App Information 検索プラス - 検索するだけでお小遣いが稼げる検索アプリ
- App Name検索プラス - 検索するだけでお小遣いが稼げる検索アプリ
- Package Namejp.jig.product.find
- UpdatedJune 8, 2016
- File Size11M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.0 and up
- Version1.9.7
- co., ltd.
- Installs100,000 - 500,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryLifestyle
- Developer
- Google Play Link co., ltd. Show More...
検索プラス - 検索するだけでお小遣いが稼げる検索アプリ 1.9.7 APK
◆◇◆検索プラスとは?◆◇◆検索+(検索プラス)は、モバイルでの検索でお小遣い稼ぎができる検索アプリです!ホーム画面やサジェストに表示される話題の検索ワードで旬なワードがまるわかり、話題のワードをタップして検索するだけで今のトレンドを素早くキャッチできます!さらに、検索やサイト閲覧しているだけで、あれよあれよとポイントが貯まっていきます!これを使ってしまったら、今まで使っていた検索アプリやブラウザには戻れない…かも。検索プラスには検索以外にも便利な機能が満載です。◆◇◆便利で楽しい機能◆◇◆・片手でかんたん操作戻る、進む、検索、お気入り、タブと検索やサイトの閲覧に必要な機能を画面下部に集約して片手でラクラク操作できます!・タブ数無制限タブの数に制限なく開くことができるのでタブ数を気にしないで検索やサイト閲覧することができます!・プライベート検索ワンタッチで履歴を残さない検索やサイト閲覧をタブ毎に行うことができます!・ティッカーニュース旬なニュースや見ているページに関係するニュースが画面上部のティッカーに流れます!・カラーカスタマイズ自分の好きな色にアプリをカスタマイズすることができます!さらに!!!◆◇◆ポイントが貯まる◆◇◆毎日使っているだけでどんどんポイントが貯まる!!・スペシャルポイント利用開始から7日以内に秘密の条件にあてはまると1,000ポイントGET!・ディリーポイント毎日、最初の起動時にポイントGET!!・検索ポイント普段やっているように、検索して閲覧するだけでポイントGET!!・ボーナスポイント検索して閲覧する時に、最大1,000ポイントのボーナスがつくことも!・ニュースポイントホーム画面のニュースを読んでポイントGET!!・招待ポイント友だちを招待して500ポイントGET!!◆◇◆あんしん◆◇◆他のお小遣い稼ぎアプリと違って、興味のないアプリやサービスを無理に使わなくてOK!◆◇◆ポイントを即交換◆◇◆貯まったポイントは、Amazonギフト券、iTunesギフト、PeXポイントにすぐ交換可能!他のお小遣い稼ぎアプリのような在庫切れの心配なし!※ポイントに関しての詳細は、アプリ内の説明をご参照ください。※iTunes及びiTunesギフトカードは、Apple Inc.の商標です。※Amazon及びAmazonギフト券は、, Inc.またはその関連会社の商標です。※このアプリにおいて提供しているサービスは株式会社jig.jpが独自で実施しております。Google inc.及びGoogleJapan合同会社、その関連会社は本サービスのスポンサーではなく、本サービスとは一切関係がありません。◆ ◇ ◆ the search plus? ◆◇ ◆Kensaku + (Kensaku plus) is a search application that can earnpocket money in search of a mobile!Home screen and search word of the topic to be displayed on thesuggestions to understand seasonal word is full, you can quicklycatch the current trend by simply search by tapping the topic ofthe word!In addition, search and only site being browsed, Areyoareyo andpoints will continue to accumulate!What if I use this, do not go back to search apps and browserthat has been used until now ... it is.The search plus other than the search is a useful featurepacked.◆ ◇ ◆ convenient and fun features ◆ ◇ ◆- With one hand easy operationBack, Forward, search, favorite entering, you can manipulate Easethe tab and functionality required to browse the search and sitewith one hand to consolidate at the bottom of the screen!Tab UnlimitedSince it is possible to open an unlimited number of tabs you canbrowse search and site not care about the number of tabs!Private SearchYou can do a search and site browsing leaves no history at thetouch of a button on each tab!Ticker NewsNews related to the page you are viewing season news and will flowto the top of the screen ticker!Color CustomizationYou can customize the app to their favorite color!further! ! !◆ ◇ ◆ points collect ◆ ◇ ◆More and more points collect just to use every day! !Special point1,000 points GET and within 7 days from the use start applies tothe secret of the conditions!- Dilley pointEvery day, point GET to the initial start-up! !· Search pointTo be doing everyday, point GET only browse search to! !Bonus pointsWhen you browse search and, also to get up to 1,000 points ofbonus!News PointsPoint GET read the home screen news! !· Invite pointInvite your friends to 500 points GET! !◆ ◇ ◆ Safety ◆ ◇ ◆Unlike other earn pocket money app, not forced to use theinterest-free apps and services OK!◆ ◇ ◆ immediately exchange the point ◆ ◇ ◆Accumulated points, Amazon gift certificates, iTunes gift,immediately replaceable in PeX points!Such without fear of the stock as of other earn pocket moneyapp!※ For more information on point, please refer to the descriptionof the app.※ iTunes and iTunes gift card is a trademark of Apple Inc..※ Amazon and Amazon gift certificates,, are trademarksof Inc. or its affiliates.※ service that is provided in this app has been conducting its ownLtd inc. And Google Japan Limited Liability Company, itsaffiliates is not a sponsor of this service, and the service doesnot have a relationship at all.
jigbrowser+ - Fast Tab Browser 1.8.2 APK
"Better, faster, and more fun - we’ll keeppushing the envelope."You can now enjoy the same fast browsing and forward-thinking yetintuitive interface of jigbrowser+ with your iPhone, iPod touch,and iPad.★The Fusion of Design and Usability★The advanced tab UI and circle menu are not only easy on the eyes,they are functional.When we design, we make sure that features you use the most areeasily and simply accessible with one hand.★Optimizing the Limited Mobile Screen Space★You might have felt,when you've used the other browser,“There aretoo many features, too little space”.jigbrowser+ neatly stores away functions like web clips, historyand note in a side panel. While the side panel is normally hidden,it is super easy and simple to access to when you need it.★Collect All You Need in Your Own Browser★You can clip away the Web pages you are looking or the text youliked. You can even take note of your idea and clip that too!You can easily keep all of your “Like” right in yourbrowser..★Collected a lot? No worries, we got your back★Search function in the content panel allows you to searchFavorites, Web clips, images and notes all at once.This way, finding the one you are looking for is a snap no matterhow vast your collection is."jigbrowser+" will make your Web browsing faster and morefun.Now immerse yourself and experience the new kind of browsing.
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アンケートでポイント!お小遣いを稼ぐ・貯めるならテスティー APK
ポイント交換先にGoogle Playギフトが追加されました!TesTee(テスティー)はこんな人にオススメ!・LINE(ライン)のスタンプや着せ替えにお金はかけたくないけど、かわいいスタンプを無料で手に入れたい方・わざわざお金をかけてまで買いたい訳じゃないけど、Amazon(アマゾン)でちょっと買いたいものがある方・在宅の副業や内職で現金のお小遣いを稼ぎたい主婦や学生の方・スマホゲームを遊んでいて、課金をしたいけど出来ない方・毎日の通勤時間に片手で手軽に暇つぶしをしたいサラリーマンの方等々ちょっとしたお小遣いが欲しいと思う全ての方にぴったりです!TesTee(テスティー)のおすすめポイント■アンケート回答>ポイント付与までがたったの数秒で圧倒的に簡単!アンケートを選択したら2つの画像を見比べて、良いと思った方をタップで選択・回答するだけ!本当にそれだけでポイントをゲット出来ちゃうんです!だから、ちょっとしたスキマ時間や暇つぶしにも最適!さらにアンケートも毎日届くので、日々楽しんでお小遣い稼ぎをしたい人にオススメ!■各種ギフトカードの在庫切れは無し!しかも、少額交換もOK!貯めたポイントをギフトコードや電子マネー、ギフト券に交換しようと思ったけど、在庫切れで交換できない…なんて事はありません!TesTee(テスティー)はギフトコードや電子マネー、ギフト券の在庫切れは無く、しかも50円〜の少額交換も可能!交換したギフト券でLINE(ライン)のスタンプや着せ替えを無料でゲットしちゃうも良し、Amazon(アマゾン)で好きなものをお買い物するも良し!現金と交換して好きに使うも良し!■アンケート回答だけでなく、様々なポイント獲得手段ですぐにポイントが貯まる!アンケート回答数ボーナス、ログインボーナス等ボーナスポイントに加え、友達を招待したり、高還元の簡単おしごとをこなす事でサクサクポイントゲット!現在ポイント交換出来るギフトは、下記の通りです。【ギフトコード送付】・Amazon(アマゾン)ギフト券・LINE(ライン) ギフトコード【ドットマネー経由】 ・現金(銀行振込)・WebMoney(ウェブマネー)・Vプリカ・JALマイレージバンクマイル・楽天Edy・WAONポイント・Tポイント・dポイント・au WALLETポイント・nanacoポイント・Suicaポイントギフト・メトロポイント・ビットキャッシュ・NET CASH・CNポイント・Amebaコイン・読書ポイント今後共TesTeeをお使いの皆様の御要望、ご意見を元に・Google Playギフト・PeXポイントギフト等、様々なギフト券を追加予定です!【不具合やバグのご報告はこちらからお願い致します】※本アプリにおけるサービス及びポイントの提供は、株式会社TesTee(テスティー)が独自に実施しており、GoogleInc.および、その関連会社とは一切関係がありません。※及び特典の発行元、メーカーなどは、特段の記載がない限り、本サービスのスポンサーではなく、本サービスとは一切関係がありません。※LINE及び特典の発行元、メーカーなどは、特段の記載がない限り、本サービスのスポンサーではなく、本サービスとは一切関係がありません。※本アプリに不具合やバグがございましたら、アプリ内「設定」>「お問合せ」からご連絡いただけますと幸いです。
Yahoo!検索 3.11 APK
ご利用の皆様へ【アプリ提供終了のご案内とお詫び】誠に勝手ながら、Yahoo!JAPANでは、2017年1月20日をもちまして、Yahoo!検索アプリの提供を終了することにいたしました。長らく本アプリをご愛用いただいた皆様には心よりお詫び申しあげます。今後は、代替えアプリとして検索機能をはじめ多彩なサービス機能を持ち合わせたYahoo! JAPANウィジェット統合版をご利用いただければ幸いです。ホーム画面から、すぐ「Yahoo!検索」へ!「Yahoo!検索」は、Yahoo! JAPANが提供するYahoo!検索の公式ウィジェットです。※ウィジェットをご使用になるには、本アプリを端末本体に保存している必要があります。※ウィジェットをホーム画面に追加する方法はこちらのページをご覧ください。!JAPANの起動や、Yahoo!検索の利用が簡単にできます。アイコンやウィジェットをタップし、検索語入力欄にキーワードを入力、または音声入力することで簡単に検索できます。◆主な機能・検索語入力欄の下の「画像」や「知恵袋」などを選択すると各検索サービスで検索ができます。ウェブ検索に加え、Yahoo!検索の以下の検索サービスをご利用いただけます。検索したい内容に合わせてご利用ください。 画像検索 知恵袋検索 リアルタイム検索 動画検索 ニュース検索 アプリ検索 辞書検索 ショッピング検索 ヤフオク!検索 地図検索 人物検索 レシピ検索・検索語入力欄にキーワードの一部を入力すると、キーワードの候補として「関連検索ワード」が自動的に表示されます。・候補の中に検索したいキーワードがあれば、そのキーワードをタップすることで検索できます。・複数のキーワードで検索したい場合は、右側のプラスアイコンをタップすると検索語入力欄にそのキーワードを追加入力できます。・検索履歴を消したい場合は、端末のメニューボタンから「検索履歴をクリア」を表示、タップしてください。常に検索履歴利用しない場合は、設定メニューの「検索履歴を有効にする」のチェックを外して無効にしてください。・キーワード入力補助機能を無効にしたい場合は、設定メニューの「入力補助を有効にする」のチェックを外して無効にしてください。・左側にある「Y!」ボタンをタップすると、Yahoo! JAPANトップページが開きます。「ニュースが見たい」「明日の天気を知りたい」など、Yahoo!JAPANのサービスを利用されるときは「Yahoo!検索」ウィジェットの「Y!」ボタンをタップしてください。・端末の解像度に合わせて、2×1以上のサイズに横リサイズが可能です。※リサイズはAndroidOS3.1以上に対応しています。・ウィジェットの背景色をカスタマイズできます。本アプリケーションは、Yahoo!JAPAN利用規約<ソフトウエアに関する規則(ガイドライン)を含みます>をご確認のうえ、ご利用ください。■Yahoo! JAPAN利用規約■プライバシーポリシー■ソフトウエアに関する規則(ガイドライン)[Apology and guidance ofApp end] to everyone you useActually without permission, in Yahoo! JAPAN, WomochimashiteJanuary 20, 2017, we have decided to terminate the provision ofYahoo! Search app.We would like to apologize from my heart to everyone who patronizethe long this application.In the future, we would appreciate your use of the Yahoo! JAPANwidget integrated version that was ready to start a variety ofservice features a search function as an alternative app. ======From the home screen, to immediately "Yahoo! Search"!"Yahoo! Search" is the official widget of Yahoo! Search Yahoo!JAPAN provides.※ to become use the widget, you must have this app to save to theterminal body.Please refer to the instructions on how to add a widget to the homescreen of here page ※. and of Yahoo! JAPAN, Yahoo! You can search of easy use.Tap the icon or widget, enter a keyword in the search term inputfield, or you can easily search by voice input.◆ main function- Search words can be searched for each search service If youselect, such as "image" and "Answers" below the input field.In addition to web search, Yahoo! Offers a search following searchservices. Please use to suit you want to search for content.Image searchAnswers SearchReal-time searchVideo SearchNews SearchApp searchDictionary searchShopping SearchYahoo! Auctions SearchMap retrievalPeople SearchRecipe search· Search term If you enter a part of the keyword in the inputfield, will be automatically display the "related search word" as acandidate for the keyword.If there is a keyword you want to search for in a candidate, youcan search by tapping the keyword.• If you want to search on multiple keywords, you can add enter thekeyword in the search term input field and tap the right side ofthe plus icon.• If you want to erase the search history, display the "ClearSearch History" from the menu button on the terminal, please tap.If you always search history do not use, please disable uncheck the"Enable search history" in the setup menu.Keyword if you want to disable the input auxiliary function, pleasedisable and uncheck "Enable input auxiliary" in the setupmenu.- On the left side there when you tap the "Y!" Button, to open theYahoo! JAPAN top page.Such as "news you want to see," "I want to know tomorrow'sweather", please tap the "Y!" Button in the "Yahoo! Search" widgetwhen you are using the Yahoo! JAPAN services.- According to the terminal of the resolution, it can be next toresize the 2 × 1 or more of the size. ※ resize is compatible withmore than AndroidOS3.1.• You can customize the background color of the widget.This application, Yahoo! JAPAN Terms after the verification,please use.■ Yahoo! JAPAN Terms of Use■ Privacy Policy■ rules for software (guidelines)
Yahoo!検索(軽量版) 2.8 APK
ご利用の皆様へ【アプリ提供終了のご案内とお詫び】誠に勝手ながら、Yahoo!JAPANでは、2017年1月20日をもちまして、Yahoo!検索(軽量版)アプリの提供を終了することにいたしました。長らく本アプリをご愛用いただいた皆様には心よりお詫び申しあげます。今後は、代替えアプリとして検索機能をはじめ多彩なサービス機能を持ち合わせたYahoo! JAPANウィジェット統合版をご利用いただければ幸いです。ホーム画面から、すぐ「Yahoo!検索」へ!「Yahoo!検索(軽量版)」は、Yahoo! JAPANが提供するYahoo!検索の公式ウィジェットです。※ウィジェットをご使用になるには、本アプリを端末本体に保存している必要があります。※ウィジェットをホーム画面に追加する方法はこちらのページをご覧ください。!JAPANの起動や、Yahoo!検索の利用が簡単にできます。アイコンやウィジェットをタップし、検索語入力欄にキーワードを入力、または音声入力することで簡単に検索できます。◆主な機能・検索語入力欄の下の「画像」や「知恵袋」などを選択すると各検索サービスで検索ができます。ウェブ検索に加え、Yahoo!検索の以下の検索サービスをご利用いただけます。検索したい内容に合わせてご利用ください。 画像検索 知恵袋検索 リアルタイム検索 動画検索 ニュース検索 アプリ検索 辞書検索 ショッピング検索 ヤフオク!検索 地図検索 人物検索 レシピ検索・検索語入力欄にキーワードの一部を入力すると、キーワードの候補として「関連検索ワード」が自動的に表示されます。・候補の中に検索したいキーワードがあれば、そのキーワードをタップすることで検索できます。・複数のキーワードで検索したい場合は、右側のプラスアイコンをタップすると検索語入力欄にそのキーワードを追加入力できます。・検索履歴を消したい場合は、端末のメニューボタンから「検索履歴をクリア」を表示、タップしてください。常に検索履歴利用しない場合は、設定メニューの「検索履歴を有効にする」のチェックを外して無効にしてください。・キーワード入力補助機能を無効にしたい場合は、設定メニューの「入力補助を有効にする」のチェックを外して無効にしてください。・左側にある「Y!」ボタンをタップすると、Yahoo! JAPANトップページが開きます。「ニュースが見たい」「明日の天気を知りたい」など、Yahoo!JAPANのサービスを利用されるときは「Yahoo!検索(軽量版)」ウィジェットの「Y!」ボタンをタップしてください。・端末の解像度に合わせて、2×1以上のサイズに横リサイズが可能です。※リサイズはAndroidOS3.1以上に対応しています。・ウィジェットの背景色をカスタマイズできます。本アプリケーションは、Yahoo!JAPAN利用規約<ソフトウエアに関する規則(ガイドライン)を含みます>をご確認のうえ、ご利用ください。■Yahoo! JAPAN利用規約■プライバシーポリシー■ソフトウエアに関する規則(ガイドライン)[Apology and guidance ofApp end] to everyone you useActually without permission, in Yahoo! JAPAN, WomochimashiteJanuary 20, 2017, we have decided to terminate the provision ofYahoo! Search (lightweight version) app.We would like to apologize from my heart to everyone who patronizethe long this application.In the future, we would appreciate your use of the Yahoo! JAPANwidget integrated version that was ready to start a variety ofservice features a search function as an alternative app. the home screen, to immediately "Yahoo! Search"!"Yahoo! Search (Lite Version)" is the official widget of Yahoo!Search Yahoo! JAPAN provides.※ to become use the widget, you must have this app to save to theterminal body.Please refer to the instructions on how to add a widget to the homescreen of here page ※. and of Yahoo! JAPAN, Yahoo! You can search of easy use.Tap the icon or widget, enter a keyword in the search term inputfield, or you can easily search by voice input.◆ main function- Search words can be searched for each search service If youselect, such as "image" and "Answers" below the input field.In addition to web search, Yahoo! Offers a search following searchservices. Please use to suit you want to search for content.Image searchAnswers SearchReal-time searchVideo SearchNews SearchApp searchDictionary searchShopping SearchYahoo! Auctions SearchMap retrievalPeople SearchRecipe search· Search term If you enter a part of the keyword in the inputfield, will be automatically display the "related search word" as acandidate for the keyword.If there is a keyword you want to search for in a candidate, youcan search by tapping the keyword.• If you want to search on multiple keywords, you can add enter thekeyword in the search term input field and tap the right side ofthe plus icon.• If you want to erase the search history, display the "ClearSearch History" from the menu button on the terminal, please tap.If you always search history do not use, please disable uncheck the"Enable search history" in the setup menu.Keyword if you want to disable the input auxiliary function, pleasedisable and uncheck "Enable input auxiliary" in the setupmenu.- On the left side there when you tap the "Y!" Button, to open theYahoo! JAPAN top page.Such as "news you want to see," "I want to know tomorrow'sweather", please tap the "Y!" Button in the "Yahoo! Search (LiteVersion)" widget when you are using the Yahoo! JAPANservices.- According to the terminal of the resolution, it can be next toresize the 2 × 1 or more of the size.※ resize is compatible with more than AndroidOS3.1.• You can customize the background color of the widget.This application, Yahoo! JAPAN Terms after the verification,please use.■ Yahoo! JAPAN Terms of Use■ Privacy Policy■ rules for software (guidelines)
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Use mCent and get free recharge to top-updata, talktime, and SMS.How it works: Discover. Earn. Recharge.1. Discover new apps we picked just for you2. Earn credit for each of the free apps you try3. Use the credit to recharge your phone for free!Earn free recharge money on mCent your first day and everyday afterthat. You can use your free data recharges anyway you want. Visitwhatever website you want, download any app, or give your rechargeto friends.Never worry about data charges again.Mobile recharges are supported on all major operators.
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Download the best mobile browser -Cool Browser for android. Cool Browser provides you Breaking News,in-built HD video player, share center, multi tab browsing,incognito browsing and amazing speed to watch and download yourfavorite movies.Unique Features✓ Lightweight Browser✓ Personalized Search✓ Download & Share Videos✓ Download Manager✓ Inbuilt HD Video Player✓ Multi Tab Browsing✓ Suggestive Search✓ Image off mode✓ Incognito Browsing✓ Zoom In/Out✓ Offline Videos------------------------------------------------------------❖ Lightweight Browser- Very lightweight application provides you great browsingexperience. Enjoy superfast speed for watching your favorite movies& TV shows online❖ Personalized Search- Provides search suggestions based on intuitive algorithm. Selectyour preferred search engines conveniently for best result.❖ Download & Share Video- Now you can download & share videos to your Whatsapp &Facebook with a single click.❖ Download Manager- Now download your favorite files, videos with a single click.In-built download manager helps to enhance the download speed forany desired file.❖ Inbuilt HD Video Player- Enjoy HD viewing experience for your favorite movies within-built HD video player.❖ Multi Tab Browsing- It is allowing you to open multiple tabs while browsing. You canswipe & switch desired page according to your need.❖ Suggestive Search- Provides search suggestions based on intuitive algorithm.❖ Image off mode- Filters out photos for a faster browsing experience. Also savesdata cost for downloading photos & images.❖ Incognito Browsing- Surf your favorite websites in private browsing (incognito) modeand secure your privacy.❖ Zoom In/Out- Watch screening with zoom mode to enjoy enhanced visualexperience.❖ Password Protection- Password protection for your personal login information.❖ Offline Videos- Plays videos offline without internet. Get your favorite videosoffline.❖ Customizable Skin- Make your browser more personal with customizable features andattractive skins.❖ Share Center- Share your favorite videos with your friends and groupseasily.❖ Breaking News- Get top trending results daily with easy navigation. Watch &download them is not supported due to their terms of service.facebook:
Discover 1.0 APK
“Discover App” is a concept for global servicein which people can make friends and provide communication servicewhich enables smooth photo sharing and communication with globalfriends. Share your photo’s to enjoy and get new Inspirations fromothers by looking through photos. Also share your profile to newfriends and see others profile. Share your interesting photos andstories with global friends.Features• To meet new surrounding friends.• Sharing Photos with Global Friends.• Share interesting stories with global friends.• Like, share and comment in friend’s posts.• To communicate with new friends.
Double Tap: Screen Wake Up 1.2 APK
Stop the traditional way of waking up you mobile screen. This appwill enhance your mobile screen and double tapping on the screenwill wake up your mobile screen.Forget patterns, pin codes, or sliders to unlock your screen. Forthose who uses their mobile a lot, to them even a second counts.Using patten or pin passwords are time consuming. Using this lockscreen makes it easy for your to unlock your mobile. You need todouble tap on the customized lock screen of this app and the mobilewill unlock. Speed and security are integral part of thisapp.Lock Features :- Double Tap to unlock anywhere on your lock screen to openit.- Customize your lock screen page.- Add name, photo, date and time to your lock screen- Customize fonts, size and color of name, date and time.This feature is provided in all the latest phones of LG G serieslike the LG G3.So download this app and upgrade your mobile with the latestfeature of double tap.
Gigato: Free Data Recharge 3.14 APK
With Gigato, you’ll never have to wait forWiFi again! Gigato provides free unrestricted Internet data foryour Android.Use the apps you love and get megabytes recharged to your prepaidaccount, or store in your Gigato Data Wallet and give yourself aneasy recharge whenever you need one. No need to try for an onlinerecharge, we store them right on your mobile!Gigato users, please upgrade to v2.05 or newer to keep earningdata packs.Step 1: After you download and register with Gigato, all theapps that partner with us are able to refund you for the dataconsumed on their apps with unrestricted mobile recharge credit on2G/3G/4G.Step 2: Use apps you already have installed or install newones, either way you start earning data credits instantly!Share Gigato with your friends and you each earn bonus data!Step 3: Once you reach 150MB you can receive a recharge foruse on anything anywhere!We believe in giving users options when it comes to paying for dataand using their apps whenever and wherever they please. Our freerecharge offers are always changing too!Download Gigato Today! Visit our website at tolearn more.Please note:Gigato only works on prepaid accounts. Postpaid accounts will notwork.We support all mobile recharges across alll operators in Indiaincluding but not limited to:• Aircel mobile data packs• Airtel mobile data packs• Idea mobile data packs• MTNL mobile data packs• Reliance CDMA mobile data packs• Reliance GSM mobile data packs• UNINOR mobile data packs• Vodafone mobile data packsWe are always here to help you. If you have any issuesinstalling or receiving your data recharge, please email us:support@gigato.coGigato allows users to access online connected computer,electronic, and mobile networks
Playboy For Android (Old App) 1.1.1 APK
The Playboy App brings Playboy’s reverence oftruth, beauty and a better life into readers’ lives through theirmobile devices. Get instant access to photos of sexy Playmates andother world-class beauties, high-quality photo galleries andinsightful articles. Playmates, models and gorgeous amateurs arefeatured in our free, Safe for Work (SFW), NON-NUDE Playmate Redux,God Given Gorgeous, Miss Social and Exclusives galleries. Galleriesalso are available for purchase.Yes, some people do actually download the app for the articles.The Playboy App offers select reporting from the world-renownedprint edition of Playboy as well as original writing on Sex andCulture and The Good Life. You can rely on Playboy writers to serveup thoughtful journalism and opinion on sex, politics, travel,culture, music, style, cars, gear, food and drink.Added bonus: The World of Playboy feature gives users abehind-the-scenes look at Playboy’s Playmates, parties, events andpersonalities.The Playboy App is the purveyor of the bespoke Playboy lifestylefor the ultimate urbane guy, a must-have for the moderngentleman.For complete access choose between two subscription models: a30-day subscription and a 1-year subscription, which will save youmore than 40 percent compared to the monthly subscription.Free sample galleries and articles are available available whenyou download the app.
Kris+ by Singapore Airlines 5.0.0 APK
Meet Kris+, your lifestyle rewards app that lets you enjoyexclusive deals and privileges every day at over 1,000 dining andretail partner outlets in Singapore. Enjoy up to 6% rebates and getthe BEST miles rate in town of up to 9 miles per SGD spent, bysimply making payments through the app as you shop and dine! WithKris+, everything adds up: DEALS, PRIVILEGES, REWARDS & REBATES- Privileges with minimum of 10% off, 1-for-1 deals andcomplimentary treats. - Exclusive birthday privileges during yourbirthday month. - Earn rebates in miles for every payment madethrough the app, with no minimum spend or cap in the maximum numberof miles you can get. As good as cashback! - Your spend on Kris+lets you earn both rewards from Kris+ and your credit card, easilydoubling your rewards! - Convert reward points from your Citibank,CapitaStar, DBS or UOB account to miles. - Redeem your earned milesto offset your future purchases or transfer them to your KrisFlyeraccount to accumulate for your next Singapore Airlines flight.PARTNER MERCHANTS - In Singapore, there are 300+ partnering brandsand over 1,000 outlets across dining, retail, wellness, leisureactivities and services categories. - Local partners include –award winning restaurants like Braci, Amò, atout and Alma by JuanAmador; casual dining restaurants like Aburi-EN, Enjoy EatingHouse, Mrs Pho, The Coffee Academics and Nuodle; cafes and bistroslike Paris Baguette, Gong Cha, Cedele, Mellower Coffee and 25Degrees Burger; retail brands like Harvey Norman, Challenger,Simmons, In Good Company, PUMA, Bottles&Bottles and FairPriceFinest; services like Esso, Shunji Matsuo and PHS HAIRSCIENCE;attractions like Holey Moley Golf Club, Ola Beach Club and iFly;wellness salons like House of Traditional Javanese Massage LifeSpa,and Kenko Wellness. - Use Kris+ and enjoy privileges at countrieswith partnering merchants, including South Korea, India, Australia,Indonesia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and more.FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS - Monthly flash deals for vouchers and promocodes. - Complete in-app challenges and get rewarded instantly. -Frequent bonus miles and miles-back promotions. - Transfer miles toand from your KrisFlyer account to your Kris+ app. - Discoverpartner outlets nearby where you can use Kris+. - Shop directly onKrisShop and earn miles for every transaction made. - Personalisedpush notification and recommendations. - Retrieve your SingaporeAirlines pass within 24 hours. before arriving in Singapore, orduring your stay in Singapore. SEAMLESS PAYMENT - Set up Google Payon your mobile phone with your desired debit / credit card; Kris+will automatically detect this as a payment option - Simply scanthe QR code at our partner outlets with your Kris+ app and proceedwith payment using Kris+. REFERRAL REWARDS - Earn SGD 5 worth ofmiles for both you and your friend for every successful Kris+referral. For more information, visit