App Information 漫画岛-手机漫画阅读神器
- App Name漫画岛-手机漫画阅读神器
- Package Namecom.ivodani.comicsisland.activity
- UpdatedNovember 25, 2016
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.0 and up
- Version3.8.50
- Developer上海戴思软件技术有限公司
- Installs100,000 - 500,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryComics
- Developer
- Google Play Link
漫画岛-手机漫画阅读神器 Version History
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漫画岛-手机漫画阅读神器 3.7.30 APK File
Publish Date: 2016 /9/29Requires Android: Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 14)File Size: 22.4 MBTested on: Android 5.1 (Lollipop, API: 22)File Sha1: 075275187e3db44dd79921606d31de3f8b61481f
上海戴思软件技术有限公司 Show More...
漫画岛-手机漫画阅读神器 3.8.50 APK
上万部各类题材漫画实时连载国内外漫画资源全方位覆盖,漫画更新速度紧随官网脚步,让你先睹为快!专为下载阅读研发的极速下载功能和新型压缩技术,在观看高清漫画的同时更有效地为你节省手机空间,让你观漫无止境。漫画岛,致力为沉迷二次元漫画的你带来丰富的精神食粮!畅心阅读,一点都布卡。软件特色:1. 收录6W+本漫画库,追新神速上万部国内外漫画,各类题材(热血,搞笑,魔幻等)全方位覆盖;资源内容每日更新,紧贴网络进度,实时更新提醒,让你追漫0等待;2. 在线+脱机阅读,清晰画质在线+脱机阅读,从此告别蜗牛速,没有网络也能想看就看;独特的图片处理技术,节省更多空间,高清晰低内存的高清漫画,带给你别具一格的阅读体验;3. 个性分类,智慧搜索分类涵盖题材,精选和作者3种方式,个性化推荐满足漫迷们的挑剔口味;特有的智能搜索引擎,海量关键词汇搜索引导,不再让好漫画轻易从指尖错过!4. 接口清新,操作人性化软件风格简约时尚,重点突出,上手容易,让你轻松进入漫画世界!新版书架更能让您轻松管理喜爱的书籍,阅读和追新不再繁琐。The ten thousand variousthemes comic serial real-time resource covering all domestic andforeign comics, comic update rate followed the footsteps of theofficial website, let you preview! Developed specifically forreading download speed and download new compression technology,high-definition viewing comics but also effectively save you spaceon your phone, so you Concept interminable. Comics island, we arecommitted to the second element addicted comic bring you a richspiritual food! Chang heart reading, not at all burqa.Software features:1. included 6W + comic library, new rapid chase ten thousanddomestic and foreign cartoons on all kinds of subjects (blood,comedy, magic, etc.) full coverage; resource content updated daily,close to the network schedule, updated in real time reminders, sothat you 0 Man chasing wait;2. Online + Offline reading, clear picture quality online + offlinereading, breaking away from snail speed, no network can also wantto see; a unique image processing technology, save more space, lowmemory, high-definition HD comics, bring you a unique readingexperience;3. personality classification, search Category wisdom covers thesubject matter, author and featured three ways, personalizedrecommendation Manmi meet their discerning taste; uniqueintelligent search engine, massive search key words boot, no longermake good comics easily from the finger tip miss!4. Interface fresh, user-friendly software operation simple fashionstyle, focused and easy to get started, let you easily enter theworld of comics! The new shelves and allow you to easily manageyour favorite books, read, and no longer chase the newcomplex.
漫画岛HD 3.3.00 APK
上万部各类题材漫画实时连载,日,欧,美,港台,韩漫等免费漫画资源全方位覆盖,漫画更新速度紧随官网脚步,绝对让你先睹为快!专为下载阅读研发的极速下载功能和新型压缩技术,在观看高清漫画的同时更有效地为你节省手机空间,让你观漫无止境。漫画岛,致力为沉迷二次元漫画的你带来丰富的精神食粮!漫画岛QQ群:322604180,加入有惊喜哦~软件特色:1. 最全漫画库,追新神速上万部国内外(日韩,欧美,港台)完美漫画,各类题材(热血,搞笑,魔幻等)全方面覆盖;资源内容每日更新,紧贴网络进度,即时更新提醒,让你追漫0等待;2. 在线+离线阅读,清晰画质在线+离线阅读,从此告别蜗牛速,没有网络也能想看就看;独特的图片处理技术,节省更多空间,高清晰低内存的完美漫画,带给你别具一格的阅读体验;3. 个性分类,智能搜索分类涵盖题材,精选和作者3种方式,个性化推荐满足漫迷们的挑剔口味;特有的智能搜索引擎,海量关键词汇搜索引导,不再让好漫画轻易从指尖错过!4. 界面清新,操作人性化软件风格简约时尚,重点突出,上手容易,让你轻松进入漫画世界!新版书架更能让您轻松管理喜爱的书籍,阅读和追新不再繁琐。Variousthemes on ten thousand real-time serial comic, Japan, Europe, theUS, Hong Kong and Taiwan, South Korea and other diffuse resourcecovering all free comics, comic update rate followed the footstepsof the official website, never let you preview! Developedspecifically for the download speed to read and download the newcompression technology, while watching HD comics more effective foryou to save space on your phone, so you concept endlessly. Cartoonisland, is committed to the second element of comics you indulge arich spiritual food!Comic island QQ group: 322 604 180, adding a surprise oh ~Software features:1. The most complete comics library, a new rapid chaseThe ten thousand abroad (Japan, Korea, Europe, Hong Kong andTaiwan) perfect comic, various themes (blood, comedy, magic, etc.)covering all aspects; resource content updated daily, close to thenetwork schedule, instant update reminders, so you chase Man 0wait;2. Online + Offline reading, clear picture qualityOnline + offline reading, breaking away from the snail speed, nonetwork can also want to see; a unique image processing technology,saving more space, high-resolution low-perfect comic memory, giveyou a unique reading experience;3. personality classification, intelligent searchClassification covers themes, selection, and author of three ways,personalized recommendation Manmi meet their discerning taste;unique intelligent search engine, massive search for key words toguide, not to let the good comics easily missed from thefingertips!4. Clean interface, user-friendly operationSoftware simple fashion style, focused, easy to use, lets youeasily enter the comic world! The new version also allows you toeasily manage your bookshelf favorite books, reading and chasingnew longer cumbersome.
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comico 免費全彩漫畫 2.4.5 APK
專門為手機繪製的彩色長條漫畫 單指滑就能追漫,輕鬆到要飛起來 天天輕鬆看,不看會後悔哦(ノ´▽`)ノ包含已推出動畫的Relife重返17歲,劇情強作復仇要冷冷端上、大城市小女子,戀愛系必看的少女心症候群、魔咒之吻、可可亞79%,和可愛到爆錶的小木乃伊到我家,都在comico連載中!【comico主要特色】► 來自台日韓全球超過2700萬下載 以週連載方式,由台灣、日本、韓國新人創作的漫畫每天都看的到! ►專為手機繪製的全彩漫畫全部都是彩色,帥哥美女正太蘿莉都更生動啦!長條漫畫只要一指滑就能輕鬆追漫哦~ ►酷炫帥的互動漫畫充份運用手機的鈴聲、震動、動畫,看恐怖漫畫的時候請不要嚇到摔手機 ►官方Facebook粉絲頁
漫漫漫画-每日更新免费高清漫画 3.6.2 APK
缓存今日漫画功能上线!麻麻再也不用担心我的流量啦~直播页面全新改版!多位作者同时在线,想看谁就看谁~五月新作大量放送!初夏也有火热气氛,看到爽爆~全新摇一摇活动开启~限量纪念礼物等你领取,先到先得哟~【好看漫画】《两不疑》《喂,看见耳朵啦》《人间快递》《哥哥是大笨蛋》《他他她她》《我和她的男友》《非人哉》《胖回大唐当女神》《捶地三尺有神灵》《头条都是他》《焦糖玛奇朵》《捡到一个小僵尸》………………持续扩容中!【漫画作者】特雷西胡、早介、史喵、奇异少女酱、弥湖、走路摇、幽.灵、使徒子、MTJJ、一汪空气、备用猫、绿野千鹤、米哦、萌A公子、小川攻子、苏新、风弄等……评论区和直播间,都是作者大大的出没地点,速来捕捉~【特色功能】[每日更新]每天都采摘新鲜好看的漫画发放给首页~[作者直播]每晚8点直播漫画家不为人知的真面目![运势日签]每日抽卡测试今日运势,尽享抽卡快感![专属订阅]熟记朋友们订阅过的漫画,每人不一样~[全面分类]各种类型均有涉猎,争取满足不同口味~[免费福利]精美壁纸、手绘头像、表情包免费提供![精品商城]官方出品精美周边,快来抱走带回家!【成就奖项】>获2016届金龙奖中国二次元指数十佳二次元APP>入榜猎豹全球智库2016中国动漫阅读类十佳APP>获2015届金龙最具实力原创组织奖【若要勾搭】欢迎向我们提出各种建议和意见,我们会认真回复后台的每一条留言的哦~嗯,漫画作品推荐也可以通过后台发送给我们~官方网站:http://www.manmanapp.com官方微博:微 信:搜索 漫漫 或 manmandreamcastle
漫饭-随时随地看漫画 APK
本应用支持绝大部分的漫画,并使用不经压缩的高清大图,提供更舒适的阅读效果.同时我们也建议您在WIFI环境下使用,避免产生大量的流量资费.她在使用的过程中是完全免费的,产生的流量费用由运营商收取.功能特点:1,实时更新的漫画列表,包括日本,欧美和国内绝大多数的漫画.2,图片预读与缓存功能,更快更方便阅读.3,自动保存最近阅读历史,下次可以直接跳转到指定章节和页码继续阅读.4,丰富的漫画分类.5,横屏纵屏自动适应,支持多点触控,双击放大缩小,给您流畅的阅读体验.联系方式:qq群:169544392邮件: publisher@funnylab.org官网: www.funnylab.org微博:
LINE WEBTOON - Free Comics 3.0.3 APK
LINE WEBTOON - The Best Way to Read Comics,Manga & Manhwa on MobileJoin the largest community of comic fans with millions of readersworldwide.- Read over 170+ Featured Comics such as Tower of God, HeroineChic, Bluechair, and Siren's Lament every week for FREE!- Discover over 7000+ comics in Action, Romance, Comedy, Horror,Superheroes, and more- Mobile optimized scrolling for an uninterrupted readingexperience- Subscribe to your favorite series and never miss an update- Download your favorite series and read offline- Enjoy FX comics that feature sound and animationFor Customer Service: www.webtoons.comFacebook: : are LINE Webtoon and we believe that comics are for everyone -for the tall and the short, the young and the old, the ninjas andthe robots. We’re the home to thousands of creator-owned comics andcontinue to launch the careers of the next generation of greatcomic creators. We’re available anywhere, anytime, and always forfree - because comics should have no boundaries.
腾讯动漫 7.3.7 APK
嗨漫画 2.5.4 APK
嗨漫画,一款最新流行的免费手机漫画软件,两万部海量海内外漫画资源,独特的阅读体验。嗨漫画立志打造自由、舒适、新鲜、喜悦,属于你自己的漫画应用!嗨漫画是含有大陆、台湾、日韩、欧美地区最火热漫画作品的漫画软件,嗨漫画已拥有无厘搞笑、推理悬疑、桃色情感、玄幻修真、青春校园、光彩都市、男男禁断、奇幻冒险、时空穿梭、科幻魔法、热血少年、软萌萝莉、格斗竞技、恐怖灵异、纯爱百合、变装伪娘、真人COS多个分类不同题材、风格的漫画满足不同用户的需求。功能特点:1、漫画推荐。嗨漫画小编每周都会推荐多部精彩的漫画,供您挑选。2、汉化组专题。嗨漫画的一大特色功能,您会发现,同一个汉化组下,还有其他优秀的漫画作品。3、收藏功能。一键收藏自己喜欢的漫画资源。4、阅读记录。随时随地保存您的阅读记录。5、离线下载。怕费流量?在有WIFI的地方,就将自己喜欢的漫画离线下载吧。6、更新提醒。您收藏的漫画更新了,我们会第一时间提醒您。7、支持3G,WIFI网络环境。8、大图切割。漫画图片太大,我们有自动切割功能。9、图片缓存。看过的漫画,缓存在手机上,不费流量!10、支持连续阅读。11、用户一键评论。喜欢的漫画,就留下自己的脚印吧。Hey cartoons, one of thelatest popular software free mobile comics, comic twenty thousandmassive resources at home and abroad, a unique readingexperience.Hey comic determined to build freedom, comfort, fresh, joy, yourown comic applications!Hey comic contains mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Europe andAmerica's hottest comic comic software, hey funny comic has no PCT,reasoning suspense, peach emotion, fantasy comprehension, youthcampus, glorious city, men and men forbidden, fantasy adventure ,time travel, science fiction magic, young blood, soft Meng LORI,fighting sports, supernatural horror, pure love Lily, dressingtranssexuals, live COS multiple categories of different themes andstyles to meet the needs of different users comics.Features:1, comic recommended. Hey comic Xiao Bian recommended every weekmore than wonderful comics for you to choose from.2, the Chinese group topics. Hey comic features a large, you willfind that under the same Chinese group, there are other excellentcomics.3, the collection function. A collection of their favorite comickey resources.4, reading records. Save your reading records anytime,anywhere.5, offline download. Afraid charges flow? There WIFI in place, itwill be your favorite comic offline download it.6, update reminders. Your favorite comic updated, we will firstremind you.7, support 3G, WIFI network environment.8, the big picture cut. Comic image is too big, we have automaticcutting function.9, the image cache. Read the comics, the cache on the phone, at nocost traffic!10, support for continuous reading.11, a key user comments. Like the comics, they leave theirfootprints it.
快看漫画 3.0.1 APK
快看漫画,漫画最全,体验最好的漫画神器。超快的更新上架速度,为你提供最新的精神食粮;超高清的全彩画面,让你体验到最极致的视觉享受;超舒服的条漫排版,让你即使拥挤在地铁中,也能轻松快速阅读。【软件特色】1、上线2周斩获百万用户快看漫画APP已上线就连续蝉联AppStore免费排行榜第一名3天,同时多次登上APPStore的热搜榜。在仅有2周的时间内,快看漫画俘虏了100多万用户。2、每日必推新精品每日为您精心推荐!十篇短小精悍超好看小漫画!每天都有新惊喜!陪伴你的闲暇时光!超过1亿人都在追快看的独家原创作品《复仇高中》《整容游戏》《零分偶像》《单恋大作战》等。3、国内第一款完全适配手机阅读的漫画APP无需横屏、放大缩小,只需要手指一直往下滑!享受排版效果完全适配手机的漫画!条漫式阅读方式改变了国内传统的手机阅读排版方式,让用户更舒适地看漫画!【联系方式】微博:@快看漫画;合作:QQ2517178092Look comics, cartoons ofthe whole, experience the best comic artifact. Added fast updaterate, to provide you with the latest spiritual food;ultra-high-definition full-color screen, allows you to experiencethe ultimate visual enjoyment; super comfortable bar diffuselayout, let you even in a crowded subway, can easily Speedreading.[Software Features]1, on-line two weeks gains millions of usersLook Comics APP has been on-line continuous reelection AppStorefree charts the first three days, while repeatedly boarded the APPStore Trending. Within just 2 weeks, fast read comics captured morethan 100 million users.2, the daily will push the new CollectiblesDaily Recommended for you! Ten dapper little cartoon super nice!Every day a new surprise! Accompany you in your leisure time! Morethan 100 million people are chasing quick look at the exclusiveoriginal works "Revenge of high school," "cosmetic game", "zeroIdol" "major combat unrequited love" and so on.3, China's first mobile phone completely adapted to read comicsAPPWithout horizontal screen, zoom, just keep your finger slidingdown! Enjoy typeset entirely comic adaptation phone! Article Manreading way to change the traditional domestic mobile readinglayout mode, allowing users to more comfortably read comics![Contact] microblogging: @ Look Comics; Cooperation:QQ2517178092
日本動漫集 1.0.6 APK
本系統是在蒐集日本動漫的網路連結,方便大家觀賞,以節省搜尋時間。在觀看動漫作品時可能會出現安全頁面導致不能觀看,只要點選其他作品名再點回原本要收看之作品即可繼續觀看。This system is in thecollection of Japanese anime network links, to facilitate viewing,saving search time.When watching anime may lead to a security page can not watch,just click the name of the other works and then back to theoriginal point to watch the work to continue watching.
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인터넷만화방 만화 웹툰 무료만화 무료웹툰 성인만화 1.1.26 APK
요즘 대세 인터넷만화방!PC에서도 모바일에서도 언제 어디서나 빠르고 편리하게!완전판 - 일반만화 + 성인만화 모두 검색 됩니다.인터넷만화방에서 만나는 재미와 감동1. 각종 인기만화 빠른 업데이트!!2. 무협, 액션, 드라마, 순정 등 다양한 장르 제공3. 머니 1000원 지급 이벤트4. 진짜 진짜 무료만화 400권 이상 제공 !!!5. 태블릿pc에서 만화책 처럼 2장씩 펼쳐서 보기 가능![주요기능]1) 여러가지 버전의 뷰어 제공 ( 한장보기, 두장보기, 웹툰방식으로 보기)2) 스트리밍보기 지원3) 책갈피, 열람한 작품 조회 기능 지원4) 열람 만화 이어 다시보기 기능 지원5) 만화 E-book 구매 지원6) 추천작품 SNS 공유 서비스 지원웹사이트 및 고객센터고객센터 1599-7707상담시간 평일 오전 9시 30분 ~ 오후 6시 30분SNS 친구가 되어주세요.인터넷만화방 최신 업데이트 소식을 받아보실 수 있습니다.카카오스토리:페이스북:트위터:구글플러스:핀터레스트:
Baca Manga Indonesia 1.0.2 APK
Baca Manga adalah aplikasi baca manga diAndroid yang cocok untuk kamu yang suka membaca manga dalam BahasaIndonesia. Baca manga memberikan kamu kemudahan untuk membaca mangaindonesia kapan saja dan di mana saja melalui perangkat Androidkamu.Fitur:-Baca Manga Bahasa Indonesia Favorit kamu.-Download manga kesukaan kamu untuk dibaca secara offline baik perchapter maupun keseluruhan chapter-Cari manga favorit kamu dari ratusan judul manga yang tersedia,semua dalam bahasa indonesia-Tandai manga kesukaan kamu sebagai favorit------------------------------------------------------------------Keywords: baca manga, baca komik, buku komik, manga indonesiaRead Manga is a mangareading application on Android which is suitable for you who loveto read manga in Indonesian. Read the manga gives you the ease toread manga Indonesia anytime and anywhere via your Androiddevice.Features:-Read your favorite Manga Indonesian.-Download your favorite manga to read offline either by chapter ora whole chapter-Find your favorite manga from hundreds of manga titles available,all in Indonesian-Mark your favorite manga as favorite------------------------------------------------------------------Keywords: read manga, read comics, comic books, mangaIndonesia
Challenger Comics Viewer APK
Challenger Comics Viewer is a FREE (NO ADS)advanced comics, manga, books and PDF viewer.It's really simple to use. You just have to scroll ! Pages areautomatically loaded and displayed (no need to click to go to nextpage).It's FREE and THERE ARE NO ADS.This version works perfectly on phones AND tablets.Supported image file formats are JPG, PNG, GIF, WebP (Android 4.0+)and BMP.Supported book file formats are PDF, CBZ/ZIP, CBR/RAR, CBT/TAR,CB7/7Z, DjVu and ePUB.Main features are :• Automatic page loading• Zoom using multi-touch• Vertical/Horizontal scrolling• 2 display modes (Simple View which displays pages one by one andMultiple Image View which displays all pages one after theother)• Scale filters: Bilinear, Bicubic, Lanczos4• Library with covers displayed to quickly open comics (multiplekind of views available)• Automatically switch to next issue when last page of the comic isdisplayed• Border cropping• Read from left to right or right to left• Actions can be customized• Single page and "2 page" display mode• Filter to improve displayed image quality• Manual scrolling by moving finger on screen• Autoscrolling by long pressing on screen• Tap to go to Next/Previous pages• Fit to Width/Height/Screen display• Multiple Image preview type• Option to direct access to page• History management• Support multi-language (for now, english, french, russian,italian)• Border can be display over Bitmap to easily identify eachpages• Contrast/Brightness/Saturation management• Screen brightness management• Application can be moved to SD Card• Cached data can be stored in internal memory or SD Card• Supports Samsung "Multi-Window" mode• Color themesFiles can be accessed on the device or network.Supported network protocols are :• Google Drive• OneDrive/SkyDrive• Mega• Ubooquity (• DLNA/Upnp (Need Android >= 4.0.3)• OPDS (beta)• Windows/SAMBA/CIFS• DropBox• Webdav/Cloud (like,,,...)• FTP• SFTPThe application needs a phone/tablet with lots of memory and apowerful processor, so don't be disappointed if your phone is quiteold and performance is not good.For instance, it works perfectly on Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Nexus 10,Galaxy S2, Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S6, Galaxy S7,Galaxy Tab, ...Documentation is available at : FAQ is available at : English forum : add comments if you like this app or if you have some newfeatures idea.To report bugs, don't hesitate to send me e-mail.Thanks !
LINE WEBTOON - Free Comics 3.0.3 APK
LINE WEBTOON - The Best Way to Read Comics,Manga & Manhwa on MobileJoin the largest community of comic fans with millions of readersworldwide.- Read over 170+ Featured Comics such as Tower of God, HeroineChic, Bluechair, and Siren's Lament every week for FREE!- Discover over 7000+ comics in Action, Romance, Comedy, Horror,Superheroes, and more- Mobile optimized scrolling for an uninterrupted readingexperience- Subscribe to your favorite series and never miss an update- Download your favorite series and read offline- Enjoy FX comics that feature sound and animationFor Customer Service: www.webtoons.comFacebook: : are LINE Webtoon and we believe that comics are for everyone -for the tall and the short, the young and the old, the ninjas andthe robots. We’re the home to thousands of creator-owned comics andcontinue to launch the careers of the next generation of greatcomic creators. We’re available anywhere, anytime, and always forfree - because comics should have no boundaries.
Marvel Comics APK
Introducing the MARVEL COMICS app on Android,featuring the world’s most popular super heroes! Download hundredsof comic books featuring your favorite characters -— including IronMan, Thor, Captain America, Spider-Man, Wolverine and more -- onyour mobile device or tablet with the touch of a button. You’llexperience Marvel’s greatest series and stories like never before,with your choice of guided view (an animated, panel-by-panel paththrough the comic), or by using regular device controls to zoom andpan your way through pages of sizzling story and amazingartwork!Each of your downloads will be protected and backed up when you useyour Marvel.Com account, meaning the next time you lose or upgradeyour device you’ll find your comics waiting to be read again!Not convinced? Check out our free downloads! Take the MarvelUniverse with you anytime & anywhere!+ Access to over 13,500 comics featuring the world's most popularsuper heroes!+ Free comics for download, updated weekly!+ Customizable reading experience -- choose between panel to panel,full page display, and more!
Astonishing Comic Reader APK
Astonishing Comic Reader is a next-gen comicreader full of stunning features! With an elegant and simpleinterface, this app allows you to browse and read all your comicson your device. Reading a comic has never been so easy, thanks to asimple navigation system and a powerful zoom feature.Organize all your comics in customizable collections, or use thepowerful search feature to find what to read. Use the intelligentsuggestions system to quickly fill your collections with relatedcomics, or jump directly to the next issue when you have finishedto read one. Synchronize your collections, favorites and statisticswith the heroic account, and never lose your data again!Astonishing Comic Reader is able to generate awesome wallpapers ifyou're using Muzei app, and have a Cast support, so you can readyour comics everywhere, on any screen! Discover Snapshots, anamazing way to store and share all moments parts you love in yourcomics. And thanks to our synchronization system, you can get yourcomics from your Cloud storage provider!Add the comics you like to your favorites list, and share the pageswhich amazed you the most with your friends in a few touches! It'sthat easy to use! Astonishing Comic Reader is fully compatible withCBZ and CBR comics! And it's ad free!Join our community on G+: free to send any suggestions or feedback you may have heroicreader!
Wallpaper Frozen Elsa & Anna 1.1 APK
Now you can add your Cute Frozen Princess Elsa character images onyour wallpaper on your phone as well.Enjoying this Cute Wallpaper app on the your mobile!To Use: Home >> Menu >> WallpapersFeatures:★ Cute Wallpapers★ Easy to Install★ Simple and Understandable Interface★ For Tab and PhonesPlease be nice and rate our app 5 Stars.Note::We don't claim any ownership of the characters, images, video,sound, voice, or anything else related to the copyrighted contentin our application. All images, video, sound, and voice used inthis application are owned and copyrighted to the respectiveowners. Our application and its content may includes intellectualproperty rights to the respective content owners and protected byapplicable copyright or other intellectual property laws andtreaties.We are not affiliated with the company which has the copyright.Thus, this application must be regarded as and made by loyal andenthusiastic fans. This application made by fans to serve fans needand for entertainment purposes only.