App Information ロード・トゥ・ドラゴン
- App Nameロード・トゥ・ドラゴン
- Package
- UpdatedApril 23, 2017
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3 and up
- Version10.0.0
- DeveloperACQUIRE Corp.
- Installs1,000,000 - 5,000,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryRole Playing
- Developer
- Google Play Link
ACQUIRE Corp. Show More...
ロード・トゥ・ドラゴン 10.0.0 APK
■ついに運営5年目突入! 本格パネルアクションRPG!■◇◇◇ ストーリー ◇◇◇「大災厄」が世界を襲い、17年の時が過ぎた。竜と人が数千年もの永きに渡り、幾度も「終わり」を繰り返しながら戦いを続ける世界。君の手で道を切り拓き、ドラゴンを倒せ!◇◇◇ ゲーム内容 ◇◇◇▼パネルを選ぶ簡単操作で、道をつないでバトルしよう▼道をつないで前へと進むパネルは、モンスターと戦うときは攻撃するパネルへと役割を変える!バトルではパネルを繋げるとコンボになるぞ。道を優先するか、連続攻撃で大ダメージを狙うのか…パネルを選んで道をつなぎ、パネルを選んでドラゴンを倒せ!▼それぞれ魅力的なストーリーを持つ、1,000体を超えるユニットで戦え▼数多く登場するユニットたちは、それぞれのストーリーを持っているぞ!そのストーリーがつながることで、大きな流れが見えてくる……さらにユニットを合成して強化・進化することで、新たな能力、新たなストーリーが明かされる!自分だけの組み合わせをつくり、最高のパーティーで冒険をしよう!▼4種類の「武器」と5種類の「属性」で戦略も変わる▼「剣」「槍」「弓」「杖」の武器はそれぞれパネルに対応しているので、ユニットの組み合わせでバトルの戦略は大きく変わる!さらにユニットは5種類の「属性」を持っているので、組み合わせ次第で戦闘は有利にも不利にもなるぞ!▼ツイッターでイベントやセールの最新情報をゲット▼公式ツイッターではゲーム内でも登場する「ドラ介」が最新のイベント情報をつぶやき中!※『ロードラ』では、ゲーム進行中にサーバとの通信が必要となります。通信可能な環境で、お楽しみください。※サーバとの通信が途切れた場合セーブデータを破損する恐れがあります。セーブデータ復旧などの対応はいたしかねますので、ご了承ください。※クエスト途中のデータが存在する状態でアプリのアップデートを行うとそのクエスト進行中のデータは消去されます。アップデートを行う場合、必ずクエストを終了した上で実行してください。■ finally management 5year rush! Full-scale panel action RPG! ■◇◇◇ story ◇◇◇"Large disaster" struck the world, it was passed the time at 17years.Also of over the eternal dragon and humans thousands ofyears,Again and again mourning "the end" wo repeatedly Changle fight wocontinue world.Opening up the road in your hand, defeat the dragon!◇◇◇ game content ◇◇◇▼ panel with easy operation to choose, trying to battle connectsthe road ▼Panel proceed to before connecting the road,When fighting monsters is changing the role and to the panel toattack!It becomes combo and connect the panel in the battle.Or to give priority to the road, whether the aim of the largedamage in a continuous attack ...Connect the way to choose the panel, defeat the dragon to choosethe panel!▼ each with a compelling story, fight in a unit of more than 1,000bodies ▼Unit who appeared are many, have each of the story!By the story leads, ... a large flow comes into viewBy strengthen and evolve further the unit synthesized and,A new capability, a new story is revealed!Create a combination of your own, trying to adventure in the bestparty!▼ strategy also changes four of the "weapon" five in the"Attributes" ▼Since the weapon corresponds to each panel of the "sword", "spear","bow", "cane",Strategy of battle with a combination of units varysignificantly!Furthermore, since the unit has an "attribute" of five types,Battle with the combination as soon as is also the disadvantagealso be advantageous to!▼ Get the latest information of events and sale on Twitter ▼The official Twitter also appears in the game "Dorakai" isDuring tweet the latest event information!※ In the "Rodora", you will need to communicate with the serverduring the game progress.In communication possible environment, please enjoy.※ There is a risk of damage to the save data when the communicationwith the server is interrupted.Since the correspondence we can not, such as save data recovery,please understand.When you do app updates in a state in which the quest middle of thedata is present ※Data of the quest in progress will be erased.When performing the update, please run on that was sure to end thequest.
In this hit game from Japan - An epicadventure awaits you, as you embark upon a journey to slay monstersand dragons across a vast, unexplored world. Players just need toconnect the right panels on their path and fight a way to victory.* Build a TeamPlayers build a fighting party from over 1,000 unique recruits andtake them into battle for an amazing RPG adventure.* “Panel Pick” game mechanism!Pick panels and touch them to create your own path and guide yourheroes to battle against monsters and dragons in this panel-actionRPG.* Puzzle and AttackJump into the game and solve puzzles, choose the best pathways andchain attacks together with the simple swipe of a finger.* Play with FriendsConnect with friends and trade and borrow heroes to successfullytake on the mightiest dragons for the greatest reward.*Millions playing alreadyThis exciting combat puzzle game was originally launched in Japanand has achieved millions of downloads to date.*Monthly BonusFor the rest of March players receive a special log-in bonus tocelebrate launch, and all those who play for 10 days will receivean even bigger bonus!*Epic animated battles!With easy controls and amazing battle animations, enjoy watchingyour Powerful, unique characters move with energy! Your decisionsgive power to your heroes!*Great WeaponsCharacters use weapons grouped into 4 categories: sword, spear,bow, and staff. This includes long range weapons like bow-guns andother amazing magical devices.*Easy for BeginnersEven if it's your first time playing Road to Dragons, the tutorialswill guide you until you can defeat the dragons on your own.The Story17 years ago the generation-long war with Dragons met adestructive blow when the Giant Gorger Dragons appeared anddestroyed everything. NOW, prophesy states a chosen one shallawaken in the Kingdom’s capital and summon heroes to help win thefinal battle for mankind..Important Notice- This app is available in English only.- Road to Dragons needs a constant server connection, so pleasemake sure you have internet access when you play (wifi or data).Note that your service provider may charge you for mobile data- If server connection fails, it is possible to lose some saveddata. In such cases, nothing can be done to recover that lostdata.- If you update the game while in the middle of a Quest, theexisting progress data of that Quest will disappear. Please becareful and make sure to always update the game after completingthe on-going Quest.
宇宙の寿司【3DアクションRPG】 1.0.7 APK
片手で遊べる!スタミナ制限なし!カンタン操作でプレイするたびステージが変化!何度でも楽しめるSF(寿司ファンタジー)3DアクションRPG▼宇宙で握れ!美味い寿司!▼無限に広がる「宇宙」に屋台で飛び立ち、全宇宙の人々に美味しい「寿司」を振る舞え!マイ屋台で惑星を駆け巡り、美味い寿司を求めて食材とバトル!▼転がして体当たり攻撃!▼移動&バトルは片手で遊べる簡単操作!ギョジュウを見つけたらその方向にボール型コントローラーを転がして、体当たりすればオート攻撃!並みいるギョジュウを一網打尽だ!▼個性豊かなキャラクター!▼寿司職人であるキャラクターはそれぞれ攻撃方法が異なる。プレイスタイルに合わせてキャラクターを獲得&育てよう!■■ストーリー■■人類の探究心はとどまることを知らない人が地球外の惑星にも住むようになった宇宙時代。新たな宇宙産業が誕生したことで、地球は活気にあふれていた。『食』に関する意識も高まり、本物の味にこだわる料理人たちにとって、地球外の惑星で発見された『地球外生物=ギョジュウ』は天然モノの高級食材として重宝されていた……そして、寿司職人の少年ジローもまた、『寿司』と極めるため地球から旅立った。宇宙一の寿司職人を目指して……-------------------------------『宇宙の寿司』ゲーム内容-------------------------------■獲って、握って、強化しろ!1.寿司は鮮度が命!寿司ネタになる「ギョジュウ」を発見したら、体当たりバトル!勝利すれば寿司ネタを入手できる!油断してるとお客も襲われるので要注意!屋台とお客を守りつつ戦おう。2.お客に寿司を振る舞え!住居を見つけたらお客を屋台に呼び込もう!お客が満足するとお会計。まいどあり~。3.キャラクター&屋台を強化!お金が貯まったら寿司魂を入手して、キャラクターの必殺技や武器を強化しよう。寿司魂を寿司下駄にセットすることで、ステータスアップ!アクションパートクリアで入手した武器玉は武器の強化に使えるぞ。宇宙を駆ける屋台もカスタマイズ可能。兵器をつけたり、お気に入りのデザインに変更して次なるステージへ挑戦しよう。■ピンチになったら必殺技発動!必殺技をここぞ、という時に発動して、窮地を乗り切ろう。キャラクターによって必殺技が異なるので、お気に入りのキャラクターを見つけよう!■宇宙には様々なステージが…宇宙には様々な惑星がある、惑星によって生息するギョジュウも異なる。惑星の上の数字は難易度を示しているので、レベルを上げながら挑戦しよう!同じ惑星でも訪れるたびに地形が変わって何度でも楽しめる!■多様な寿司レパートリーを図鑑でチェック!今までにお客に振る舞ってきた寿司は寿司図鑑で確認できる。寿司ネタになるギョジュウの図鑑もあるので、こちらもチェック。■初心者でも安心!初心者や困った時には「アカッピ」が優しくあなたを導きます。【対応端末】Android4.1 以降※『宇宙の寿司』では、ゲーム進行中にサーバとの通信が必要となります。通信可能な環境で、お楽しみください。※サーバとの通信が途切れた場合セーブデータを破損する恐れがあります。セーブデータ復旧などの対応はいたしかねますので、ご了承ください。※アクションパート途中のデータが存在する状態でアプリのアップデートを行うとそのアクションパート進行中のデータは消去されます。アップデートを行う場合、必ずアクションパートを終了した上で実行してください。
Wizardry 囚われし魂の迷宮 1.1 APK
人気を博した3DダンジョンRPG、「Wizardry 囚われし魂の迷宮」を完全移植!超美麗グラフィック、シビアで緊張感あふれるゲームシステムを存分にお楽しみください。【必要環境】Android OS バージョン2.3以上【ストーリー】それは悠遠なる世界の物語。紀元前2000年頃。創造神アヴルールの生み出した神龍の血を引くドラグーン族は、卓越した魔法と文明で繁栄を極め、世界を支配していた。しかし、ドラグーン族は、自らの驕りにより、その文明や高度な魔法技術と共に滅び去った。その後、幾多の戦乱が続いたが、アザルス大陸に誕生したダルア皇国によって、アザルス大陸は統一され、ここにアザルス歴元年が始まった。だが、アザルス歴100年に、そのダルア皇国も王の乱心により瓦解し、それ以降は「ディメント王国」「クォパティ法制院」「ハーサント連邦」の三大国家によって大陸は統治され、安定期に入った。人々は争いのなくなった平和に満足した。だが、ここにきて、遥か昔・・・神話の時代、天使によって封じられたと伝えられていた怪物の類が頻繁に現れるようになった。また、妖魔妖獣の類ばかりか「古き者ども」と呼ばれ、恐れられる悪魔までもが、アザルス大陸各地で目撃された。ある賢者は「古き者どもを封じていた何かが力を失いつつある」と言い、ある占い師は「世界の均衡が崩れ始めた」と言う。だが、誰一人として正確な答えを持つ者はいなかった。平和を甘んじながらも異形の者たちの影に怯える生活。だが、そんなに人々の中には、ドラグーン族が残した財宝を探す者や、恐ろしい怪物を退治することで報酬を得る者たちが現れた。尋常ならぬ精神力を持ち、体術や魔術を繰り、幾多の困難に立ち向かう彼らを人々は「冒険者」と呼んだ。様々な冒険者がアザルス大陸の各地で活路する中、また一つ大きな事件が世界に訪れる。【ご注意】初回起動時に約80MBのデータをダウンロードする必要がございます。3G回線では通信制限により途中でダウンロードが出来なくなる場合がございますので、Wi-Fi環境でのご利用をお勧め致します。Fully portable 3DdungeonRPG that gained popularity, the "Wizardry caught Shilabyrinth ofsoul"!Super beautiful graphics, please enjoy the game system fulloftension in severe freely.[Requirements]Android OS version 2.3 or higher[Story]It Yuen Naru world of the story.Around 2000 BC.Dragoon tribe draw the blood of Dongfeng Peugeot Citroenthatproduced creative God Avururu is extremely prosperityexceptionalmagic and civilization, had ruled the world.However, Dragoon tribe, by his own arrogance, left perish alongwithits civilization and advanced magic technology.Then, but was followed by many of the war, by Darua Empire wasbornin Azarusu continent, Azarusu continent is unified, Azarusuhistoryfirst year began here.But, in Azarusu history 100 years, to collapse by its DaruaEmpirealso Crazy king, since it by three large national"Dimentokingdom", "Ku~opati legislation salon", "Hasanto federal"continentis governed, and went into the stable period .People are satisfied with the peace that is nolongerdisputed.But, you come here, long ago ... myth of age, the monster ofthekind had been reported to have been sealed by the angel begantofrequently appear.Also, is referred to as the only or "old person Our" kind ofmysticsWicked, even feared the devil, was witnessed by Azarusucontinentaround.Some wise man is referred to as "something that had sealed theoldperson Our is losing power", a fortune-teller says "equilibriumofthe world began to collapse."But, did not the person who has the accurate answer asnobody.Life frightened to shadow Shah our variant even while settlethepeace.But, so much in the people, to find a person or a treasureDragoontribe left, those who reap the rewards by getting rid ofhorriblemonster appeared.It has the mental strength to not become vulgaris, and repeatedthebody surgery and magic, they people who confront manydifficultieshe called "adventurer".Among various adventurers are way out in many parts ofAzarusucontinent, also one big incident visit to the world.[Note]First you will need to download the data of about 80MBatstartup.Because there are times when a 3G network that it is no longerableto download on the way by the communication restrictions,werecommend the use of in the Wi-Fi environment.
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ドラゴンハンターCOOP - 放置で強くなるオートプレイ&鍛錬 1.1.39 APK
【超・初心者キャンペーン実施中!!】 ★いま登録すれば、48時間フィーバータイムに突入確定!!★★さらに毎日ゲリラ的に無料10連ガチャを実施中!★ ◎3ボタンで誰でも簡単リアルタイムバトル!◎協力プレイが楽しすぎて、これはもはや戦えるSNS?! ◎豪華声優のボイスで彩るワクワクコミュニケーション◎コミュニケーションが楽しくなるアバターの組み合わせはほぼ無限! ◆◇ドラハンのココがスゴイっ! ◆◇ ▼1 アバターがスゴイっ!ドラハンのアバターは1垓通りの組み合わせ!顔や髪型はもちろん、ボイスも変更できちゃうのだ。君もいっぱいオシャレして冒険にくりだそう!※1垓=1兆の1億倍 ▼2 ボイスがスゴイっ! 豪華有名声優陣がチャットボイスで参戦!好きな声をアバターにセットして夢の競演バトルだ! △グランギルド教官・クラウス(CV.緑川光) △光の精霊・パルル(CV.小倉唯) △情報屋の少年・シーカ(CV.木村良平) 他、総勢50名以上! ▼3 リアルタイムバトルがスゴイっ!リアルタイムにこだわったバトルシステムは、仲間の息遣いを感じるレベル!気の合う仲間を集めて凶悪ドラゴンの討伐に挑め!▼4 やりこみ要素がスゴイっ! ヘビーゲーマーな君は、無数の装備×スキルで自分だけのビルドを追求しよう!▼5 コミュニティがスゴイっ! ギルドに参加して、最高の仲間と出逢おう! ▼6 闘技場バトルがスゴイっ!ありそうでなかったリアルタイムアクションバトルに病みつき必至! <<< 開発者の声 >>> 説明文をここまで読んでくれてありがとう!問題は何を狩るか、じゃないんだ。誰と狩るか、なんだ。 ドラハンでいい仲間を見つけてくれ! ■価格 アプリ本体:無料※一部有料アイテムがございます。 ■推奨環境 android4.3以降※推奨端末以外でのサポート、補償等は致しかねますので何卒ご了承くださいませ。※快適にゲームをお楽しみ頂くため、Wi-Fi環境でのプレイを推奨致します。※一部環境や端末使用状況によって、ゲームがスムーズに動作しない場合があります。アプリを終了する、端末の電源を切る、キャッシュクリア等で改善する可能性があります。※ご利用前にアプリ内「メニュー」から利用規約を必ずご確認の上ご利用ください。※ストア情報には、今後実装予定の装備や開発中のものが含まれている場合がございます。 ※闘技場を搭載しました(2016/12)※バトルログレスポンスの不具合を改善しました(2017/3)
Dragon Pet APK
On the snowy peaks of an ancient mountain youhave found a magic dragon egg. All you have to do is to keep it atproper temperature, an it might hatch into a virtual baby pet withwhom you can spend wonderful adventures by playing, training andtaking care of your cute pet. Train a dragon and become creator ofyour own saga. Care for him and he will become your best, magicfriend or simply ignore him and he will eventually run away, getsick or even die.Like a modern 3d, virtual tamagotchi, his life will go on evenafter you close game and an icon will notify you anytime yourdragon need your help. Hatch your first egg to receive cute tinydragon. Create your own story and become best dragon pet Trainer indragons world. Hear yelp of your foes. Visit shops in a dragonscity and build this fairlyland.Have you ever wondered how to train a dragon in real life? Now youhave this chance!Raise your tiny dragon in this great simulation dragon game.Now with leaderboards! You can challenge your friends online topick best dragons trainer.Features:★ first tamagotchi pet game in 3d★ battle against other dragons at arena and become greatestgladiator★ build and explore this new dragons world★ observe as those cute creatures lives, walks and fly★ dragons grows and evolves with time★ clean and feed him, care and pet as he would be real, liveanimal★ raise power of your best tamagotchi pet in this great dragongame★ play simple and extended mini games with upgrades and specialskills★ addictive Bubbles Shooter mini game★ rescue fairyland and fight with angry moles in Moles Hunt★ win wars with jelly bean blobs in Dragon Defender and DragonHunter mini game★ catch candy, fruits and vegetables in Food Fall mini game★ flappy dragon mini game with online leaderboard★ buy clothes or potions to change your dragon's appearance★ world online rankings. Become best dragons pet trainer★ Save & Load your pets at many devices★ doesn't require wifi or internet to playHOW TO PLAY:★ get dragon egg then choose scales and belly colour... after thatjust crush egg shell★ care for your tiny dragon basic needs and it will turn with timeinto older stadiums of dragon★ care for your virtual dragon and earn pet points to increasedragons trainer level★ higher dragons trainer levels unlocks skin potions with manydifferent skin coloursFor any problems or questions with Dragon Pet game, find us onFacebook:
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Weed Firm 2: Back to College 3.0.60 APK
Weed Firm 2: Back to College by ManitobaGames.The sequel to the now-legendary weed growing adventure, Weed Firm:RePlanted, featuring the next level in simulations for sellingpot.In this plant game you will:• Cultivate your weed farm empire with multiple strains ofmarijuana, including the well-known White Widow and Purple Haze, aswell as the amazingly powerful and extremely beautiful AlienWeed• Market your pot to a range of eccentric clientele such as Janethe exotic dancer, Luni & Durte the rap duo, Sandy & Mandythe Cheerleaders, Ian the DJ, Rasta Bob, and many more• Grow your plantation and customize your shop with a series ofitems that will help kick up your buzz as well as keep you safefrom cannabis seeking intruders• Break into a new line of grass business & expand your shop bygrowing magic mushrooms; including varieties such as Mexican,Ecuadorian, Alien, and Intergalactic• Open up a portal to another galaxy and sell your finest mushroomsto extraterrestrial alien visitors• Defend your stash of ‘shrooms and mary jane from the localGangbangers and find creative ways of shaking off corrupt cops andfederal agents who are ready to bust up your pot growingshop.In this follow-up to Weed Firm: RePlanted, the popular role-playingweed growing and dealing adventure, expelled botany student TedGrowing heads back to his Alma Mater. This time he's not there tohit the books, but rather to hide out from the cops who are hot onhis trail. Ted sets up his grass grow-op in an abandoned gym andgets down to doing what he does best: cultivating and sellingcannabis. You get to be Ted as he expands his weed farm to newlocations; planting new varieties of bud and magic mushrooms. Feelyour pulse rising as Ted tries to keep his buzz up while growinghis pot farm empire and selling to an ever-increasing client basethat demands R-E-S-P-E-C-T.Jah be with you! PeaceTwitter:
Ninja Heroes 1.1.0 APK
Explore the real world of Ninja and experience the excitingadventure with level up, learn the ultimate jutsu and become thestrongest Ninja.Build the strongest Ninja Village by winning in this epicmultiplayer battle.With hundred of plots and forbidden technique will make thebattle become more immense.Fight for friendship, peace and glory! Prepare for the biggestNinja War in the history and become the Legend!Download for FREE the MOST ANTICIPATED Ninja theme role-playinggame for the Android!FeaturesNinjaCollect all over 100 Ninja with different technique!JutsuLearn more than 100 Jutsu include Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu,Dojutsu and SenjutsuTailed BeastFight Jinchuriki, obtain the power of Tailed Beast and become thestrongest NinjaArena PVPChallenge each other and compete to be the greatest oneEndless FunLevel up your Ninja, train Ninja, explore Ninja world, participateat Genin Trial exam, and more!Auto ModeCrush your enemies with auto mode for simple and easy battles!The game is free to play, but you can choose to purchase someextra items.Network connection is also required to play.
ZENONIA S: Rifts In Time 3.5.1 APK
The world’s most popular mobile RPG, ZENONIA®,is now online! !Travel across nine treacherous realms to uncover the mystery behindthe portal.Assist the Celestial Kingdom and expose the horrifying truth.Chat and play with your friends in real-time! Join a co-op raidparty and fend off vicious monsters in Raid mode. Enter PVPmatchups to destroy your competition.[Real-time Action]Battle monsters, make friends, and punish challengers all from yourmobile device.Explore the world of ZENONIA S: Rifts in Time across the ninerealms.Test your survival skills in the Monster Wave mode.[Classes]Choose from your favorite ZENONIA® characters.Slasher/ Ranger/ Fighter / Magician / AssassinAwaken your hero and break the limit.[Customize]Customize you character with over 300 different pieces ofequipment.Increase the effectiveness of your weapons, armor, and accessoriesthrough various enhancementsPut your skills to the test in ZENONIA S: Rifts in Time. Becomelegendary!* This game requires the following permissions for optimalgameplay.- Permission to sync your Address Book and access device status forFriend Invites[READ_CONTACTS, READ_PHONE_STATE]- Permission to sync your Google account[GET_ACCOUNTS]- Permission to save necessary game data externally[READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]** This game is available in English.** There may be additional costs when trying to obtain certainitems.* GAMEVIL Official Website :* GAMEVIL Customer Support : of Service: Policy:
Dungeon Hunter 4 APK
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Weed Firm: RePlanted. The Vicious and LawlessCareer of Mr. Ted GrowingThe updated version of the popular weed growing inspired gamefeatures a unique, fictional role-playing adventure for you tocultivate your marijuana fantasies.You will:- Plant and raise new marijuana strains and use different pots andfertilizers to increase your harvests- Customize your weed shop to attract new customers with recordplayers, bongs and more- Increase your pot profits by interacting with the numerous,colorful stoners while you spin vinyl and smoke dope withthem- Defend your shop from thugs, corrupt cops and the infamousextraterrestrial aliens (!) straight out of their UFOs as youcollect huge piles of money and Mary Jane.- Complete tasks like collecting big piles of cash, outsmarting thewily five-o and dealing with the hordes of mary jane lovingcustomers knocking at your door.Follow the colorful story of expelled botany sophomore Ted Growingas he inherits a little herb growing operation. Watch as he putshimself to work growing and cultivating Bush Weed, Northern Lights,White Widow, Purple Haze Pot and the sweet Alien Crossbreed. Jamout to Reggae, Punk and Trance music while hanging out in his sweetstoner pad. Watch him smoke up with colorful characters like DancerJane, Mary the Artist, Bob Rasta, Sandy the Cheerleader, LeeMechanic, and more. Watch out for the bad guys like the ganjaloving gangstas and the pesky police. And be extra wary of ourvisitor from Area 51; the alien extraterrestrial ready to abductyou and your grass for a trip to outer space, UFO style. Don’tskate through your tasks half-heartedly either, there’s a newsurprise every app update for you to explore, exploit and flame upyour green empire with!Good luck staying out of trouble, because once you get big everyonewill want a piece of you & your pot profits.Get growing, Mr. Growing, and may Jah be with you in your budbusiness!
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