App Information Absolute Skat pro
- App NameAbsolute Skat pro
- Package Namede.dresden.magnussoft.absoluteskatproV4.ger
- UpdatedMarch 24, 2016
- File Size38M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3 and up
- Version5.55
- Developermagnussoft
- Installs10,000 - 50,000
- Price$2.27
- CategoryCard
- DeveloperEmail goplay@magnussoft.deZur Linde 7 01723 Kesselsdorf
- Google Play Link
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Absolute Skat pro 5.55 APK
Das neue - Absolute Skat 10.0 - ist ab sofortunter folgendem Link erhältlich:, das beliebteste Kartenspiel Deutschlands nun auch indieser speziell für Android entwickelten Version.Egal, ob Anfänger oder Profi-Spieler, in Absolute Skat Profindest Du, was Du für eine spannende Partie Skat brauchst.Verschiedene Schwierigkeitsstufen und umfangreiche Einstellungenfür den Spielablauf geben Dir die Möglichkeit das Kartenspielindividuell zu gestalten. Starte jetzt einen gemütlichenSkatabend!Diese neue, umfangreichere Absolute Skat Pro Version enthälteinen erweiterten Ansichtsmodus extra für Handynutzer oder kleinereDisplays (XXL Mode). Mit speziellen Kartendecks und derungefächerten Anzeige ist es jetzt noch einfacher auf diesenGeräten zu spielen.Mit dem Erwerb von Absolute Skat Pro holst Du Dir ein komplettesSpiel. Keine In-App Verkäufe, keine Werbung. Alle Extras und Bonisind bereits im Spiel enthalten und müssen nicht zusätzlicherworben werden. Einmal kaufen und den kompletten Spielspaß imvollen Umfang genießen!Bitte bei Fragen, Problemen oder Kritik eine E-Mail schreiben!In den meisten Fällen können wir das Problem umgehend lösen.Beinhaltet wahlweise die frei einstellbaren Variationen:- Ramschen- Kontra und Re ansagen- Bockrunden- Alle vier Buben und Trumpf-Ass zählen als ‚mit 4‘- Grundwert von Grand ist wählbar zwischen 20 und 24- Verlorene Handspiele werden nicht bestraft- Mit 30 aus dem Schneider- Bockrunde falls die letzte Runde 60:60 ausging- auf Wunsch Turnierzählweise- Bierlachs (300,400,500) auf Wunsch mit oder ohne DatumFeatures:- Verschiedene Schwierigkeitsgrade, sowohl für Gelegenheitsspielerals auch für gestandene Skatspieler- 13 verschiedene Kartendecks (deutsche und französische Blätter),mehrere speziell für Handyspieler!- Verschiedene Kartenansichten für mehr Überblick im Spiel- Zuschaltbare Spieloptionen, wie: Letzten Stich ansehen,schnellere/langsamere Animationen, Punkte anzeigen, Avatare,u.v.a.m.- Verschiedene Spielfelder- Intelligente Gegner- Umfangreiche Spielauswertung- Profilerstellung für verschiedene Spieler- Individuelle Speicherfunktion- Zusätzliche, spezielle Low-Grafik-Version für Geräte mit wenigfreiem Speicher- Karten frei sortierbar zzgl. die Möglichkeit einer automatischenSortierungDies ist die deutsche Skat Version!The new - Absolute Skat10.0 - is available now at the following link:, the most popular card game in Germany have now developedin this specifically for Android version.Whether beginner or professional player, in Absolute Skat Proyou can find what you need for an exciting game Skat. Variousdifficulty levels and extensive settings for the gameplay give youto make the card game customization possibility. Start now a cozyskat evenings!This new, richer Absolute Skat Pro version includes an enhancedview mode especially for mobile users or smaller displays (XXLMode). With special decks of cards and the ungefächerten display itis now even easier to play on these devices.With the acquisition of Absolute Skat Per Holst you a completegame. No in-app sales, not advertising. All extras and bonuses areincluded in the game and do not have to be purchased separately.Buy once and enjoy the complete game to the full extent!Please any questions, problems or comments send an e-mail! Inmost cases, we can solve the problem immediately.Includes optional freely adjustable variations:- Bulks- Contraindications and Re announcements- Bock rounds- All four Jacks and trump ace count as, with 4 '- Fundamental value of Grand selectable 20-24- Lost Hand games are not punished- With 30 out of the woods- Bock round if the last round 60:60 emanated- At the request Turnierzählweise- Beer Salmon (300,400,500) on request with or without dateFeatures:- Different levels of difficulty, for both casual gamers as well asseasoned Skatspieler- 13 different card decks (German and French music), morespecifically for mobile gamers!- Various map views for a better overview in the game- Selectable game options such as: Show the last trick, faster /slower animations, View Points, avatars, and much more- Various Fields- Intelligent opponents- Extensive game evaluation- Profiling for different players- Individual memory function- Additional, special low-graphics version for devices with LowMemory-. Free maps sortable plus the possibility of automatic sortingThis is the German version of Skat!
Epyx Summer Games Reloaded (E) 1.01 APK
Epyx® SummerGames: Retroedition(english/englisch) Sommerspiele english version.Epyx® SummerGames: Retroedition challenges your skills in aseries of different sporting events. You may show the world yourskills in 10 different winter sports.- Rowing- 100m Sprint- Cycling Race- Archery- Hammer Throwing- Long Jump- High Jump- Swimming- Javelin- Triple JumpEpyx® SummerGames: Retroedition allows you to play in an 8bitretro look or in the more modern 16bit look.This new version of the game was specifically designed for touchnavigation of pads and mobile phones.You are free to choose for which of the 16 countries availableyou want to start. There are also different levels of difficulty tochoose from. Before you enter the full competition, maybe sometraining will help you get better results? You can keep track ofyour improvements in all events and practices.Thank you for buying Epyx® SummerGames: Retroedition. You havebought a complete game and will not be bothered by any In-Apppurchases or ads. All boni and extras the game has to offer arealready available to you.This is the english language version of Epyx® SummerGames:Retroedition!
Epyx Winter Games Reloaded (D) 1.05 APK
Epyx® WinterGames: Retroedition(deutsch/german) Winterspiele german/deutsche Version!Epyx® WinterGames: Retroedition fordert Deine Fähigkeiten ineiner Reihe von verschiedenen sportlichen Wettkämpfen. Du kannstDich in 10 anspruchsvollen Retro Winter-Events messen.- Eisschnelllauf- Biathlon- Skispringen- Trickski- Eiskunstlauf- Abfahrtski- Slalom- Bobfahren- Eiskunstlauf Kür- RennrodelnEpyx® WinterGames: Retroedition gibt Dir die Möglichkeit sowohlim 8Bit-Retrolook als auch im 16Bit- Retrolook der 80er Jahre zuspielen.Diese speziell für Tablets und Handys angepasste Versionbesticht durch eine einzigartige Spielsteuerung perTouchscreen.Länder, Starter und Schwierigkeitsgrad sind frei wählbar.Trainiere jede Disziplin bevor Du in einen Wettkampf einsteigst, umDeine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. Deine Trainingserfolge undWettkampfergebnisse lassen sich per Statistik überprüfen.Du kannst für 16 verschiedene Länder starten und in einemspannenden Wettkampf beweisen, wie gut Du bist und ob sich DeinTraining ausgezahlt hat!Mit dem Erwerb von Epyx® WinterGames: Retroedition holst Du Direin komplettes Spiel. Keine In-App Verkäufe, keine Werbung. AlleExtras und Boni sind bereits im Spiel enthalten und müssen nichtzusätzlich erworben werden. Einmal kaufen und den komplettenSpielspaß im vollen Umfang genießen!Dies ist die deutsche Epyx® WinterGames: RetroeditionVersion!This is the german language version of Epyx® WinterGames:Retroedition!Epyx Winter Games ®:Retro Edition (German / German) Winter Games German / Germanversion!Epyx Winter Games ®: Retro Edition calls your skills in a numberof different sports competitions. You can measure up to 10challenging retro winter events.- Speed Skating- Biathlon- Ski Jumping- Trickski- Figure skating- Alpine skiing- Slalom- Bobsledding- Figure skating Freestyle- LugeEpyx Winter Games ®: Retro Edition gives you the opportunity toplay in both the 8-bit retro look as well as in 16-bit retro lookof the 80s.Custom fit for tablets and phones version boasts a unique gametouch screen control.Between countries, starters, difficulty can be chosen freely.Train each discipline before you go into a race to improve yourabilities. Your success in training and competition results can betested by statistics. You can not start for 16 different countries and prove in anexciting competition, how good you are and whether your traininghas paid off!With the acquisition of Epyx Winter Games ®: Retro Edition Holstyou a complete game. No in-app sales, not advertising. All extrasand bonuses are already included in the game and do not need to bepurchased separately. Buy once and enjoy the entire game infull!This is the German Epyx Winter Games ®: Retro Editionversion!This is the German language version of Epyx Winter Games ®: RetroEdition!
Epyx Winter Games Reloaded (E) 1.05 APK
Epyx® WinterGames: Retroedition(english/englisch) Winterspiele english version.Epyx® WinterGames: Retroedition challenges your skills in aseries of different sporting events. You may show the world yourskills in 10 different winter sports.- Speed skating- Biathlon- Ski Jumping- Downhill skiing- Freestyle skiing- Figure skating- Figure skating: Long program- Slalom- Bob-Sled- LugeEpyx® WinterGames: Retroedition allows you to play in an 8bitretro look or in the more modern 16bit look.This new version of the game was specifically designed for touchnavigation of pads and mobile phones.You are free to choose for which of the 16 countries availableyou want to start. There are also different levels of difficulty tochoose from. Before you enter the full competition, maybe sometraining will help you get better results? You can keep track ofyour improvements in all events and practices.Thank you for buying Epyx® WinterGames: Retroedition. You havebought a complete game and will not be bothered by any In-Apppurchases or ads. All boni and extras the game has to offer arealready available to you.This is the english language version of Epyx® WinterGames:Retroedition!
Epyx California Games (germ.) 1.02 APK
Epyx® CaliforniaGames:Retroedition(deutsch/german) California Games german/deutscheVersion!Nimm Deinen Startplatz ein bei den fantastischen CaliforniaGamesund zeige unter der Sonne des „Golden State“ DeineFähigkeiten inverschiedensten Trendsportarten, die sich einstmalsan den Strändendes US-Staates entwickelt haben.Trainieren und im Wettkampf antreten kannst Du beispielsweiseimSurfen, BMX-Fahrrad fahren, Inline-Skaten, natürlich nichtzuvergessen, Skateboard fahren.Also ab an den virtuellen Strand, rein ins Meer, ran andieBedienung und genieße das California Feeling insportlicherUmgebung.Epyx® CaliforniaGames: Retroedition fordert Deine Fähigkeitenineiner Reihe von verschiedenen sportlichen Wettkämpfen. DukannstDich in 8 anspruchsvollen Retro-Events messen.- Skateboard- Footback- Scaten- Dart- Surfen- Ultimate Frisbee- BMX Racing- BMX FreestyleEpyx® CaliforniaGames: Retroedition gibt Dir dieMöglichkeitsowohl im 8Bit-Retrolook als auch im 16Bit- Retrolookder 80erJahre zu spielen.Diese speziell für Tablets und Handys angepasste Versionbestichtdurch eine einzigartige Spielsteuerung perTouchscreen.Mit dem Erwerb von Epyx® CaliforniaGames: Retroedition holstDuDir ein komplettes Spiel. Keine In-App Verkäufe, keineWerbung.Alle Extras und Boni sind bereits im Spiel enthalten undmüssennicht zusätzlich erworben werden. Einmal kaufen und denkomplettenSpielspaß im vollen Umfang genießen!Dies ist die deutsche Epyx® CaliforniaGames:RetroeditionVersion!This is the german language version of Epyx®CaliforniaGames:Retroedition!You can find the english version here: ®CaliforniaGames:Retro Edition (German / German) California GamesGerman / Germanversion!Take your starting place for a fantastic California Gamesandshow under the sun of the "Golden State" of your skills inavariety of popular sports that have once developed on thebeachesof the U.S. state.Train and compete in the competition you can, for example,insurfing, BMX, inline skating, of course, do not forget to rideaskateboard.So off to the virtual beach and into the sea, ran to theoperatorand enjoy the feeling in California sportingenvironment.Epyx ® CaliforniaGames: Retro Edition calls your skills inanumber of different sports competitions. You can measure in8challenging retro Events you.- Skateboard- Foot Back- Scaten- Darts- Surfing- Ultimate Frisbee- BMX Racing- BMX FreestyleEpyx ® CaliforniaGames: Retro Edition gives you theopportunityto play in both the 8-bit retro look as well as in16-bit retrolook of the 80s.Custom fit for tablets and phones version boasts a uniquegametouch screen control.With the acquisition of Epyx ® CaliforniaGames: RetroEditionHolst you a complete game. No in-app sales, not advertising.Allextras and bonuses are already included in the game and do notneedto be purchased separately. Buy once and enjoy the entire gameinfull!This is the German Epyx ® CaliforniaGames: RetroEditionversion!This is the German language version of Epyx ® CaliforniaGames:RetroEdition!You can find the english version here:
Epyx Summer Games Reloaded (D) 1.01 APK
Epyx® SummerGames: Retroedition ( Deutsch /German) Sommerspiele German / Deutsche Version!Epyx® SummerGames: Retroedition fordert Deine Fähigkeiten ineiner Reihe von verschiedenen sportlichen Wettkämpfen. Du kannstDich in 10 anspruchsvollen Retro Sommer-Events messen.- Rudern- 100m-Sprint- Radrennen- Bogenschiessen- Hammerwurf- Weitsprung- Hochsprung.- Schwimmen- Speerwerfen- DreisprungEpyx® SummerGames: Retroedition gibt Dir die Möglichkeit sowohlim 8Bit-Retrolook als auch im 16Bit- Retrolook der 80er Jahre zuspielen.Diese speziell für Tablets und Handys angepasste Versionbesticht durch eine einzigartige Spielsteuerung perTouchscreen.Länder, Starter und Schwierigkeitsgrad sind frei wählbar.Trainiere jede Disziplin bevor Du in einen Wettkampf einsteigst, umDeine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. Deine Trainingserfolge undWettkampfergebnisse lassen sich per Statistik überprüfen.Du kannst für 16 verschiedene Länder starten und in einemspannenden Wettkampf beweisen, wie gut Du bist und ob sich DeinTraining ausgezahlt hat!Mit dem Erwerb von Epyx® SummerGames: Retroedition holst Du Direin komplettes Spiel. Keine In-App Verkäufe, keine Werbung. AlleExtras und Boni sind bereits im Spiel enthalten und müssen nichtzusätzlich erworben werden. Einmal kaufen und den komplettenSpielspaß im vollen Umfang genießen!Dies ist die deutsche Epyx® SummerGames: RetroeditionVersion!This is the german language version of Epyx® SummerGames:Retroedition!Epyx® Summer Games: RetroEdition (German / German) Summer Games German / German version!Epyx® Summer Games: Retro Edition calls your skills in a numberof different sports competitions. You can measure up to 10challenging retro summer events.- Rowing- 100m sprint- Race- Archery- Hammer Throw- Long jump- High Jump.- Swimming- Javelin- Triple JumpEpyx® Summer Games: Retro Edition gives you the opportunity toplay in both the 8-bit retro look as well as in 16-bit retro lookof the 80s.Custom fit for tablets and phones version boasts a unique gametouch screen control.Countries, starters, difficulty can be chosen freely. Train eachdiscipline before you go into a race to improve your abilities.Your success in training and competition results can be checked atrandom. You can not start for 16 different countries and prove in anexciting competition, how good you are and whether your traininghas paid off!With the acquisition of epyx® Summer Games: Retro Edition Holstyou a complete game. No in-app sales, no advertising. All extrasand bonuses are included in the game and need not be purchasedseparately. Buy one and enjoy the entire game in full!This is the German epyx® Summer Games: Retro EditionVersion!This is the German language version of epyx® Summer Games: RetroEdition!
Absolute Skat pro - english 5.40 APK
Skat, the most popular card game in Germany now as thisspecifically developed version for Android. Whether beginner orprofessional player, in Absolute Skat pro you can find what youneed for an exciting Skat challenge.Various difficulty levels and many kinds of settings for thegameplay give you the opportunity to make the cardgame customised.Now start a relaxing Skat match. This new, more comprehensiveAbsolute Skat pro version includes an advanced view mode,especially for mobile users or smaller displays.With special card decks and the lined up display, it's now eveneasier to play on these devices. You can choose between freelyselectable variations:- Ramsch - Kontra and Re announcement- Bock rounds- All four jacks and trump ace count as ‚with 4‘- Basic value of the Grand is selectable between 20-24- Lost Hand games will be not punished- With 30 out of the Schneider- and many moreProduct feature bullets:• Now also with different variations such as Ramschen, Kontra, Reand Bock rounds• Various levels of difficulty• 13 different card decks (several especially for mobilephones)• Different card view for an better overview• Selectable game options• Various playing fields• Intelligent opponents• Extensive evaluation of the Game• Profile creation for different players• Individual memory functionThis is the english version of Absolute Skat pro!By buying Absolute Skat pro you get a complete game. No In-Appsales, no advertising.All extras and bonuses are already included in the game and neednot be purchased separately. Only buy once to enjoy the full extentof the game.
Skat Meister 1.10 APK
Skat Meister ist die erste Android App, welche die neuste Skat KIder 6.Generation beinhaltet.Damit ist nicht nur eine von Anfang an hohe Qualität der Gegnergewährleistet sondern zusätzlich eine Leistungssteigerung der KImöglich.Skat Meister wurde speziell nach den Ansprüchen der Skatgemeindeentwickelt.In dieser Basisversion sind deshalb die am häufigsten gewünschtenFeatures enthalten.Eine speziell für Handy und Tablets entwickelte Ansichtsoption,welche frei dreh- und kippbar ist, kann auf Wunsch bis in den HDBereich eine hohe Grafikqualität gewährleisten und auch beileistungsschwächeren Geräten in niedrigeren Grafikauflösungen fürein überwältigendes Ergebnis sorgen.Diese Basis-Version enthält beim Kauf:- KI der 6.Generation in zwei Leistungsstufen- 5 deutsche und 2 französische Blätter und 1 franz. Blatt mirdeutschen Farben- HD Grafik frei dreh- und kippbar,- Umfangreiche Statistiken zu Spiel, Runden und Nutzung- Spielliste (kleiner Skatblock)- Ausführliche Auswertung nach jedem Spiel- Speichern und Laden einer Partie- Verschiedene, frei wählbare Hintergründe, Deckblätter undDesigns- Anpassung aller Kartensets im Aussehen (neu, gebraucht,abgegriffen)- Frei wählbare Kartenausrichtungen (gerade, gefächert, geordnet,ungeordnet)- Alle gängigen Kartenbezeichner sind möglich- Automatische und persönliche Kartensortierung- Spielwiederholungen sind mit gleichen Karten möglich- Frei wählbare Mitspielernamen und Vergabe verschiedenerCharakterbilder- Geräuschkulissen (Kneipe, Tournier u.ä.)Optional können über In-App Käufe weitere Inhalte erworbenwerden:- Umfangreiches Sonderregelwerk- Weitere Kartensets- Mehrspielermodus / Tourniermodus (in Vorbereitung)- Höhere Spieltiefe der KI (in Vorbereitung)Bitte im Bewertungsbereich keine Hinweise oder Änderungswünschehinterlassen.Bitte bei Fragen, Problemen oder Kritik eine E-Mail schreiben! Inden meisten Fällen können wir das Problem umgehend lösen.SkatMaster is the first Android app, which the latest Skat AI of the6th generation contains.Thus, not only high quality from the beginning of the opponentsis guaranteed but also an increase in performance of AIpossible.Skat Master was developed specifically for the needs ofSkatgemeinde.In this basic version therefore contains the most frequentlyrequested features.A specially developed for mobile and tablets view option, whichis freely rotatable and tiltable, can provide upon request to theHD area high graphics quality and ensure that even less powerfuldevices at lower graphics resolutions for a stunning result. This basic version includes the purchase:- AI 6th generation in two stages-. 5 German and French 2 leaves and 1 double sheet me Germancolors- HD graphics rotatable and tiltable free,- Extensive statistics to game rounds and use- Play List (less Skat Pad)- Detailed evaluation after each game- Save and load a game- Various selectable backgrounds, Covers and Designs- Adjustment of all sets of cards in appearance (new, used,worn)- Arbitrary map views (straight, diversified, ordered,unordered)- All major Kartenbezeichner are possible- Automatic and personal card sorting- Replays are possible with the same cards- Arbitrary player name and assign different character images- Soundscapes (pub, Tournier, etc.)Optionally can be purchased via in-app purchases morecontent:- Extensive special rules- Other sets of cards- Multiplayer / Tournament formula (in preparation)- Increased depth of the game AI (in preparation)Please leave a review in the area no evidence or changerequests.Please with any questions, problems or suggestions send us ane-mail! In most cases, we can solve the problem immediately.
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Spiele Skat wann und wo Du willst!Starke Gegner. Erstklassiges Design.Spiele jederzeit gegen starke Computergegner!** Skat HD ist komplett frei von Werbung **Spiele wie Du magst:- Einstellbare Spielweise der Mitspieler- Realistische Spielszene- Deutsches-, Französisches- und Turnier-Blatt- Regeln für Kontra, Re, Bockrunde und Ramsch- Flexible Sortieroptionen für Deine Karten- Original Altenburger SpielkartenDeine Computergegner spielen 100% fair und bevorzugen oderbenachteiligen niemand. Die Karten werden zufällig verteilt. JederSpieler - ob Mensch oder Computer - hat identische Chancen.Lerne Skat:- Spielvorschläge- Zug zurücknehmen- Anzeige des letzten Stiches- Augen der Stiche anzeigen- Blatt der Gegner anzeigen- Interaktive Skat-Einführung- Alle offiziellen Skat RegelnPerfektioniere Deine Spielweise:- Wiederhole das letzte Spiel- Detaillierten Spielverlauf zu jedem Spiel- Umfangreiche Statistik Deiner Spiele- Detaillierte Listenführung mit Abrechnung nach DSkVSpiele Skat online mit Freunden (*)- Skat gegen echte Mitspieler- Ohne AnmeldungSkat ist ein Geschicklichkeitsspiel. Nach deutschem Recht ist Skatkein Glücksspiel. In unserer App gibt es kein Geld und keine Preisezu gewinnen. Erfolgreiches Spiel in unserer App bedeutet nichtunbedingt, dass der betreffende Teilnehmer auch bei künftigenSpielen um echtes Geld erfolgreich sein wird.Freue Dich auf viele Stunden Spielspaß mit unserer kostenlosenApp!Wir freuen uns, dass SKAT so großartige Resonanz findet! Wirentwickeln SKAT kontinuierlich weiter. Sende uns Deine Wünsche*) Die Verfügbarkeit der Online-Funktionen wird mit dem Kauf derApp nicht garantiert.Nutzungsbedingungen der Online-Funktionen unter Skat when and whereyou want!Strong opponents. First-class design.Games anytime against computer opponents!** Skat HD is completely free of advertising **games as you like:- Adjustable game, the players- Realistic game scene- Deutsches-, a queen-and Competition Journal- Rules for Double, Re, Bock round and junk- Flexible sorting options for your cards- Original Altenburger playing cardsYour computer opponents play 100% fair and favor or discriminateagainst anyone. The cards are distributed randomly. Every player -whether human or computer - has identical opportunities.Meet Skat:- Game Suggestions- Reduce train- Display of the last stitchShow eyes of stitches -See Journal of the opponents -- Interactive Skat-introduction- All official Skat rulesFine-tune your playing style:- Repeat the last game- Detailed game history for every Game- Extensive statistics of your games- Detailed list management with billing after DSkVGames Skat online with friends (*)- Skat against real players- Without registrationSkat is a game of skill. Under German law Skat is not gambling. Inour app, there is no money and to win any awards. Successful gamein our app does not necessarily mean that the participant concernedwill be successful also in future play for real money.Look forward to many hours of gameplay with our free app!We are pleased that so SKAT finds great resonance! We develop SKATcontinuously. Send us your wishes to*) The availability of the online functions is not guaranteed bypurchasing the app.Terms of the online features under
Skat-Palace APK
With Skat-Palast you can play online Skat freeand without any advertisements, with opponents from around theworld. Thanks to thousands of members you will find like-mindedplayers online 24 hours a day for the most popular German cardgame.Choose french or German card designs and step up in our free laddersystem or join a club and find new friends to play with. Ourstandard tables are set to the international Skat tournamentruleset, but we also offer tables with custom rules like Contra andRe, Ramsch and many more!The Palace ist the largest app for Skat online and now availablefor all your mobile devices and desktop computers. Download the appnow and play immediately, no registration required!Skat, the trump of card games!General Information:Skat-Palast is intended for an adult audience and does not offerany real money gambling nor is it possible to win real money.Practice or success at Skat-Palast does not imply future success inreal Skat.
Skat APK
Skat - des Deutschen liebstesKartenspiel.Spiele jederzeit gegen starke Computergegner!Spiele kostenlos Skat wann und wo Du willst!Starke Gegner. Erstklassiges Design.Spiele wie Du magst:- Einstellbare Spielweise der Mitspieler- Realistische Spielszene- Deutsches-, Französisches- und Turnier-Blatt- Regeln für Kontra, Re, Bockrunde und Ramsch- Flexible Sortieroptionen für Deine Karten- Original Altenburger SpielkartenDeine Computergegner spielen 100% fair und bevorzugen oderbenachteiligen niemand. Die Karten werden zufällig verteilt. JederSpieler - ob Mensch oder Computer - hat identische Chancen.Lerne Skat:- Spielvorschläge- Zug zurücknehmen- Anzeige des letzten Stiches- Augen der Stiche anzeigen- Blatt der Gegner anzeigen- Interaktive Skat-Einführung- Alle offiziellen Skat RegelnPerfektioniere Deine Spielweise:- Wiederhole das letzte Spiel- Detaillierten Spielverlauf zu jedem Spiel- Umfangreiche Statistik Deiner Spiele- Detaillierte Listenführung mit Abrechnung nach DSkVSpiele Skat online mit Freunden (*)- Skat gegen echte Mitspieler- Ohne AnmeldungMit unserer App versuchen wir Skat möglichst umfangreich undrealistisch auf mobilen Endgeräten wiederzugeben. Die App richtetsich nicht an Kinder, sondern ist für Erwachsene konzipiert. Skatist ein Geschicklichkeitsspiel. Nach deutschem Recht ist Skat keinGlücksspiel. In unserer App gibt es kein Geld und keine Preise zugewinnen. Spielpraxis und/oder Erfolg bei Kasinospielen ohne Gewinn("Social Casino Games") bedeuten nicht unbedingt, dass derbetreffende Teilnehmer auch bei künftigen Spielen um echtes Gelderfolgreich sein wird.Freue Dich auf viele Stunden Spielspaß!Wir freuen uns, dass Skat so großartige Resonanz findet! Wirentwickeln Skat kontinuierlich weiter. Sende uns Deine Wünsche*) Nutzungsbedingungen der Online-Funktionen unter www.skat-spiel.deSkat - Germany's favoritecard anytime against computer opponents!Games free Skat when and where you want!Strong opponents. First-class as you like:- Adjustable game, the players- Realistic game scene- Deutsches-, a queen-and Competition Journal- Rules for Double, Re, Bock round and junk- Flexible sorting options for your cards- Original Altenburger playing cardsYour computer opponents play 100% fair and favor or discriminateagainst anyone. The cards are distributed randomly. Every player -whether human or computer - has identical opportunities.Meet Skat:- Game Suggestions- Reduce train- Display of the last stitchShow eyes of stitches -See Journal of the opponents -- Interactive Skat-introduction- All official Skat rulesFine-tune your playing style:- Repeat the last game- Detailed game history for every Game- Extensive statistics of your games- Detailed list management with billing after DSkVGames Skat online with friends (*)- Skat against real players- Without registrationWith our app we try Skat as extensive and realistic playback onmobile devices. The app is aimed at children, but is designed foradults. Skat is a game of skill. Under German law Skat is notgambling. In our app, there is no money and to win any awards.Match practice and / or success in casino games without winning ("Social Casino Games") does not necessarily mean that theparticipant concerned will be successful also in future play forreal money.Look forward to many hours of gameplay!We are pleased that so Skat finds great resonance! We develop Skatcontinuously. Send us your wishes to*) Terms of the online functions under
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Digimon Heroes! 1.0.52 APK
Digimon Heroes is an exciting and free cardgame where you collect, fight and evolve more than 1,000 of yourfavorite DIGIMON characters! Join the card battle adventure, buildyour teams, and conquer your enemies all over the Digital World ofFile Island.Match cards to fight, heal and execute epic combo moves in unique,strategic Digimon battles. Evolve your Digimon or use fusion topower them up, and launch even more massive attacks!• STRATEGIC MATCH-3 CARD BATTLES- Match Command Cards to form chains and devastate yourenemies!- Play cards of the same color to fight, heal and unleashultra-powerful moves!- Fight alongside your favorite Digimon Heroes• COLLECT YOUR FAVORITE DIGIMON- Digimon champions from common to legendary – Collect over 1000 ofyour favorites!• DIGIFUSE, DIGIVOLVE AND LIMIT BREAK- Evolve your Digimon to more powerful forms- Digimon fusion powers up your favorite characters- Break through your Digimon’s limits to unleash their fullpotential• EPIC BATTLES AND SPECIAL EVENTS- Fight your way through File Island and push your team to itslimit with epic events and challenges!- Battle heroes and take on incredible challenges in analways-evolving online worldDigimon Heroes is the ultimate strategic card game, with all ofyour favorite Digimon in the fray! Collect cards, battle enemies,and evolve your Digimon to combat the ultimate enemy on FileIsland!Download Digimon Heroes and join the card battle today!Note: Digimon Heroes! is free to download and play but there arein-app purchases available. If you do not wish to use thesefeatures, you can disable in-app purchases in your device’ssettings. In-app purchases are available via the Shop within thegame. Please refer to In-App Purchases for price tiers.A network connection is required to play.For more information on BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment AmericaInc:Checkout out our website: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: to our Youtube channel: and play other BANDAI NAMCO games!:• PAC-MAN• PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX©2015 Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation. © SCG Characters LLC. DigimonHeroes! and all related logos, characters, names, and distinctivelikenesses thereof are the exclusive property of Toei Animation andSCG Characters LLC. All Rights Reserved. Used UnderAuthorization.©2015 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.Published and distributed by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment AmericaInc.
SCR888 Apps 2.0 APK
WeChat: mix777csWhatsapp: 016-4335233casino slot gamesSCR888, sky3888, SunCity, Goldcity, rollex, Lucky Palace, Leocity,NewTown, OTown dan banyak lagi!!Kunjungi laman fb kami: popular casino slot games! on Android!SCR888, sky3888, SunCity, Goldcity, rollex, Lucky Palace, Leocity,NewTown, OTown dan banyak lagi!!Casino slot game yg paling hot dan unggul!SCR888, sky3888, SunCity, Goldcity, rollex, Lucky Palace, Leocity,NewTown, OTown dan banyak lagi!!Bila Bila & Mana Mana saja!!!Casino slot game yg paling hot dan unggul!Free Register ID SEKARANG!!KAMI TIDAK TANGGUNGJAWAB ATAS S'BARANG SCAM ACCOUNT YANG BUKANREGISTER DENGAN KAMI. TQ
UNO ™ & Friends APK
UNO™ & Friends: Fast Fun forEveryone!UNO™, the world's most beloved card game, introduces a new freesocial experience!Playing UNO™ with friends, family, and the millions of fansworldwide has never been easier! Join one of the largest mobilegaming communities and enjoy a free multiplayer experience,brand-new game modes and tournaments that let you shout ""UNO!"" ona whole new level!GAME FEATURES:√ Easy to learn, difficult to put down!√ Play in Tournaments and become an UNO champion!√ Team up for the win in 2vs2 UNO!√ Use Boosts & Companions to diversify your strategy!√ Level up your UNO Companions and unleash their powers!√ Create custom games and invite your friends to play!√ Challenge millions of UNO fans worldwide!_____________________________________________You can download and play this game for free. Please be informedthat it also allows you to play using virtual currency, which canbe acquired as you progress through the game, or by deciding towatch certain advertisements, or by paying with real money.Purchases of virtual currency using real money are performed usinga credit card, or other form of payment associated with youraccount, and are activated when you input your Google Play accountpassword, without the need to re-enter your credit card number orPIN.In-app purchases can be restricted by adjusting the authenticationsettings within your Play Store settings (Google Play Store Home> Settings > Require authentication for purchases) andsetting up a password for each purchase / Every 30 minutes orNever.Disabling password protection may result in unauthorized purchases.We strongly encourage you to keep password protection turned on ifyou have children or if others could have access to yourdevice.This game contains advertising for Gameloft’s products or somethird parties which will redirect you to a third-party site. Youcan disable your device’s ad identifier being used forinterest-based advertising in the settings menu of your device.This option can be found in the Settings app > Accounts(Personal) > Google > Ads (Settings and Privacy) > Opt outof interest-based ads.Certain aspects of this game will require the player to connect tothe Internet.___________________________________Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at or like uson Facebook at to get more info aboutall our upcoming titles.Check out our videos and game trailers on our blog at for theinside scoop on everything Gameloft.Privacy Policy: of Use: License Agreement:
Solitaire APK
Solitaire by MobilityWare is the original Solitaire game forAndroid devices! Klondike Patience has never been better! Join over100 million users playing our Solitaire for Android! Our version ofSolitaire is free and is the most popular in the Play Store! Trainyour brain with our Daily Challenges for a new Solitaire experienceeach & every day. Download now to play the best classicSolitaire card game on Android now! SOLITAIRE BY MOBILITYWAREFEATURES: Fun Addicting Games of Classic Klondike & PatienceSolitaire ♠ Play different versions of Klondike solitaire,including draw 1 card Klondike Solitaire or classic draw 3 cardKlondike Solitaire! ♠ Winning Deals: Never let the challenge of thegame get too great! But beware, you will still have to find theright moves to beat the challenge! ♠Try all the addicting uniqueways to train your brain with the classic game of Klondike! PlayChallenging Games & Unlock New Challenges Each Day ♥ Challengeskeep the classic game of Klondike solitaire new every time. Neverrun out of new puzzles and ways to train your brain! ♥ Always Free- Play unlimited games every day for a unique, challenging game!Classic Games, Modern Options ♣ Statistics tracker: track yourprogress across several games of Klondike, and study your playstyle to get even better at solving puzzles! ♣ Customize the cards& tables to play with your own style! ♣ Play online or take thechallenge offline with random deals. No WIFI required to playanywhere for free! ♣ Remove the Menu and Status bar to makenavigation easier on Devices which utilize Android’s Navigation Bar(requires Android 4.4 or above) Multiplayer & Leaderboards ♥Brag about your scores and show off to your friends with theleaderboards included in game! ♥ Race against the world when youplay with others in multiplayer! Train your brain and solve eachDaily Challenge to receive a crown for that day. Earn trophies eachmonth by winning more crowns! Play our Daily Challenges andSolitaire free! The game is ad-supported, but only between deals.We don’t put ads on your playfield. LIKE US on Facebook
Sauspiel Schafkopf 1.2.1 APK
Mit Sauspiel Schafkopf kommt die besteKartenspiel-Erfahrung auf Dein Android-Gerät. In der gemütlichenvirtuellen Wirtschaft erwarten Dich Tag und Nacht über 300.000Mitspieler an den Spieltischen. Sauspiel, Wenz und Solo, wann Duwillst, wo Du willst und so viel Du willst!Nie war Kartenspielen so einfach und intuitiv: Tippe mit demFinger auf einen der vielen Spieltische und Du bist sofort mittenim Geschehen. Klicke auf den Chat und sende ein Servus an DeineMitspieler, wähle Dein Spiel indem Du einmal über das Displaystreichst und schiebe wie am echten Tisch mit der Hand Deine Kartenin die Mitte des Spieltisches!With Sauspiel Sheepsheadthe best card game experience comes to your Android device. In thecozy virtual economy like night and day expect over 300,000 playersat the tables. Sauspiel, Wenz and solo, when you want, where youwant and as much as you want!Never play cards was so simple and intuitive: Tap with yourfinger on one of the many poker tables, and you're instantly in themiddle of the action. Click on the chat and send a Hello to yourfellow players, choose your game by you once streichst via thedisplay and move as on a real desk with the hand your card in themiddle of the table!
RikVIP - Đại gia Game Bài 1.0.36 APK
GAME BÀI ONLINE HAY NHẤT VIỆT NAM - RIK VIP!Tham gia chơi đánh bài (choi danh bai) online tại cổng game bàidân gian Rik VIPChơi Bài với đa dạng các thể loại game bài (game bai) được yêuthích cùng với slot games như:• Xóc Đĩa (Xoc Dia)• Sâm (Sâm Lốc, Sam Loc)• Tiến lên miền Nam (Tien len mien Nam)• Poker• Ba cây (Ba cay)• Mậu binh (Mau binh)• Tài xỉu ( Tai Xiu)• Mini Poker• Cao Thấp (HILO)• Vương Quốc Rik (Vuong Quoc Rik)• Sấm truyền (Sam truyen)• Bầu Cua ( Bau cua)• Phục Sinh (Phuc sinh)RIK VIP – CỔNG GAME CHƠI BÀI HÀNG ĐẦU• Cộng đồng cao thủ Tiến lên Miền Nam ( TLMN), Liêng (Lieng),Sâm (Sam), Tài Xỉu, Poker , Xóc Đĩa ... đông nhất hiện nay.• Tự động chơi bài thay khi mất kết nối hoặc người dùng bận, tránhcác trường hợp mất Rik (Xu) một cách bị động.• 1 tài khoản duy nhất chơi trên mọi nền thiết bị.• Cổng game bài duy nhất có game Mini Poker, Tài Xỉu, Tranh tài caothấp, Vương Quốc Rik, Sấm truyền.• Thường xuyên tổ chức event tặng hàng triệu RIK cho mỗi người chơitrên cổng game.• Tối ưu hóa kết nối 3G và Wifi đối với tất cả các dòng máy và hệmáy smartphone chống các hiện tượng lag giật• Thêm bạn thêm vui với tính năng mời bạn bè cùng chơi.• Bảo mật 100% với mật khẩu OTPVới giao diện đẹp, hiệu ứng, âm thanh sinh động, game chơi mượttrên hầu hết các hệ điều hành, đặc biệt là cảm giác sống động nhưthật, cổng game Rik VIP đã trở thành một phần mềm không thể thiếucho các game thủ yêu thích trải nghiệm cảm giác hồi hộp, hấpdẫn.THÔNG TIN HỖ TRỢCác thông tin liên hệ với BĐH cổng game bài khi cần hỗ trợ:- Hỗ trợ: -Hotline: 19006988- Trang chủ: Fanpage: