوع اضافة نكت جديدة وفق يرنامجالمنشار , كما يمكنك مشاركة النكت و ارسالها عبر الفايسبوك اوتويتر..يتيح لك التطبيق ما يلي :* اضافة النكت الى قائمة النكت المفضلة.* مشاركة النكت عبر المواقع الاجتماعية.* اختيار لون و حجم الخط.* تغيير الخلفية.* التطبيق يعمل بدون انترنت.و في الاخير اتمنى ان تستمتعوا ب التطبيق , نقدكم و تشجعاتكمتهمنا...Blagues Algériennes 2015,نكت جزائرية , nokte ,نكت جزائرية 100%.Jokes Saw in 2015, saw ashare Tlfazioneh provided by humorist sound quantitative, Sawapplication allows you to enjoy the jokes made by a soundquantitative ..2015 saw the application is free, each week a new addition Jokesaccording listening on the saw, as you can share jokes and sent viaFacebook or Twitter ..The application allows you to:* Add to the list of jokes jokes favorite.* Share jokes via social networking sites.* Select the color and font size.* Background change.* Application works without Internet.And in the final I hope that you will enjoy the application, andNkdkm Chjatkm valued ...Blagues Algériennes 2015, Algerian jokes, nokte, jokes Algerian100%.
نكت جزائرية جديدة مضحكة 2015 1.14 APK
Application of new Algerien jokes 2015 (NokatDz Algerien Jadida Modhika 2015) Is an application available a setof new jokes (NokatDz Algerien ) To fight against boredom and afeeling of happiness and activity, and also this application workswithout internet.Share jokes with your friends via Facebook and otherapplications, and also you can also add a group of your favoritejokes to the list of my favorite jokes.Were quick to download this application and took part the jokeswith your friends via Facebook and Whatsapp To motivate theaddition of new jokes, voted for this application by five stars andthanks.
نكت مغربية مضحكة (بدون انترنت) nokattem6.0 APK
تطبيق رائع للنكت المغربية الجديدة لهدا العام2016 بدون انترنت يتميز, هدا التطبيق بتصنفات من النكت الطريفة مثلنكت عن الحب , نكت عن البخلاء, نكت عن الكلاخ .....و المزيد منهافسارعو في تحميلها ومشاركتها عبر جميع وسائل التواصل الإجتماعي للقضاءعلى الملل.للمزيدا من العطاء ما عليكم سوى التصويت لهدا التطبيق بخمسة نجوموشكراالاحداث الاخير 2016A wonderful applicationof Moroccan jokes new for this year 2016 without Internet features,Hedda application Ptsnvat jokes funny like jokes about love, jokesabout stingy, jokes about Alclakh ..... and more of them Fassaraoto upload and share them across all social media to eliminate theboredom .For more tender, you will only vote for the five-star Heddaapplication and thank youRecent events in 2016
نكت جزائرية 2.0 APK
في هذا التطبيق اخترنا لكم افضل النكت واحسنهاتصنيفات:-نكت جزائرية-نكت جزائرية مضحكة-نكت 100% جزائرية-نكت مضحكة-dz jokes-nokat dz-dzair nokat-نكت جزائرية 2015-نكت جزائرية 2014-fokaha jazairia-فكاهة جزائريةIn this application youchose the best jokes and the best of themRatings:Algerian -nki-nki Algerian Funny-nki 100% AlgerianFunny -nki-dz jokes-nokat dz-dzair nokatAlgerian -nki 2015Algerian -nki 2014-fokaha jazairiaAlgerian -vkahh
نوادر جحا 1 APK
مجموعة من النوادر والطرائف التي بطلها الشخصيةالمشهورة والمحبوبة جحا. هيا نستمتع ونمرح من مقالب جحا وضحكاته. رحلةممتعة مع الكلمة الطريفة والرسوم الكاريكاتورية الضاحكة.Collection of anecdotesand jokes that personal hero famous and beloved Juha. Let's enjoyit and have fun and Juha dumps Dgath. Fun ride with exotic word andcartoons Smileys.
قصص جحا للاطفال 1.2 APK
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهنصر الدین جحا هي شخصية فكاهية أنتشرت في كثير من الثقافات القديمةالعربية ونسبت إلى شخصيات عديدة عاشت في عصور ومجتمعات مختلفة ونحننقدم لكم قصص جحا للاطفال التي تحتوي على طرائف و حكايات مضحكة قبلالنوم .Peace, mercy andblessings of GodNasreddin Juha is a personal comic spread in many Arab ancientcultures and attributed to several personalities who lived indifferent eras and societies we offer you Juha stories for childrenthat contains jokes and funny stories before bedtime.
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인터넷만화방 만화 웹툰 무료만화 무료웹툰 성인만화 1.1.26 APK
요즘 대세 인터넷만화방!PC에서도 모바일에서도 언제 어디서나 빠르고 편리하게!완전판 - 일반만화 + 성인만화 모두 검색 됩니다.인터넷만화방에서 만나는 재미와 감동1. 각종 인기만화 빠른 업데이트!!2. 무협, 액션, 드라마, 순정 등 다양한 장르 제공3. 머니 1000원 지급 이벤트4. 진짜 진짜 무료만화 400권 이상 제공 !!!5. 태블릿pc에서 만화책 처럼 2장씩 펼쳐서 보기 가능![주요기능]1) 여러가지 버전의 뷰어 제공 ( 한장보기, 두장보기, 웹툰방식으로 보기)2) 스트리밍보기 지원3) 책갈피, 열람한 작품 조회 기능 지원4) 열람 만화 이어 다시보기 기능 지원5) 만화 E-book 구매 지원6) 추천작품 SNS 공유 서비스 지원웹사이트 및 고객센터고객센터 1599-7707상담시간 평일 오전 9시 30분 ~ 오후 6시 30분SNS 친구가 되어주세요.인터넷만화방 최신 업데이트 소식을 받아보실 수 있습니다.카카오스토리:페이스북:트위터:구글플러스:핀터레스트:
Baca Manga Indonesia 1.0.2 APK
Baca Manga adalah aplikasi baca manga diAndroid yang cocok untuk kamu yang suka membaca manga dalam BahasaIndonesia. Baca manga memberikan kamu kemudahan untuk membaca mangaindonesia kapan saja dan di mana saja melalui perangkat Androidkamu.Fitur:-Baca Manga Bahasa Indonesia Favorit kamu.-Download manga kesukaan kamu untuk dibaca secara offline baik perchapter maupun keseluruhan chapter-Cari manga favorit kamu dari ratusan judul manga yang tersedia,semua dalam bahasa indonesia-Tandai manga kesukaan kamu sebagai favorit------------------------------------------------------------------Keywords: baca manga, baca komik, buku komik, manga indonesiaRead Manga is a mangareading application on Android which is suitable for you who loveto read manga in Indonesian. Read the manga gives you the ease toread manga Indonesia anytime and anywhere via your Androiddevice.Features:-Read your favorite Manga Indonesian.-Download your favorite manga to read offline either by chapter ora whole chapter-Find your favorite manga from hundreds of manga titles available,all in Indonesian-Mark your favorite manga as favorite------------------------------------------------------------------Keywords: read manga, read comics, comic books, mangaIndonesia
Challenger Comics Viewer APK
Challenger Comics Viewer is a FREE (NO ADS)advanced comics, manga, books and PDF viewer.It's really simple to use. You just have to scroll ! Pages areautomatically loaded and displayed (no need to click to go to nextpage).It's FREE and THERE ARE NO ADS.This version works perfectly on phones AND tablets.Supported image file formats are JPG, PNG, GIF, WebP (Android 4.0+)and BMP.Supported book file formats are PDF, CBZ/ZIP, CBR/RAR, CBT/TAR,CB7/7Z, DjVu and ePUB.Main features are :• Automatic page loading• Zoom using multi-touch• Vertical/Horizontal scrolling• 2 display modes (Simple View which displays pages one by one andMultiple Image View which displays all pages one after theother)• Scale filters: Bilinear, Bicubic, Lanczos4• Library with covers displayed to quickly open comics (multiplekind of views available)• Automatically switch to next issue when last page of the comic isdisplayed• Border cropping• Read from left to right or right to left• Actions can be customized• Single page and "2 page" display mode• Filter to improve displayed image quality• Manual scrolling by moving finger on screen• Autoscrolling by long pressing on screen• Tap to go to Next/Previous pages• Fit to Width/Height/Screen display• Multiple Image preview type• Option to direct access to page• History management• Support multi-language (for now, english, french, russian,italian)• Border can be display over Bitmap to easily identify eachpages• Contrast/Brightness/Saturation management• Screen brightness management• Application can be moved to SD Card• Cached data can be stored in internal memory or SD Card• Supports Samsung "Multi-Window" mode• Color themesFiles can be accessed on the device or network.Supported network protocols are :• Google Drive• OneDrive/SkyDrive• Mega• Ubooquity (• DLNA/Upnp (Need Android >= 4.0.3)• OPDS (beta)• Windows/SAMBA/CIFS• DropBox• Webdav/Cloud (like,,,...)• FTP• SFTPThe application needs a phone/tablet with lots of memory and apowerful processor, so don't be disappointed if your phone is quiteold and performance is not good.For instance, it works perfectly on Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Nexus 10,Galaxy S2, Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S6, Galaxy S7,Galaxy Tab, ...Documentation is available at : FAQ is available at : English forum : add comments if you like this app or if you have some newfeatures idea.To report bugs, don't hesitate to send me e-mail.Thanks !
LINE WEBTOON - Free Comics 3.0.3 APK
LINE WEBTOON - The Best Way to Read Comics,Manga & Manhwa on MobileJoin the largest community of comic fans with millions of readersworldwide.- Read over 170+ Featured Comics such as Tower of God, HeroineChic, Bluechair, and Siren's Lament every week for FREE!- Discover over 7000+ comics in Action, Romance, Comedy, Horror,Superheroes, and more- Mobile optimized scrolling for an uninterrupted readingexperience- Subscribe to your favorite series and never miss an update- Download your favorite series and read offline- Enjoy FX comics that feature sound and animationFor Customer Service: www.webtoons.comFacebook: : are LINE Webtoon and we believe that comics are for everyone -for the tall and the short, the young and the old, the ninjas andthe robots. We’re the home to thousands of creator-owned comics andcontinue to launch the careers of the next generation of greatcomic creators. We’re available anywhere, anytime, and always forfree - because comics should have no boundaries.
Marvel Comics APK
Introducing the MARVEL COMICS app on Android,featuring the world’s most popular super heroes! Download hundredsof comic books featuring your favorite characters -— including IronMan, Thor, Captain America, Spider-Man, Wolverine and more -- onyour mobile device or tablet with the touch of a button. You’llexperience Marvel’s greatest series and stories like never before,with your choice of guided view (an animated, panel-by-panel paththrough the comic), or by using regular device controls to zoom andpan your way through pages of sizzling story and amazingartwork!Each of your downloads will be protected and backed up when you useyour Marvel.Com account, meaning the next time you lose or upgradeyour device you’ll find your comics waiting to be read again!Not convinced? Check out our free downloads! Take the MarvelUniverse with you anytime & anywhere!+ Access to over 13,500 comics featuring the world's most popularsuper heroes!+ Free comics for download, updated weekly!+ Customizable reading experience -- choose between panel to panel,full page display, and more!
Astonishing Comic Reader APK
Astonishing Comic Reader is a next-gen comicreader full of stunning features! With an elegant and simpleinterface, this app allows you to browse and read all your comicson your device. Reading a comic has never been so easy, thanks to asimple navigation system and a powerful zoom feature.Organize all your comics in customizable collections, or use thepowerful search feature to find what to read. Use the intelligentsuggestions system to quickly fill your collections with relatedcomics, or jump directly to the next issue when you have finishedto read one. Synchronize your collections, favorites and statisticswith the heroic account, and never lose your data again!Astonishing Comic Reader is able to generate awesome wallpapers ifyou're using Muzei app, and have a Cast support, so you can readyour comics everywhere, on any screen! Discover Snapshots, anamazing way to store and share all moments parts you love in yourcomics. And thanks to our synchronization system, you can get yourcomics from your Cloud storage provider!Add the comics you like to your favorites list, and share the pageswhich amazed you the most with your friends in a few touches! It'sthat easy to use! Astonishing Comic Reader is fully compatible withCBZ and CBR comics! And it's ad free!Join our community on G+: free to send any suggestions or feedback you may have heroicreader!
Wallpaper Frozen Elsa & Anna 1.1 APK
Now you can add your Cute Frozen Princess Elsa character images onyour wallpaper on your phone as well.Enjoying this Cute Wallpaper app on the your mobile!To Use: Home >> Menu >> WallpapersFeatures:★ Cute Wallpapers★ Easy to Install★ Simple and Understandable Interface★ For Tab and PhonesPlease be nice and rate our app 5 Stars.Note::We don't claim any ownership of the characters, images, video,sound, voice, or anything else related to the copyrighted contentin our application. All images, video, sound, and voice used inthis application are owned and copyrighted to the respectiveowners. Our application and its content may includes intellectualproperty rights to the respective content owners and protected byapplicable copyright or other intellectual property laws andtreaties.We are not affiliated with the company which has the copyright.Thus, this application must be regarded as and made by loyal andenthusiastic fans. This application made by fans to serve fans needand for entertainment purposes only.