App Information كل يوم معلومة طبية
- App Nameكل يوم معلومة طبية
- Package Namecom.ideas.medical
- UpdatedMarch 24, 2016
- File Size2.4M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3 and up
- Version2.8.2.2
- DeveloperIdeas
- Installs10,000 - 50,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryMedical
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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كل يوم معلومة طبية APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /9/10Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 2.4 MBTested on: Android 4.4 (KitKat, API: 19)File Sha1: fe1a957740049d05353c25a408b970f691bff6cb
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كل يوم معلومة طبية APK
برنامج عربي طبي تم إنشائه ليثري القارئ العربيبالمعلومات الطبية الموثوقة. من خلال أسلوب مبسط و سليم، إعتماداً علىالمراجع العلمية.ويحاول البرنامج أن يشكل تفاعل بين جميع المستفيدين من الخدماتالطبية الإلكترونية (المريض – الطبيب – المستشفى – الصيدلية – شركاتالأدوية – شركات التأمين – مؤسسات التعليم الطبي).يحرص البرنامج على نشر معلومات طبية حصرية وموثقة، وذلك بتصنيفهاعلى عدة أقسام هي: صحة عامة، صحة الرجل، صحة المرأة، الحمل والولادة،صحة الطفل، الصحة النفسية، صحة جنسية، الحمية والتغذية، اللياقةالبدنية، صحة الأسنان، صحة العيون، الطب البديل، السكري، والسرطان.Arabic medical programwas created to enrich the Arab reader of reliable medicalinformation. Through a simplified style and sound, depending on thescientific literature.The program tries to be an interaction between all thebeneficiaries of the services of electronic medical (patient -doctor - hospital - pharmacy - pharmaceutical companies - insurancecompanies - medical education institutions).The Programme is keen to disseminate medical informationexclusive and documented, and that grouping several sections:public health, men's health, women's health, pregnancy andchildbirth, child health, mental health, sexual health, diet andnutrition, fitness, dental health, eye health, medicineAlternative, diabetes, and cancer.
Learning English Grammar APK
This application is the most distinguished inthe field of teaching English grammar, where graded with thelearner's level of beginner to advanced level and focuses his styleto give examples with a translator for each base, which makes theprogram in addition to being to teach the rules, but it is also aprogram to teach conversation by examples have been colorillustrations support program to facilitate the consolidation ofinformation has been added to each feature pronunciation words andphrases, helping the learner to learn the American accent correctand improve its ability to listen.The application is designed so that it is very light on thedevice which is completely free.
روائع الشعر العربي والعالمي APK
روائع الشعر العربي والعالمي"سليمان العيسى", "نزار قباني", "عمر ابو ريشة", "غادة السمان","أدونيس", "معين بسيسو", "محمد الفيتوري", "جبران خليل جبران", "محموددرويش", "أبو القاسم الشابي", "أحلام مستغانمي", "نازك الملائكة","جبران خليل جبران", "إيليا أبو ماضي", "حافظ إبراهيم", "أملدنقل"Masterpieces of Arab andinternational hair"Sulaiman Al-Essa," "Nizar Qabbani," "Omar Abu Risha", "GhadaSamman", "Adonis", "certain Bsaisu", "Mohammed Faitouri", "KhalilGibran", "Mahmoud Darwish", "Abu El Kacem Chebbi "," DreamsMosteghanemi "," Nazik Angels "," Khalil Gibran, "" Elia Abu Madi"," Hafez Ibrahim, "" hope Dunqul "
تقويم الهاشمي - مواقيت الصلاة APK
يحتوي البرنامج على قسميين1- تقويم الهاشميامكانية الانتقال لاي تاريخ بشكل مباشر مع امكانية استعراض الاحاديثبالضغط على التاريخ نفسه2- مواقيت الصلاةيعتبر برنامج مواقيت الصلاة من أقوي البرامج في مجال التذكير بأوقاتالصلاة الخاص بك يتيح لك هذا البرنامج التذكير بصلاة الفجر و الظهر والعصر و المغرب و العشاء أثناء وقت الصلاة لمدينة دمشق.و الكثير من الامكانيات و المميزات التي سوف تكتشفها بنفسك عنداستخدامك لهذا البرنامج.The program containsKsmyin1 - calendar HashemiThe possibility of moving the date for any direct conversationswith the possibility of review by clicking on the same date2 - Prayer TimesThe program prayer timings of the strongest programs in the arearecall the prayer times your This program allows you to recall thedawn prayer and the back and age, Morocco and dinner during thetime of prayer for the city of Damascus.And a lot of possibilities and features that you will discover foryourself when you use this program.
متع ذهنك APK
تطبيق عربي يحتوي على الكثير من المعلوماتالثقافية والترفيهية ، الاجتماعية ، الدينية ، الجغرافيةاخبار عجيبه, صور غريبه, صور عجيبه, صور طريفه, غرائب و حقائق, صورمضحكة, صور غريبة, عجايب الدنيا, عجاءب الدنيايتميز البرنامج بحجمه الصغير وامكانية الاستعراض النصوص او الصوراو مباشرة عبر الفيسويحتوي على امكانية المشاركة عبر الفيس بوك والوتس اب مباشرةArabic applicationcontains a lot of information, cultural and recreational, social,religious, geographicalNews is wonderful, strange images, wonderful pictures, cutepictures, oddity and facts, funny pictures, weird pictures, Ajaybminimum, WondersThe program is characterized by its small size and thepossibility of review texts, images, or directly via FacebookAnd has the possibility to participate via Facebook directly AlotsAugust
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علاج طبي بالاعشاب :بدون نت2016 1.1 APK
تجتاح العالم في الآونة الأخيرة موجة تطالببالعودة للطبيعة سواء في الغذاء أو الدواء وتستهدف حتى أسلوب المعيشةوالحياة، ويعتبر التداوي بالأعشاب الطبية على قمة قائمة هذهالتطلعات،نقدم لكم علاج طبي بالاعشاب :بدون نت2016 و هو عباره عنموسوعة علمية شاملة عن الأعشاب والنباتات الطبية المستخدمة في العلاجوكل الموضوعات المتعلقة بها.الطب البديل ، طب الاعشاب ، التداوي ، العلاج بالاعشاب ، الفواكه ،الخضراوات ، الحبوب ، الزيوت ، النباتاتتطبيق علاج طبي بالاعشاب :بدون نت2016 مجاني يحتوي على مجموعة من وصفات التداوى بالاعشاب الطبيعيةندكر لكم القليل من الكتير الموجود في التطبيق :علاج تاخر الحمل بالاعشاب ---علاج فقر الدم بالاعشاب---علاج الصلع--علاج عرق النسا بالاعشاب--علاج الصدفية بالاعشابعلاج الفصامبالاعشاب--علاج الذئبة الحمراء بالطب البديل--تبيض الاسنان باستخدامالطبيعة--علاج اجهاد العين بالاعشاب--علاج التهاب الجفنبالاعشاب--علاج نزلة البرد بالاعشاب--المحافظة على العين --علاج غثيانالصباح بالاعشاب--العلاج بالبرودة--تقوية جهاز المناعة --علاج حموضةالمعدة بالاعشاب---ما هي أفضل الأعشاب لحرق الدهون--كيف تتخلص منغازات القولون--ما هو أفضل علاج لطرد البلغم--طرق علاج الظهر--كيفأخفي البهاق--ما الذي يزيل آثار الحروق فوائد عسل السدر علىالريق--كيف أخفض درجة حرارة طفلي بالأعشاب--طرق تنظيف الكبد--كيف أقويبصري--بحث عن الطب النبوي--شرب ماء الورد في الصباح--ماهي فوائد حليبالصوياو العدييييييييييد من الوصفاث النصائح و المعلومات في التطبيقفقط حمل التطبيق علاج طبي بالاعشاب :بدون نت2016 الان و استفد و افدغيركشارك التطببق مع احبابك لتعم الفائدةارجو ان اعجبك التطبيق علاج طبي بالاعشاب :بدون نت2016 ان لاتبخلو عليب 5 نجوم و تقييم لمساعدتنا للتقدم نحو الامامSweeping the world in therecent wave of calls for a return to nature, whether in food ormedicine and targeting even living and lifestyle, and is consideredmedication and medical herbs on top of these aspirations list, wegive you medical herbal remedy: Without Net 2016 and is acomprehensive scientific encyclopedia on herbs and medicinal plantsused in the treatment and all the relevant topic.Alternative medicine herbal medicine, medication, herbal remedies,fruits, vegetables, grains, oils, plantsThe application of medical herbal remedy: Without Net Free 2016contains a collection of recipes and natural herbalmedicationNdkr you little ordination located in the application:The treatment of delayed pregnancy herbal treatment of anemia ------ herbal baldness cure --alaj sciatica herbal - the treatment ofpsoriasis Balaashabaalaj herbal schizophrenia - the treatment ofsystemic lupus erythematosus alternative medicine - bleaching teethusing nature - the treatment of eye strain Balaashab-- blepharitisherbal treatment - herbal cure a cold - maintain eye --alaj herbalmorning sickness - cold therapy - strengthening the immune system--alaj acidity herbal --- What are the best herbs to burn fat - Howto get rid of Colon gases - what is the best treatment to expelphlegm - Methods of treating back - how to hide the vitiligo -which removes the effects of burns benefits Sidr honey on an emptystomach - how to lower the temperature of my child with herbs -liver cleaning methods - how powerful optical --bges from theProphet's Medicine - rose water to drink in the morning - what arethe benefits of soy milkAnd Alaadieyeeyeeyed Alusvat of tips and information in theapplicationJust download the application medical herbal remedy: Without Net2016 now and take advantage newcomer and othersAlttabbak participated with loved ones for the benefitI hope that you liked the application medical herbal remedy:Without Net 2016 that Atbouklo Ali b 5 stars and evaluation to helpus to move forward
موسوعة الاعشاب الطبيه 5.5 APK
موسوعة الاعشاب الطبيه هو برنامج تعليمي هادف , يقدم البرنامجمعلوماتعلمية عن بعض الاعشاب المهمه التي تستخدم في العلاجات الطبيه,البرنامج يحتوي على الكثير من الاعشاب التي تستخدم منذ الزمنالقديمحتى يومنا هذا في علاج الامراض , ا من خلال البرنامج يمكنالتعرف علىالعشبه وفوائدها والامراض التي تعالجها . ايضا يمكن عن طريقالبرنامجالبحث عن العشبه من خلال اسم المرض .ومن خلال البرنامج يمكنالتعرفعلى الطب النبوي والنباتات التي كان يتداوى بها السلف الصالح .وايضاامكانية تلقى معلومات جديده في عالم النباتات والاعشاب الطبيهوايضامشاركه المعلومات مع المستخدمين الاخرين. وايضا اضافة تعليقاتعلىالصور لمساعدة المستخدمين على التعرف اكثر على النباتوالازهار.لإقتراحاتكم او الاستفسار يمكنكم مراسلتنا على البريدالالكتروني . للتواصل ومعرفة كل ما هو جديد :صفحتنا علىGoogle +:شكراًللجميع وبالتوفيق .
معلومات طبية صحية : بدون نت 1.1 APK
تطبيق معلومات طبية صحية : بدون نت 2016بأقسامها المتعددة تقدم المعلومات الطبية الصحية بشكل حديث و مبسط ويتماشى مع عادات و تقاليد مجتمعنا العربي.ننشر المعلومة بأمانة و نسعى للنهوض بالوعي الصحي في المجتمعاتالعربية بطريقة عصرية سهلةمعلومات طبية عامة ومفيدة عن العالم تفيدك وتجعلك اكتر معرفةبالمجال الطبي والصحي فتستفيد وتفيد من حولكموسوعة من المعلومات الطبية المهمة في شتى المجلات !تطبيق ممعلومات طبية صحية : بدون نت 2016 معلومات طبية غنية في شتىالمجالات الجمال الصحة الامراض الجلدية العناية بالشعر العناية بالوجهالأنظمة الغداية التدخين المشروبات معلومات عن المشاكل الجنسيةوالعديد من النصائح الطبية المتنوعة !كن متأكدا أنك سوف تطلع على مجموعة كبيرة من المعلومات الطبيةالمهمة التي لم يسبق لك سماعها.********************************************مميزات تطبيقمعلومات طبية صحية : بدون نت 2016********************************************✓وضوح االكتابه✓ مشاركة في مختلف الشبكات الاجتماعية والتطبيقات✓ احفظ المميزة في المفضلة✓ صور✓ البحث عن ما تحتاج له✓ يمكن أن تعمل بدون انترنتمادا تنتظرون !! اسرعوا بتحميل الموسوعة مدام بالمجاننتمنى ان يعجبكم تطبيق معلومات طبية صحية : بدون انترنت والمرجوادعمنا ولا تنسومشاركته مع الاحباب والأصدقاء.ساهموا معنا فى البرنامج بالنشر والتقييم المتميز مع ملاحظة مكتوبةThe application ofmedical health information: Net 2016 without multiple Boqsamaaprovide health and medical information in a modern and streamlinedand in line with the customs and traditions of our Arabsociety.We publish the information honestly and strive for the advancementof health awareness in Arab societies modern way easyGeneral medical information and useful for the world serve youand make you Aktar knowledge of medical and health domain,according benefiting around youEncyclopedia of important medical information in variousmagazines!Mmalomat healthy medical application: 2016 Net without medicalinformation is rich in various fields dermatologist Beauty HealthCare Facial Care Systems Algdaah smoking Beverage Information aboutsexual problems and a variety of medical advice!Be sure that you will look at a wide range of important medicalinformation that you have never heard.********************************************Ttbaiqmalomat medical health features: Without the Net 2016********************************************✓odouh Aaketabh✓ participation in various social networks and applications✓ Save your favorite deals in✓ Photos✓ Find what you need him✓ can work without InternetWhy are you waiting !! Hurry to download free encyclopediaMadameWe hope that you like the application of medical healthinformation: the Internet and without our support. Please do notforget toShare with loved ones and Alosedka.sahmua us in the softwarepublishing and outstanding reputation with a written note
طب الاعشاب - الطب البديل - 1 APK
لأعشاب الطبية والطب البديلتطبيق طب الأعشاب والطب البديل طب الاعشاب و خصائص الاعشاب والطبالنبوى و طب الاعشاب و طب النباتات و العلاج بالاعشاب و الطب النبوى والتداوى بالاعشاب و الطب البديل.تطبيق دليل التداوى والعلاج بالاعشاب الطبيعية مجاني يحتوي على مجموعةمن و صفات التداوى بالاعشاب الطبيعيةالتطبيق لمعرفة أسرار كيفية علاج الأمراض بالأعشاب و بالطرق التقليديةالشعبية المتوفرة فى أى منزل و فى متناول الجميع ، فهذا التطبيق يحتوىعلى وصفات و طرق علاج قيمة لا غنى عن معرفتها لكافة الناس على اختلافثقافاتهم.لتداوي بالاعشاب الطبيةالتداوي بالاعشاب الطبيعيةالتداوي بالطب البديلالدواء بالاعشابالطبالطب البديل - العلاج و التداوي بالاعشابالطب البديل العلاج بالاعشابالطب البديل بالأعشاب الطبيةالطب البديل بالأعشاب الطبيعيةالطب البديل والعلاج بالأعشابالطب التكميلي والبديلالطب الشعبيالطب الصيني بالاعشابالطب الطبيعيالطب العربىالطب العربي بالاعشابالطب النبوى والعلاج بالاعشابالطب النبويالطب النبوي البديلالطب النفسيالطب بالاعشابالطب ويبالعلاج الطبيعي بالاعشابالعلاج بالأعشاب الطبيةالعلاج بالأعشاب الطبيعيةالعلاجات بالاعشاببالأعشاببحث عن التداوي بالاعشاببحث عن العلاج بالاعشاببديل الطبشفى الله جميع من يعاني من الامراض ولعل وعسى يكون هذا التطبيق بهالدواء.Medicinal herbs andalternative medicineThe application of herbal medicine and alternative medicine herbalmedicine and herbal properties and prophetic medicine and herbalmedicine and medicine plants and herbal remedies and propheticmedicine and herbal and alternative medicine.Application medication guide and natural herbal therapy Freecontains a collection of recipes and natural herbalmedicationApplication to learn the secrets of how to cure diseases with herbsand traditional folk means available in any home and accessible toeveryone, this application contains the recipes and methods oftreatment of the value of knowledge is indispensable for all peopleof different cultures.For medical herbal medicationsNatural herbal medicationTherapeutics alternative medicineHerbal medicineMedicineAlternative medicine - treatment and herbal medicineAlternative Medicine herbal treatmentAlternative medicine and medical herbsNatural herbal alternative medicineAlternative medicine and herbal treatmentComplementary and Alternative MedicineTraditional medicineChinese herbal medicineNatural MedicineArabic medicineArab herbal medicineProphetic medicine and herbal treatmentProphetic MedicineProphetic Alternative MedicinePsychiatryHerbal MedicineWeb MedicineNatural herbal remedyMedical herbal remediesNatural herbal remediesHerbal remediesHerbalSearch HerbalSearch herbal remedyAlternative MedicineGod healed all who suffer from diseases and in May and perhaps bethis application by medication.
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NandaNocNic 4.1.2017 APK
La App para Profesionales de Enfermería:•Esta es la versión completa y actualizada a la última edición deNANDA-I.•Contiene la totalidad de los Diagnósticos 2015-2017 (NANDA-I),Resultados (NOC 5ª edición) e Intervenciones (NIC 6ª edición), asícomo sus Interrelaciones, ahora llamados Vínculos (3ªedición).•Navegación entre NANDA/NOC, NANDA/NIC, NOC/NIC, NOC/NANDA,NIC/NANDA, NIC/NOC y NOC/NIC con los 11 diagnósticos médicos.•Búsquedas disponibles todos los formatos:•Por Código.•Por Etiqueta.•Por Características Definitorias/Factores de la NANDA.•Por Indicadores de la NOC.•Por Actividades de la NIC.•Por Especialidades de Enfermería de la NOC y NIC.•Opciones de filtrado:•NANDA- Por Dominios de Nanda-I.- Por Necesidades de V. Henderson.- Por Patrones de M. Gordon.•NOC- Por Dominios de NOC.- Por Patrones de M. Gordon.•NIC - Por Campos de NIC.•Se pueden Crear Favoritos tanto en Diagnósticos, como enResultados e Intervenciones, añadiéndolos al Menú Favoritos dondese puede acceder a ellos de una forma rápida y cómoda.•De igual forma, se pueden Añadir Comentarios a cualquierDiagnóstico, Resultado o Intervención que deseemos, sean favoritoso no.•Navegación entre NANDA/NOC, NANDA/NIC, NOC/NIC, NOC/NANDA,NIC/NANDA, NIC/NOC. Estas navegaciones se han obtenido de lasrelaciones existentes en los libros de NIC con NANDA, NOC con NANDAy el de Vínculos.•En la navegación de NANDA con NIC, algunas de las Intervencionesobtenidas de la NIC 6ª edición vinculadas a diagnósticos reales,consideradas como Principales, Sugeridas y Opcionales, pueden estarduplicadas con respecto a las Asociadas a Factores Relacionadosobtenidas del libro de Vínculos en su 3ª edición. Este fenómeno noocurre ni con los DdE nuevos ni con las NIC nuevas incorporadas enla 6ª edición. Hemos optado por no perder esta información ennuestras bases de datos porque amplía las posibilidades debúsqueda.•Algo similar ocurre con los DdE de Riesgo en su navegación deNANDA con NIC, ya que las Intervenciones consideradas comoPrincipales, Sugeridas y Opcionales, se basan en las relaciones deNIC con NANDA de la 6ª edición de NIC. Por esta razón, puedenaparecer duplicadas algunas de ellas al coincidir con las Asociadasa Factores de Riesgo de la 3ª edición de Vínculos. Este fenómeno noocurre ni con los DdE nuevos ni con las NIC nuevas incorporadas enla 6ª edición. Hemos optado por no perder esta información ennuestras bases de datos porque amplía las posibilidades debúsqueda.Novedades en el nuevo libro de NANDA-I (2015-2017)•En esta edición se han incorporado un total de 26 Diagnósticosnuevos que van desde el código 231 hasta el 251 y del 253 al 257,ambos inclusive. Los códigos 189 al 192 ambos inclusive y el 252,no están adjudicados a ningún diagnóstico•Por otro lado, se ha procedido a la eliminación de 7 Diagnósticos,cuyos códigos son: 1, 3, 50, 101, 111, 127 y 186.Novedades en el libro de Vínculos•Contiene los vínculos de NOC y NIC a diagnósticos médicos, comonovedad•En los Diagnósticos Reales, las Intervenciones NIC asociadas a losFactores Relacionados, se presentan como un listado en ordenalfabético. No están relacionadas con factores relacionadosespecíficos•En los Diagnósticos de Riesgo del nuevo libro de Vínculos, lasautoras no han vinculado los Resultados NOC ni las IntervencionesNIC con cada factor de riesgo, únicamente aparecen como listadosalfabéticosNovedades en el libro de NIC•Como novedad destacable en esta 6ª edición de la NIC está laincorporación nuevamente de sus relaciones con la NANDA. Estainformación había desaparecido de la edición anteriorNovedades en el libro de NOC•Cabe destacar como novedad en la 5ª edición de la NOC laincorporación de una clasificación por los Patrones de la Dra.Marjory Gordon© NANDA-I, autores Diagnósticos Enfermeros© John Wiley & Sons, Inc., por cesión licencia© Editorial ELSEVIER, por las traducciones al español© Educsa Tics, S.C.P., por esta aplicación informáticaThe App for NursingProfessionals:• This is the full version and updated to the latest edition ofNANDA-I.• Contains all the 2015-2017 Diagnoses (NANDA-I), Results (NOC 5thedition) and Interventions (NIC 6th edition) and theirinterrelationships, now called Links (3rd edition).• Navigation between NANDA / NOC, NANDA / NIC, NOC / NIC, NOC /NANDA, NIC / NANDA, NIC / NOC and NOC / NIC with 11 medicaldiagnoses.• searches all available formats:• By Code.• For Label.• For Defining Characteristics / NANDA factors.• For indicators NOC.• For activities IAS.• For Nursing Specialties NOC and NIC.• Refinements:• For Domains Nanda Nanda-I.- What Needs V. Henderson.- By Gordon M. patterns.• NOC NOC For Domains.- By Gordon M. patterns.• NIC - By Fields NIC.• You can create favorites in both Diagnostics, Interventions andOutcomes and adding them to the Favorites menu where you can accessthem quickly and conveniently.• Similarly, you can add comments to any diagnosis, results orintervention we want, are favorites or not.• Navigation between NANDA / NOC, NANDA / NIC, NOC / NIC, NOC /NANDA, NIC / NANDA, NIC / NOC. These voyages were obtained from therelationship in the books of NIC with NANDA, NOC with NANDA andLinks.• In the navigation NANDA NIC, some of the interventions obtainedfrom the NIC 6th edition linked to actual diagnoses consideredmajor, Suggested and Optional, can be duplicated with respect tothe Associated Factors Related Links obtained from the book in its3rd edition. This phenomenon occurs neither with nor with the newDOE new NIC incorporated in the 6th edition. We have chosen to notlose this information in our database that extends thepossibilities of search.• Something similar happens with the DOE Risk browsing NANDA NIC,as the interventions considered Main, Suggested and Optional arebased on relationships with NANDA NIC of the 6th edition of NIC.For this reason, they may appear to duplicate some of them matchthe Associated Risk Factors of the 3rd edition of Links. Thisphenomenon occurs neither with nor with the new DOE new NICincorporated in the 6th edition. We have chosen to not lose thisinformation in our database that extends the possibilities ofsearch.Developments in the new book by NANDA-I (2015-2017)• In this edition have been incorporated a total of 26 newlydiagnosed code ranging from 231 to 251 and 253 to 257, inclusive.Codes 189 to 192 inclusive and 252, they are not allocated to anydiagnosis• On the other hand, has removed this 7 Diagnostics, whose codesare: 1, 3, 50, 101, 111, 127 and 186.Developments in the book Links• Contains links NOC and NIC medical diagnostics, as new• In the Real Diagnostics, the associated NIC Interventions relatedfactors are presented as a list in alphabetical order. They are notrelated to specific related factors• At Risk Diagnostics Links new book, the authors have not linkedthe NOC Results nor the NIC Interventions with each risk factor,only they appear as alphabetical listingsWhat's new in the book of NIC• As remarkable novelty in this 6th edition of the NICincorporation is back in its relations with the NANDA. Thisinformation was missing from the previous editionDevelopments in the book NOC• Notably new in the 5th edition of the NOC incorporating rated byDr. patterns. Marjory Gordon© NANDA-I nursing diagnoses authors© John Wiley & Sons, Inc., by assignment license© Elsevier, for translations into Spanish© Educsa Tics, S.C.P. for this software application
MyChart APK
MyChart gives you access to your lab results,appointment information, current medications, immunization history,and more on your mobile device.With MyChart you can:• View your health information• Stay in touch with your physician• Manage your appointments• Access your family's health informationYou must first create an account through your healthcare providerin order to access your information through MyChart. If yourhealthcare provider is not listed, or if you require supportaccessing your existing account, contact them directly aboutaccessing your account through the MyChart app.
Ear Agent: Super Hearing APK
Ear Agent attempts to improve your hearingwith the power of Android. Depending on how good your phone is, itcan become a high-powered listening device (like a hearingaid).NOTE: This is not a surveillance device. It augments your hearingonly.This app was previously named "Ear Agent", but is not a spydevice.Click on the center button, and you can hear the world around you.Use it to observe your surroundings and monitor what is goingon.Whether you want to listen to nature, have a conversation, or justhear the TV better, Ear Agent aims to give you super hearing andimprove what you hear. There's more going on around you than youmight realize. It's time to hear it.HEADPHONES REQUIRED. Failure to use headphones will result in awfulaudio feedback. You have been warned!NOTE ON REVIEWS: Please review the app if you try it. But I knowyou hate leaving reviews . . . because I hate leaving reviews. So,if you can think of nothing to say . . .just leave a review saying"Rad" if you love it or "Bogus" if you hate it. Or, just say "Eh"if you have no opinion. However, I love full and honest reviews asthey really help us . . . but anything is good. Five stars would beawesome. Now, back to what the app does . . . .Ear Agent amplifies the sound coming through your phone microphonestraight to your earphones. To fine-tune the incoming signal, usethe graphic audio equalizer to tactically tune into yoursurrounding environment.Perfect for the inquisitive person within you who wants to hear newthings. But also perfect for those who are hard of hearing orsuffer hearing loss (many people use it as a hearing aid). It’s notjust used to listen in on what others are saying.Upgrade to the pro version for some great added benefits:--An extended Graphic Equalizer (more than 5 bands if your phonepermits it)--Echo Cancellation (AEC)--Noise Suppression (NS)--Virtualizer (Android 4.1 and above)--Automatic Gain Control (AGC)--Bass-Boost (Bass)--MP3 Recording--Home Screen Widget--Ad-Free Spying!Learn more about Ear Agent by going to find out how to use Ear Agent, here is a tutorial on Youtube: you a blogger? We'd love for you to tell your readers about ourapps. You can download images and resources at or contact us for any other information you might need.Concerned about Security? Ear Agent is perfectly safe to use. Butmake sure you get the official version from Google Play (and not afile sharing site): NoticeWe do not collect or store any information about the users of thisapplication. Once you download it, it runs on your phone and nevercommunicates with our servers. We use Firebase Analyics whichprovides us with anonymous data but we have no access to privateinformation.If you are curious about how we make money, it is from Ads andsales only. We do not collect any information about you. We alsodevelop apps for clients (at've created a video explaining how safe Ear Agent is on Youtubehere: do not condone using Ear Agent to break laws or intrude onprivate conversations. Please use Ear Agent responsibly. Check tosee what is legal in your country before using it.Ear Agent is not wiretap and cannot be used to tap anyone's phone.It does not violate the privacy of anyone else’s phone. It simplyallows you to hear better.
DGCA Medicals 0.5 APK
This App serves the pilots of civil aviation and military aviationalike to improve health and aviation safety. The advice is free andauthentic from the desk of Aviation Medicine Specialist. Any queryrelating to the Aviation medicine will be entertained and answeredappropriately. Large information on recent trends in aviationmedicine & related articles will be provided.You query will be answered through email and thereafter youcould communicate directly thru mail.
Esophagitis Disease & Symptoms 1.0 APK
This app provides complete information aboutesophagitis diseases. Best comprehensive overview covers thesymptoms and treatment of esophagitis r This app has been developedfor everyone, all topics has been made to make it complete, usefuland interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful. If youlike it please do share it with your friends and family.Application does not overload you with complicated medicalterminology, the language is clear and does not require anyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from esophagitis• definition , description of disease and symptoms sign• what are the causes of esophagitis and risk factors• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for esophagitis• easy to read and download & beautiful full screenslideshows• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keep updating localdatabases• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates• internet connection is not required in order to use thisapp• 100% Free!!! anyway, this is a great worth app for your heathWhat to handle your heath from now on? Download this App now andlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away from esophagitis inyour family! Just download it and learn from it! Enjoy! ^_^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains esophagitis diseases information for knowledge ifyou need to apply then please contact to nearby doctor. Usefulinformation but is not a substitute for professional medicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think you may have a medicalemergency, immediately call your doctor or the emergency services.Before acting on any of the information in this application,consult with your doctor to make sure that it is right for you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application, are notintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can be used forinformation purposes only. This app cannot and should not replace apharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content is only for pocketreference & educational purposes. Consult a doctor beforeactual usage of any of the information in this app.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free to email usabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement. In caseyou face any problems do send us an email with information aboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fix itimmediately.This app providescomplete information about esophagitis diseases. Best comprehensiveoverview covers the symptoms and treatment of esophagitis r Thisapp has been developed for everyone, all topics has been made tomake it complete, useful and interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful. If youlike it please do share it with your friends and family.Application does not overload you with complicated medicalterminology, the language is clear and does not require anyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from esophagitis.• definition, description of disease and symptoms sign.• what are the causes of esophagitis and risk factors.• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for esophagitis• easy to read and download & beautiful full screenslideshows.• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keep updating localdatabases.• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates.• internet connection is not required in order to use thisapp.• 100% Free !!! anyway, this is a great worth app for yourheath.What to handle your heath from now on? Download this App now andlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away from esophagitis inyour family! Just download it and learn from it! Enjoy! ^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains esophagitis diseases information for knowledge ifyou need to apply then please contact to nearby doctor. Usefulinformation but is not a substitute for professional medicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think you may have a medicalemergency, immediately call your doctor or the emergency services.Before acting on any of the information in this application,consult with your doctor to make sure that it is right for you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application, are notintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can be used forinformation purposes only. This app can not and should not replacea pharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content is only forpocket reference & educational purposes. Consult a doctorbefore actual usage of any of the information in this app.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free to email usabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement. In caseyou face any problems do send us an email with information aboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fix itimmediately.
PR Vademécum Argentina v6.1.1 APK
PR Vademécum contiene información actualizadade medicamentos y drogas de prescripción médica comercializadas enArgentina.La aplicación permite acceder por los siguientes índices:- ProductosContiene el texto del prospecto de los productos que secomercializan en la República Argentina- LaboratoriosContiene el listado del laboratorios y los productos quecomercializa cada uno- PatologíasContiene el listado del patologías y los productos indicados paracada una- InteraccionesContiene el listado del principios activos y las interacciones decada uno- Índice FarmacológicoContiene el texto de la acción de los principios activos.- Índice TerapéuticoContiene el listado de las acciones terapéuticas y los productosindicados para cada una- I.S.P.R. Índice de Sustancias y Productos RelacionadosContiene el listado de los principios y los productos que contienencada uno.Acerca de P.R.:PR Vademécum reúne toda la información de relevancia relacionadacon los productos farmacéuticos, y está destinado a médicos,odontólogos, farmacéuticos y otros profesionales de la salud.PR Vademécum fue desarrollado a partir de fuentes confiables,como las empresas elaboradoras y la bibliografíamédico-farmacológica disponible en la actualidad.PR Vademécum no debe considerarse un medio autónomo y suficientepara recetar aquellos medicamentos o sustancias sobre los queinforma; sus destinatarios deben utilizarlo como un complemento desu indelegable responsabilidad profesional, teniendo en cuenta queel lector posee los conocimientos necesarios para interpretar lainformación aportada por este aplicativo.PR Vademecum containscurrent medications and prescription drugs marketed in Argentinainformation.The application allows access for the following indexes:- ProductsContains the package insert of the products sold in Argentina- LaboratoriesContains the list of laboratories and the products it sellseach- PathologiesContains the list of conditions and the right products for each- InteractionsContains the list of active ingredients and the interactions ofeach- Pharmacological IndexContains the text of the action of the active ingredients.- Therapeutic IndexContains the list of therapeutic actions and the right products foreach- I.S.P.R. Index Substances and Related ProductsContains the list of substances and products containing each.P.R .: aboutPR Vademecum collects all relevant information related topharmaceuticals, and is intended for physicians, dentists,pharmacists and other health professionals.PR Vademecum was developed from reliable sources, such asprocessors and medical-pharmacological literature availabletoday.PR Vademecum should not be regarded as an independent andsufficient means to prescribe those drugs or substances on whichreports; recipients must use it as a complement to its mandatoryprofessional liability, considering that the reader has theknowledge to interpret the information provided by thisapplication.
Hyperglycemia Information 1.0 APK
This app provides complete information abouthyperglycemia diseases. Best comprehensive overview covers thesymptoms and treatment of hyperglycemia r This app has beendeveloped for everyone, all topics has been made to make itcomplete, useful and interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful. If youlike it please do share it with your friends and family.Application does not overload you with complicated medicalterminology, the language is clear and does not require anyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from hyperglycemia• definition , description of disease and symptoms sign• what are the causes of hyperglycemia and risk factors• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for hyperglycemia• easy to read and download & beautiful full screenslideshows• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keep updating localdatabases• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates• internet connection is not required in order to use thisapp• 100% Free!!! anyway, this is a great worth app for your heathWhat to handle your heath from now on? Download this App now andlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away from hyperglycemiain your family! Just download it and learn from it! Enjoy! ^_^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains hyperglycemia diseases information for knowledgeif you need to apply then please contact to nearby doctor. Usefulinformation but is not a substitute for professional medicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think you may have a medicalemergency, immediately call your doctor or the emergency services.Before acting on any of the information in this application,consult with your doctor to make sure that it is right for you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application, are notintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can be used forinformation purposes only. This app cannot and should not replace apharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content is only for pocketreference & educational purposes. Consult a doctor beforeactual usage of any of the information in this app.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free to email usabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement. In caseyou face any problems do send us an email with information aboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fix itimmediately.This app providescomplete information about hyperglycemia diseases. Bestcomprehensive overview covers the symptoms and treatment ofhyperglycemia r This app has been developed for everyone, alltopics has been made to make it complete, useful and interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful. If youlike it please do share it with your friends and family.Application does not overload you with complicated medicalterminology, the language is clear and does not require anyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from hyperglycemia.• definition, description of disease and symptoms sign.• what are the causes of hyperglycemia and risk factors.• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for hyperglycemia• easy to read and download & beautiful full screenslideshows.• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keep updating localdatabases.• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates.• internet connection is not required in order to use thisapp.• 100% Free !!! anyway, this is a great worth app for yourheath.What to handle your heath from now on? Download this App now andlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away from hyperglycemiain your family! Just download it and learn from it! Enjoy! ^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains hyperglycemia diseases information for knowledgeif you need to apply then please contact to nearby doctor. Usefulinformation but is not a substitute for professional medicaladvice, diagnosis or treatment. If you think you may have a medicalemergency, immediately call your doctor or the emergency services.Before acting on any of the information in this application,consult with your doctor to make sure that it is right for you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application, are notintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can be used forinformation purposes only. This app can not and should not replacea pharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content is only forpocket reference & educational purposes. Consult a doctorbefore actual usage of any of the information in this app.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free to email usabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement. In caseyou face any problems do send us an email with information aboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fix itimmediately.