App Information 雀神クロニクル~神速バトル麻雀~
- App Name雀神クロニクル~神速バトル麻雀~
- Package
- UpdatedNovember 29, 2015
- File Size53M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3.3 and up
- Version1.10.1
- DeveloperDeNA Co., Ltd.
- Installs100,000 - 500,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryBoard
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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雀神クロニクル~神速バトル麻雀~ 1.10.1 APK
◇◆祝!総対局数 800万 突破!◆◇◆ 超ハイスピード対戦麻雀アプリ『雀クロ(ジャンクロ)』 ◆対局わずか40秒。この圧倒的なスピード感!判断力の速さと思い切りの良さが勝敗を決する!全国のプレイヤーとリアルタイム対戦を重ねて神速バトル麻雀日本一の称号をめざせ!◆ キャラクター育成やゲーム実況にも対応 ◆雀クロ(ジャンクロ)では、龍、神獣などの"雀神"を召喚して育てることで、対戦時に色々なスキル効果が追加される!また、音声付きプレイ動画をゲーム内からインターネットへ手軽にアップロードが可能!◆ この麻雀の基本ルール ◆雀クロ(ジャンクロ)では、シンプルなルールでスマホ時代の超ハイスピードな対局を実現!・プレイヤー同士で1対1のバトル!・制限時間の間、相手を待たずに、どんどんツモッてリーチをめざそう。・制限時間が終わると、互いの手牌がオープンになり自動でツモ合戦!・東場、南場の合計2局で対戦!・勝負を有利に進める様々な雀神が存在するのも雀クロ(ジャンクロ)の魅力!「役満で有利になる雀神」や、「シャボ待ちで有利になる雀神」などなど、自分のプレイスタイルにあったデッキを作ろう。■その他のルール・東場、南場の2局対戦。同点時は西入で1局追加。・ポン、チー無しの面前リーチ麻雀。・一発、裏ドラ、カンドラ、カン裏ドラ有り。・赤は各1枚の計3枚。・符計算有り。・途中流局は全て無し。・流し満貫無し。・リーチ後のカンは自動。※自分と相手は全く別の山を使用しています。■採用している役満国士無双、四暗刻、大三元、字一色、小四喜、九連宝燈、緑一色、四連刻、大車輪※ルール上、天和、地和、人和はありません。■採用しているダブル役満四暗刻単騎、四カンツ、清老頭、大四喜、国士無双十三面待ち※役満の複合は、最大をトリプル役満としております。
七つの大罪 ポケットの中の騎士団 1.3.6 APK
【祝・200万DL突破ありがとうございます!】2/16(木)更新情報・外伝3を追加しました。・図鑑を追加しました。・称号を追加しました。・不具合を修正しました。週刊少年マガジン連載の大人気コミック【七つの大罪】が累計発行部数2,000万部突破!止まらない快進撃の勢いそのままに、アニメ化の次は初のスマホゲームとして登場!◇◆◇…ストーリー…◇◆◇それは、罪なのか―――。かつて王国転覆をはかったとされる伝説の逆賊・<七つの大罪>。今もなお執拗に、そのお尋ね者を追うは王国の要・一騎当千の聖騎士たち。しかし、切なる想いを胸に秘め、<七つの大罪>を探す一人の少女が現れた時、世界の様相を一変させるとびきりの冒険が始まった!◇◆◇…ゲーム内容…◇◆◇【七つの大罪】のストーリーを体験しながら、大迫力バトルで敵をなぎ倒せ!■【七つの大罪】のストーリーを追体験アニメの感動をもう一度!数々の名シーンをスマホで追体験!■魅力的なキャラクターが勢揃い!メリオダスから、ギルサンダーまで、君の好きなキャラクターで騎士団を結成できる!ゲームオリジナル衣装の大罪たちも登場!まだ見たことのない大罪たちに会える!?■全員の力を結集して、大技スキル・連撃を発動!騎士団全員の力を合わせて最大攻撃力の大技・連撃を発動!敵を一撃で倒す威力は連撃ならでは!■撮り下ろしボイス多数で大罪が喋りまくる!バトル時はもちろん、ゲームのいたる所で大罪たちや聖騎士達が喋りまくる!梶 裕貴、雨宮 天、久野 美咲、悠木 碧、鈴木 達央、福山 潤、宮野 真守(他)ポケ騎士で…、<七つの大罪>と旅に出よう!(c)鈴木央・講談社/ 「七つの大罪」製作委員会・MBS(c)DeNA / Developed by Racjin Co., Ltd.【サービス提供者】株式会社ディー・エヌ・エー【対応機種】■対応OSAndroid 4.1以降※対応OS以上の端末でも、一部非対応端末がございます。■推奨環境CPU:Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 (Quad-core 2.2GHz) 以上RAM:2GB以上Android:Google Nexus 5※推奨環境以上の端末でも、一部非推奨・非対応端末がございます。■動作が重い場合はバトル時の動作が重い場合は。『メニュー>設定>エフェクト表示>表示しない』を設定すると軽減する場合がございます。
麻雀[本格4人打ち麻雀] 1.5 APK
初心者から玄人までを唸らせる!本格思考の「麻雀」です。ライバルとスコアを競える本格対局や、ルールを自由に設定できる自由対局など、多彩なゲームモードを搭載。高画質のグラフィックと、ハイクオリティな効果に、あなたも必ずハマる!■「麻雀」の特徴・本格的な思考で、ハイレベルな対戦が可能・美しいグラフィックと効果・選べる3種類のゲームモード(本格対局、背水の陣、自由対局)・サクサク遊べる機敏な動作性※L-04C、S31HW、S31HTは非対応端末です。※SC-04Dでは一部の表示に不十分な場合がございます。Powered by Mobage(モバゲー)The groanfrom beginner to expert! Of the real thinking is "Mahjong".And full-scale Taikyoku to compete and score rivals, such asfreedom Taikyoku that can be freely set the rules,It is equipped with a variety of game modes.Graphics and high image quality, the effect is a high quality, youalso always fits!■ features of "Mahjong"• In full-scale thinking, can play high-levelAnd effects and beautiful graphics- 3 different game modes to choose(Full-scale Taikyoku, team backwater, freedom Taikyoku)Agile-operability can play crisp※ L-04C, S31HW, S31HT is non-terminal.※ There is not be sufficient in view of some in the SC-04D.Powered by Mobage (Mobage)
花札[本格こいこい対局] 1.0 APK
花札初心者にもやさしい簡単設計で、揃えることができる札を教えてくれるナビゲート機能付!ルールがわからなくても手軽に楽しめる、覚えられる!移動中のちょっとした合間でできる「3番勝負」や、じっくり楽しみたい人向けの「6番勝負」、「12番勝負」など、自分のペースで遊べるよ!しかも、「3番勝負」モードなら全国のユーザーとランキングでスコアが競えて、今日の1位も夢じゃない。高得点を狙ってみんなに自慢しよう!●「花札」の特徴・見やすい横画面デザイン・気分にあわせて選べる勝負数(3番勝負、6番勝負、12番勝負)・取れる札を明るく表示して教えてくれる・成立しそうな役をアイコンで告知してくれる・ランキングはいろいろ競える3段階(当日、月間、通算)・日本の風情あふれる鮮やかな札※SC-04D、S31HT、S31HW、L-04Cは非対応端末です。Powered by Mobage(モバゲー)Playing cards with asimple design easy for beginners, with navigating function thattells us tags that can be aligned!Rule is easily enjoyed even if you do not know, to be remembered!Can be a little interval of the move and "third game", forpeople who want to enjoy thoroughly "sixth game", such as "12thgame", can play at your own pace!Moreover, if able to compete the score in the user and ranking ofnationwide if "third game" mode, also not a dream first placetoday. Let brag to everyone and aimed at the high score!Features of ● "Hanafuda"· Easy-to-read horizontal screen design-Game number which can be chosen to suit the mood (the third game,the sixth game, No. 12 game)Tells us, take the bill is brightly displayedCan you - the establishment likely role was announced on theiconRanking Iloilo compete three stages (day, month, total)Japan of taste full of vivid Tags※ SC-04D, S31HT, S31HW, L-04C is a non-compatible handsets.Powered by Mobage (Mobage)
プロ野球ロワイヤル 2.5.3 APK
ドラフト、育成、そして試合!プロ野球チームのGMとなり、日本一を目指せ!▼他プレイヤーと競え!ドラフトで選手獲得!ドラフトリストに欲しい選手がいたら、ゲーム内のポイントを使って調査!他のプレイヤーと競合したら、シーズン後のドラフトで選手を獲得!▼1シーズン143試合を1日でプレイ!交流戦やCS、日本シリーズまでプロ野球リーグを完全再現!プレイヤー同士で毎日日本一を競い合おう!▼獲得した選手をタウンで強化!あなたの作ったタウンが「育成ボード」に早変わり!タウンを発展させて様々な住人を呼び込み、彼らの力を借りながらスター選手を育成しよう!▼夢のオーダーでレジェンドマッチに勝利せよ!引退選手達で最強オーダーを組み、全国のプレイヤーと対戦!激戦を勝ち抜いてレジェンドの称号を手に入れよう!【サービス提供者】株式会社ディー・エヌ・エー【対応機種】■対応OSAndroid4.0以上■推奨環境Android4.1以上RAM2GB以上※Intel CPUは非対応になります※推奨環境以上の端末でも、一部非推奨・非対応端末がございますDraft, training, andmatch!GM next to the professional baseball team, Aim the Japan!▼ able to compete with other players! Players acquired in thedraft!Tara want players purchased in the draft list, research by using apoint in the game!When you compete with other players, win the player draft after theseason!▼ play one season 143 games in 1 day!AC warfare and CS, fully reproduce the professional baseball leagueto Japan Series!Compete to Japan every day in the other players!▼ strengthen the acquired player in town!Transformed into your made the town to "training board"!Attract various residents by developing the town,Trying to develop star players while borrowing their power!▼ case victory in Legends match on the order of a dream!Set the strongest orders in retired athletes, play against thecountry of the player!Try to get the title of legend and victorious a fierce battle![Service providers]DeNA Co., Ltd.【Compatible models】■ Supported OSAndroid4.0 or more■ Recommended environmentAndroid4.1 or moreMore RAM2GB※ Intel CPU will be non-compliant※ even more than the recommended environment of the terminal, thereis some non-recommended and non-compatible terminal
トリプルジョーカー 1.3.0 APK
――――――――――――――――――――▼ ルールは簡単――――――――――――――――――――数字とマークを使ったトランプパズルを解いて、各ステージをクリアしよう!シンプルだけど、奥深い頭脳バトルゲーム。――――――――――――――――――――▼ 3分間の真剣勝負――――――――――――――――――――1ステージの所要時間は3分程度。この短時間に、ランダムで配られる手札のカードから、ステージクリアへと続く道筋を見つけることができるか。君のひらめきが試される!――――――――――――――――――――▼ 魔族に奪われた帝国を救え――――――――――――――――――――中世ヨーロッパ風のファンタジーな世界観で進むストーリー。魔女の陰謀で闇に陥れられた帝国を、王女フレデリカとともに救え!――――パズル、数独、クロスワード、ソリティアetc頭脳系ゲーム好きがハマる新感覚ゲーム「トリプルジョーカー」◆ご意見・ご要望・不具合のご報告はこちら電話03-6300-4772(平日10:00~17:00)メール※お問い合わせいただく際は、ご利用のサービス名をご連絡ください住所〒150-8510東京都渋谷区渋谷2-21-1 渋谷ヒカリエ――――
将棋[本格ボードゲーム] 1.0.3 APK
初めての人から将棋ファンまで楽しめる「易しい、普通、難しい」の3段階の難易度が選べるよ。本格対局モードで全国のユーザーとスコアを競おう。多彩な戦法「定跡」をマスターして高得点を狙え!将棋盤としても使えるから、友達と対局したいときにも便利だよ。ちょっとした時間で手軽に遊べる「はさみ将棋」モードも搭載!癒しのミュージックで対局できるオシャレなスキンもあるよ!■「将棋」の特徴・手軽に遊べるはさみ将棋モード搭載・「待った」機能でじっくり戦術研究できる・駒を動かせる場所が光るのでわかりやすい・大きい盤面で駒を触りやすい・自由に設定を変えられるから「10秒以内に次の手を打て!」なども可能。・定跡を覚えて強くなれ!定跡説明搭載・シンプルでオシャレなスキン搭載※SC-04D、S31HWは非対応端末です。Powered by Mobage(モバゲー)"Easy, normal, hard"enjoy to chess fan from the first person to choose three stagesdifficulty of.Let's to compete users and score nationwide authentic oppositestation mode. And master the variety of tactics "opening book" toAim high scores!And because also be used as a chess board, it's also useful whenyou want to opposite station with my friends.Also features easy to play "Hasami shogi" mode a little time!There is also stylish skins that can be opposite station in thehealing of music!■ Features of "shogi"- Easy to play Hasami shogi mode equipped• The "waited" can thoroughly tactics studied in functionThe easy-to-understand because location is Hikaru move theComaIt is easy to touch the frame at-large board· Freely set from be changed to "Strike the next hand within 10seconds!", Etc. can also be.-Opening book is accustomed strongly remember! Opening bookdescription equippedSimple and stylish skins equipped※ SC-04D, S31HW is a non-compatible handsets.Powered by Mobage (Mobage)
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四人麻雀 1.1.1 APK
■ご案内このアプリは、完全無料版の『四人麻雀FREE』から広告表示機能を取り除いた、落とし切りの有料アプリです。それ以外の変更はございません。ご購入前に、一度『四人麻雀FREE』をダウンロードいただき、動作確認とともに内容をご確認くださいませ。 『四人麻雀』は、初心者の方でも手軽に遊べる本格的な「四人打ち麻雀」です。 ・10項目以上のローカルルールが設定可能・オープンモードやリトライ機能の導入・対戦相手を30人から選択可能・およそ200項目の戦績31人分が閲覧可能・各戦績項目は全て全員のランキング表示に対応 片手でサクサク遊べるよう「牌を選んで捨てる操作」を工夫しました。牌を中央にドラッグ&ドロップする感覚で捨てられます(一般的な「選んで捨てる」の2タッチでも操作できます)。■ルール説明(★は初期設定)※「新規対局」画面で設定できます。【進行や点数】[設定ルール]・試合長(東風戦/★半荘/一荘)・東東まわし(★オフ/オン)・持ち点(20000~★25000~30000)・トビ終了(★オフ/オン)・延長戦(なし/トップ★30000~35000未満)・アガリ止め(★オフ/オン)・親流れ(なし/不聴/★同東場のみ/流局時毎)[基本ルール]・同時和了は頭ハネ/ウマなし/パオなし【ドラや役】[設定ルール]・喰いタン(オフ/★オン)・喰い替え(禁止/現物のみ禁止/★あり)・一発(オフ/★オン)・二翻縛り(★なし/0~10本場)・裏ドラ(なし/槓裏なし/★槓裏あり)・赤5(★なし/1/2/3/4枚)[基本ルール]・後付あり/暗槓の槍槓はなし・流し満貫なし/十三不塔なし/人和なし・大車輪(小車輪含む)なし/緑一色は發なしも可・九連宝燈は萬子以外も可/八連荘による役満なし・待ちによるダブル役満なし (国士無双十三面待ち/四暗刻単騎など)・大四喜はシングル役満■オプション設定 (★は初期)・卓上点数表示(★なし/あり)・打牌スピード(★遅い/普通/速い)・聴牌ガイド(★なし/あり)・鳴かれた牌表示(★なし/あり)・自模切りマーク(★なし/あり)・オープンモード(★オフ/オン)・背景音(なし/★あり)・効果音(なし/★あり)・音量(小/中/★大)・名前(★あなた)■操作説明・局終了後卓中央をタップすると、王牌を全て見ることができます・それ以外をタップすると、自分や対戦相手の伏せた手牌が全て見られます・ほとんどの箇所で画面をタップすると進行をスキップさせることができます■対応機種原則、全ての機種に対応しておりますが、ご購入前に、完全無料の『四人麻雀 FREE』で動作確認をお願い致します。※Android OS 2.2以上の機種に対応していますが、端末のスペックによっては快適に動作しないことがあります。※アプリ実行中に問題が発生した場合、使用している機種と問題の症状を記載してメールにてご連絡ください。-- ご注意事項 ----------・初心者の方でもスムースに進行できるようにチョンボはありません・山牌や配牌等、全てランダムで行っております・COMが他家の手を見る等の「イカサマ」は、一切行っておりません・戦績は、半荘終了時「戦績更新」を選ばないと更新されません (トップの場合、「戦績更新」をせず「もう半荘」を選ぶと「連勝」が狙えます)・半荘終了時「戦績更新」を選ぶと連勝記録は途絶えます(連勝やり直し防止の為) -- バグ等の修正のご案内 -----■1.1.1(2013/12/13) ・COMのバランス調整を行いました。 ・配牌のランダム性をより高く修正しました。 ・プログラムの安定性を向上させました。■1.0.3 (2013/11/29) ・シャボ待ちで上がれないケースがある症状を修正しました。 ・ゲーム再開時にエラー終了するケースがある症状を修正しました。■1.0.2 (2013/11/16) ・プログラムの安定性を向上させました。■1.0.1 (2013/11/11) ・プログラムの安定性を向上させました。■1.0.0 (2013/11/10) ・配信を開始しました。 ===================企画・開発・販売: 空想科学株式会社■GuidanceRemove the advertisement display function of the full free versionfrom "four people Mahjong FREE", this app is a paid app of cuttingdown. Any other changes is not. Before you buy, the top downloadthe "four people Mahjong FREE" once, please check the contentsalong with the operation check."four people Mahjong"is , you can play easily a full-fledged even for beginners is "fourpeople beating Mahjong".Local rules of 10 ormore items can be set.- The introduction of the retry function or open mode· Can be selected from the 30 people the opponent, 31 KOs servings of approximately 200 items viewable• Each KOs item corresponds to the ranking of all displayallWe devised the"operation to discard by selecting tiles" to play as crisp with onehand. (You can also operate 2 touch of the "throw away pick" ingeneral) are discarded in the sense of drag-and-drop to center thepie.■ (The default setting ★) Rule DescriptionI can set ※ In "New opposite station"screen.[Points] and progression[Setting Rules-Bout length (Dongfeng warfare / ★ half Zhuang / Ichisho)· Higashihigashi screwdriver (★ on / off)· Point has (20000 ~ ★ 25000 ~ 30000)Tobi-end (★ on / off)· Overtime (no / top ★ 30000 ~ 35000 or less)Agari-stop (★ on / off)Parent flow (only None / not listening / ★ Dohigashi-jo / Ryuukyokuwhen each)[Basic Rules]• The simultaneous KazuRyo No head wings / horse / withoutyurt[Role] and Dora[Setting Rules· Kuitan (off / ★ On)· (Ban only prohibited / kind / ★ There) Sort eating-One shot (off / ★ On)-Tied two transliteration (no ★ / 0 ~ 10 authentic)· (With 槓裏 / ★ None None / 槓裏) back DoraRed 5 (no ★ / 1/2/3/4 sheets)[Basic Rules]Ali Retrofit / No Yari槓 dark 槓None Nagashimangan None / thirteen Futo No / person sum· / Green color is also acceptable without 發 giant swing None(including small wheels)· No role full availability by / eight consecutive Zhuang alsocharacter tile other nine gates• No double role Mitsuru by waiting(Such as thirteen face waiting / hidden treasure Tanki thirteenorphans)And large four Hee single officer Mitsuru■(Early ★) option settingsTabletop score display (no ★ Yes /)Da tiles speed (slow ★ fast / normal /)· 聴牌 guide (no ★ Yes /)Pie display that was languished (no ★ Yes /)Di model cut mark (no ★ Yes /)Open mode (★ on / off)· (No / ★ There) background sound· (No / ★ There) sound effects• The volume (small / medium / ★ large)• The name (★ you)■Operation DescriptionWhen you tap the · station after the end of thecenter console, you can see all the Dead Wall· Tap otherwise, Tepai was face down opponents and their own can beseen all• You can be made to skip the progression when you tap the screenthe most part■ compatible modelsIt corresponds in principle, for all models, but before you buy, thank you confirm the operation of the fullfree by "four people MahjongFREE".※ It corresponds to themodel of the Android OS 2.2 or higher, but it may not workcomfortably by the specifications of the terminal.※ If you experience a problem with the app running, please contactus by e-mail describes the symptoms of the problem with the modelyou are using.- Please Note ----------• There is no bungle to be able to progress smoothly even forbeginners· Haipai etc. Yamapai, I have been made at random all· COM is such see the hand of the other house, "cheating" is notdone at all· KOs is not updated and not select "KOs update" at the end of halfZhuang(The case of a top, you aim is "winning streak" If you select"other half Zhuang" without the "KOs update")· Winning streak (since the winning streak again prevention) thatyou lost it and select "KOs update" at the end of halfZhuang-Guidance of the modification of the bug, etc.-----■ 1.1.1 (2013/12/13)· I made a balance adjustment of COM.· I was corrected higher randomness of Haipai.· I have improved the stability of the program.■ 1.0.3 (2013/11/29)· I was corrected the symptoms there is a case that does not go upin Shabo waiting.· I was corrected the symptoms there is a case to be error endedthe game when resuming.■ 1.0.2 (2013/11/16)· I have improved the stability of the program.■ 1.0.1 (2013/11/11)· I have improved the stability of the program.■ 1.0.0 (2013/11/10)· I begandelivery.===================Planning, development and sales: sciencefiction, Ltd.
麻雀昇龍神 [無料麻雀] 1.0.46 APK
■無料でも楽しめる麻雀アプリです!■非ネット対戦!究極AIとの対戦はサクサクです!■迫力の麻雀演出!雷が落ち、龍が画面狭しと昇る演出は必見!■イベント戦がアツい!定期的に、全国の猛者との麻雀イベントが開催されます。イベント上位入賞し、限定雀士キャラを無料でもらおう!■最高の麻雀思考エンジンを搭載・超高速思考&百万通りの打ち筋を持つ「次世代麻雀思考エンジン 雀-X」を搭載!・対人を超えたAI雀士に勝利し、昇龍神の称号を手に入れろ!■究極まで高めた、プレイしやすさ・例1:横持ち縦持ち両方に対応 両手で「横持ち」し、座ったり寝転がりながら本格プレイ! 右手で「縦持ち」し、左手は吊革や鞄を握って気軽プレイ!・例2:選択可能な捨て牌方法 スマホでは[捨牌]ボタンがやりやすく、 タブレットではツータッチがやりやすいですよ。・例3:多彩なルール設定 18種類のルール設定が可能なので、自分にあったルールで打てます。※なお、設定変更ができない採用ローカルルールは以下となっております。・平和自摸あり・食い平和不可・暗槓のドラは即ノリ。加槓・大明槓のドラは捨て牌後。・国士無双のみ暗槓でも搶槓が可能。・国士無双のフリ聴は現物牌のみ。・大四喜、国士無双十三面待ち、九連宝燈九面待ち、四暗刻単騎待ちはダブル役満・人和は役満・十三不塔なし■ It is amah-jong app can enjoy for free!■ non-net play! Play of the ultimate AI is crispy!■ powerful Mahjong production! Thunder fell, directing the dragonrises and crowdedly screen must-see!■ event battle is hot!Periodically, Mahjong event of a national veteran will beheld.Are events top finishers, and Get a limited Janshi character forfree!■ Equipped with the best of mahjong thinking engine- With a muscle out of super-fast thinking and one million ways itis equipped with a "next generation Mahjong thinking engine sparrow-X"!- Interpersonal were victory in AI Janshi it exceeds, and throw itto hand the title of rising Dragon!■ was increased to the ultimate, and ease of play• Example 1: Side possession vertical retention both in thecorrespondingAnd "horizontal retention" with both hands, authentic while sittingor Nekorogari play!Is "vertical retention" in the right hand, left hand and hold thestrap and the bag feel free play!• Example 2: selectable discarded tiles way[Discarded tile button is easier in the smartphone,It is easy to spear Tsutatchi in the tablet.• Example 3: versatile rule settingBecause the possible 18 types of rules set, we will strike with arule in his own.※ In addition, adopt local rules that can not be set change isbecoming less.· There is peace itself 摸-Eating peace impossibleAnd dark 槓 of Dora immediately glue. After Dora of the pressurized槓-Daming 槓 discarded pie.搶槓 is possible in-thirteen orphans only dark 槓.- Pretend hearing of thirteen orphans is kind tile only.And large four Hee, thirteen orphans thirteen face waiting, ninegates nine face waiting, four Anko single horseman waiting doublerole MitsuruAnd human sum YakuMitsuru• The thirteen Futo None
Board Top Show More...
Shobo: strategy board game 2.0.2 APK
SHOBO™ - stab, smash and maneuver your way tovictory in this single and multi-player board game specificallydesigned for mobile social gaming.SHOBO™ is very easy to learn, but difficult to master. Gamesnever repeat themselves, and an average game takes just a fewminutes from start to finish.In SHOBO™ part of the skill comes in guessing your opponent'snext move, and every decision is deadly. Strategy and Agility.Intellect and Domination. How you play, how you survive, is up toyou!Play Single Player to train and entertain yourself, or challengeyour friends and see how you do on the leaderboard.Originally a highly successful Facebook app with tens ofthousands of players, the game's original developers have turned tomobile specialists, Leo Tech, to make a mobile version with morefeatures and plenty of exciting gameplay.
Chess - Play & Learn 4.3.5-googleplay APK
Play chess with millions of players around theworld! Enjoy free unlimited games and improve your chess ratingwith 50,000+ tactics puzzles, interactive lessons and videos, and apowerful computer opponent. Unlock your inner chess mastertoday!PLAY CHESS- Challenge your friends and chat with opponents- Play real-time blitz or daily correspondence chessTACTICS PUZZLES- Solve more than 50,000 puzzles- Adjusts to your skill level to help you improveLESSONS- Thousands of videos and interactive lessons from topGrandmasters- Interactive tutorials with helpful tips and highlightsCOMPUTER- Adjust the computer's strength- Analyze your game to learn what went wrong… AND MORE- Daily articles by top authors and coaches like IM JeremySilman- Opening explorer helps you learn and play the rightopenings- Make friends & send messages- 20+ gorgeous themes for boards, pieces, and backgrounds- Detailed performance stats and ratings- Active community forumABOUT is built by chess players and enthusiasts who really lovechess!Team:
Dots and Boxes - Squares (Classic Board Games) 6.8 APK
Thank you all for your downloads! Thanks toyou the game has surpassed the 1M downloads mark.Game is also known as Dots and Squares, Dot Box Game, Dots andLines, Dots and Dashes, Connect the Dots, Dot Game, Smart Dots,Boxes, Squares, Paddocks, Square-it, Dots, Dot Boxing.Maybe the most feature-rich and challenging implementation of theclassic Dots and Boxes / Squares game on Google Play.This application offers very challenging Artificial Intelligence aswell as many other features. The AI in the advanced difficultylevels is able to predict and anticipate the future moves.Also the application is very lightweight with the apk size notexceeding the 1.5MB.Features:1) Play against friends or against computer.2) Clever Artificial Intelligence which anticipates futuremoves.3) Four AI difficulty levels: very-easy,easy, medium, hard. The AIis well designed with each next level being a bit harder than theprevious level.4) Multiple board sizes (from 3x3 dots to 12x12)5) Ability to choose player name and your favourite colour6) Quick match. No irritating menus just hit the launch icon andyou are inside the action.( Of course after entering the application you have the ability toselect your favourite settings by hitting the MENU button. Yourpreferences will be saved so you won't have to change them eachtime you open the application. )7) Ability to set the game speed. 3 game speed level : slow,normal, fast. Fast level is appropriate for experienced player,slow is more appropriate for people who just started playing dotsand boxes.8) Statistics section for viewing your results against thecomputer9) Ability to share your statistics and end-game screenshots withfriends10) Undo buttonFor those who don't know the gameTo be good in the game you must have good observation skills and beable to predict the opponent's moves.So are you ready to take the challenge??The rules are1) Touch in between two dots to mark a line (vertical orhorizontal). Your goal is to complete a four side box /square.2) The player that completes a four side box / square has theopportunity to play one more time.3) The player that will complete the most boxes / squares wins thegame.Start closing your Boxes / Squares now! Free!Enjoy!For any issue or suggestions about Dots and Boxes / Squares gamecontact us at
The Sex Game (DEMO) 2.9.6 APK
******** THIS IS JUST A DEMO VERSION OF THEORIGINAL GAME, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY *******In this version, only 5 cards of each type are inserted into thegame.The Sex Game is a board game created for the amusement of thecouple between four walls.Increases the intimacy of the couple because helps to reveal thethoughts and intentions of the partner, The Sex Game provides amore pleasurable sexual intercourse due to internal events andexcitement created by the game.The objective of the game is to reach the end of the board. Theloser will do your partner's sexual desires for 3 hours!The game so far has more than 80 cards of internal events plus theevents of the board, such as: kiss, drink a dose, take a piece ofclothing, etc..Download, enjoy and have fun with your partner!It just depends on you to improve your relationship having somefun!If you find any bugs, please report us!
It’s “GO” time! Take a ride on the ReadingRailroad. Buy Boardwalk. Go directly to Jail. Buy, sell, and tradethe famous MONOPOLY properties, and see the game jump to life withanimated features and easy gameplay. Challenge friends and evencustomize the game rules!EMPLOY HANDS ON MANAGEMENTTap the screen to manage your properties – from Marvin Gardens toWater Works to Park Place. Building hotels or taking a “Chance” issimple and intuitive.CHOOSE YOUR LEVEL AND LOOKPlay through 3 levels of difficulty and save games in progress.Also customize the number of players, the game rules, and even thegame environment.Enjoy MONOPOLY in the tradition of the beloved, best-selling boardgame!Be the first to know! Get inside EA info on great deals, plus thelatest game updates, tips & more…VISIT US: US: US: US: Agreement: terms.ea.comVisit for assistance or inquiries.EA may retire online features and services after 30 days’ noticeposted on Consumer Information. This app: Contains direct links tothe Internet.Requires acceptance of EA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy and UserAgreement.
Rolling Sky APK
Rolling Sky,Google Play Best Game of2016,which is a game that pushes the boundaries of your speed andreaction. The splendid 3D effect scene enables you to experiencethe imaginary traps and barriers. Now, let's control the ball andconquer the world by overcoming challenges.How to play?Drag the ball left or right to avoid all obstacles and try not tofall off the track! Challenge your speed with the rhythm of themusic and try your best to win each round!Features:• One-touch control with simple operations• Stunning 3D worlds and effects• Rich scenes (including Massif, Cosmos, Forest, Snowfield, Infernoand lots more!)• A challenge to test your ultimate speed and fast reflexes!Follow and contact us:It’s always pleasant to receive your valuable suggestions.We inviteyou to suggest game improvements, bugs or general feedback! Contactus!rollingskyfeedback@conew.comBusiness Cooperation:Cheetah Mobile is now sincerely inviting all the amazing mobile game developers globally to achieve mutual success! we are looking forward to the great games! Contact us on: Privacy Policy :
iWin Online - Game Bài 6.2.2 APK
iWin Online (Phiên bản 6.x) đem lại cho ngườichơi những trải nghiệm danh bai tuyệt vời và hoàn toàn miễn phí vớicác thể loại game danh bai truyền thống như : Tiến lên, Xì tố,Mậu binh, Bài cào, Xì dách, Phỏm.Đặc sắc game danh bai iWin Online:✓ iWin hấp dẫn với giao diện bắt mắt, âm thanh sốngđộng.✓ Hơn 12 game bài đẳng cấp đa dạng : Tiến Lên (Tien len miennam), Xì Tố ( xi to ), Mậu Binh ( mau binh ), Bài Cào ( bai cao)…✓ Và 5 game cờ trí tuệ : Cờ Tướng, Cờ Vua, Domino,Caro…✓ Cùng các minigame giải trí khác : Tài Xỉu, Mini Poker, NổHũ (Jackpot)…✓ Hệ thống đăng nhập nhanh, dễ dàng: Chơi Ngay, Facebook,Gmail.✓ Tính năng tương tác danh bai cùng bạn, bạn càng đông càngvui.✓ Quà khởi nghiệp cực to, tặng win miễn phí hàng ngày.✓ Game hiện chơi mượt mà trên các hệ điều hành Android 4.0trở lên.Các thành tích nổi bật:★ Top 1 game bài tại thị trường Việt Nam.★ Vượt qua cột mốc 5 triệu người chơi chỉ sau 1 năm ra mắt.LƯU Ý: - Hãy xác thực để bảo vệ tài khoản chơi game của bạn, cũng như nhậnđược rất nhiều ưu đãi và chơi được nhiều tính năng Đặc Biệt kháccủa game.- Các trò chơi chỉ dành cho người ở độ tuổi trưởng thành.- Các trò chơi không cung cấp "cờ bạc tiền thật" hay đổi thưởngsang hiện vật.- Kinh nghiệm đã chơi hoặc chơi thắng ở trò chơi game bài trên mạngxã hội không đồng nghĩa với sẽ thắng trong các hoạt động cácược/giao dịch bằng tiền thật sau này.-----------------------------------------------------THÔNG TIN HỖ TRỢ :Trang chủ: http://iwin.meHỗ trợ: http://hotro.iwin.meEmail: hotro@iwin.meFacebook Fanpage: The games are intended for an adult audience.- The games do not offer "real money gambling" or an opportunity towin real money or prizes.- Practice or success at social casino gaming does not imply futuresuccess at "real money gambling.iWin Online (version 6.x)gives players the great experience bai list and totally free withgenres such as traditional card games: Onward, Poker factors, Mauwar, all Scratch, Poker dách, Phỏm.Signature iWin game Beat Online:✓ iWin attractive interface with eye-catching, dynamic sound.✓ Over 12 games all diverse class: Len (Tien len mien nam),Cistercians (xi loud), the sample mean (sample mean), all Rakes(bai high) ...✓ intellectual chess game and 5: Chinese Chess, Chess, Domino, Caro...✓ Along the other entertainment minigame: OU, Mini Poker, ExplosionHu (Jackpot) ...✓ login system fast, easily: Play Right, Facebook, Gmail.✓ Interactive features list bai with you, the more themerrier.✓ Offers pole to start a business, win free gifts every day.✓ Game does play smoothly on Android OS 4.0 and above.The outstanding achievements:★ Top 1 game all in Vietnam market.★ Pass the 5 million users milestone after only 1 year debut.NOTE:- Be authentic to protect your gaming account, as well as getting alot of deals and play many other special features of thegame.- The game is only for people in adulthood.- The game does not provide "real money gambling" or change to thebonus artifacts.- Experience played or play in the game to win the game all onsocial networks does not mean going to win in the betting / tradingwith real money later.-------------------------------------------------- ---SUPPORT INFORMATION:Home: http://iwin.meSupport: http://hotro.iwin.meEmail: hotro@iwin.meFacebook Fanpage: The games are intended for an adult audience.- The games do not offer "real money gambling" or an opportunity towin real money or prizes.- Practice or success at social casino gaming does not imply futuresuccess at "real money gambling.
Catan APK
"Catan", the legendary strategy game providesgaming fun anytime, anywhere.True to the original game, you can compete with up to four playersfor the most settlements, the longest roads and the largest army.You can trade with each other and claim the precious land with allits resources.Challenge other Catan fans online via cross-platform multiplayer toprove your strategy skill or play against the AI:Various computer opponents, each with their own individualcharacteristics, will prove themselves worthy competitors: thepirate Jean, who knows no compromise, Vincent the merchant, whonever allows himself to be cheated, Sean the knight, who takes whatis rightfully his...The popular Catan expansions "Seafarers" and "Cities and Knights"are available as In-App purchases.The complete Seafarers expansion includes more than 10 additionalscenarios with an extensive campaign. Become Harbormaster, discovernew islands and extra game elements like ships, gold fields,treasures and pirates. Ahoy!The Cities and Knights expansion introduces various new gameplaymechanics that add even more variety to Catan. Invest new tradegoods in city improvements to build one of the three metropolisesof Catan – but beware of the barbarians attracted by Catan’s newwealth! You’ll need your best knights to fend them off! C&Kcontains a short campaign and 7 challenging maps.Features:- Available languages: English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish,Portuguese- Optimized for smartphones and tablets- Original "Settlers of Catan" rule set- Smart computer opponents with individual strategies- Scrollable game board including zoom option- Freely combinable game settings- Game statistics- Comprehensive tutorial- Seafarers LITE: New scenario "The 4 Islands" and two additionalgame variants- Cities and Knights LITE: Test the new expansion in the scenario"The first Island"- 3 different graphic sets to choose from*****Catan FAQ:Question: Why do I have to download additional files afterpurchasing?Answer: The download from Google play includes the basic game dataand a tool that will determine your device’s display resolution andthen download the optimal graphics data for your device.Question: Which Android security permissions does Catan need andwhy?Answer: “Storage” to write data to the SD or move the game data,“Network communication” to download game data and access the In AppStore and “system tools” to check if Catan is already running toresume a game.Question: I bought one of the expansions but after an update,reinstallation of Catan or after restoring my phone the expansionseems gone?Answer: Don’t worry; your initial purchase is already saved in yourGoogle account. However for technical reasons you might have toselect “Buy” again. Confirm and a message will tell you that you’vealready purchased it. You will NOT be billed twice!Question: I lost my campaign progress after reinstalling, updatingfrom or when restoring my phone. Is there any way to restoreit?Answer: Savegames from old versions can usually be restoredautomatically. For all other cases we’ve integrated a cheat code:Enter campaign mode and go to select player. Enter „CatanWarp*“ (*= 1–15, e.g "CatanWarp5") as your player name and confirm. Exit thegame via the home button. Enter your phone’s settings menu. Selectapplications/manage applications/Catan/ and then “Force Stop”.Restart Catan. The campaign can now be continued from the specifiedlevel number by selecting “New scenario *”.**********Suggestions for improvements and feature requests?Mail to android@usm.deWe are looking forward to your feedback!When contacting our support team, please provide details on thetype of device and Android OS version used as well as a detaileddescription of the issue. Thank you!For news and updates follow us on Facebook and Twitter.*****