App Information Alice in the Heart
- App NameAlice in the Heart
- Package Namecom.quinrose.alicehearten
- UpdatedAugust 18, 2014
- File Size1.0G
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3 and up
- Version1.01
- Developerartmove, Inc.
- Installs50,000 - 100,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryAdventure
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Alice in the Heart 1.01 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /11/15Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 9.4 MBTested on: Android 4.4 (KitKat, API: 19)File Sha1: 15a49993ec62c5fcc6111c016c66a85a73a1c33a
artmove, Inc. Show More...
Alice in the Heart 1.01 APK
It’s based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, but it’s totallydifferent love-adventure story game.-------------------------------------------------■The first episode of each character and the opening arefree■■Game characters: 9 characters■More then 100 sub-events!◇1 character: $7 ($5 without sounds)◇A set of all characters: 38$ ($25 without sounds)【All characters' set privilege】Special privilege:The actual case ending※Use of WiFi is recommended when downloading.-------------------------------------------------●User’s SupportPlease check the following URL for User’s Support.※Please note that we cannot reply to any comments in the reviewpage.◇Inquiry●STORY〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓“Wonderland,” the World of Red, which people are shooting eachotherOnce your “heart “is captivated by this world, you can’treturn.〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓The heroine is a realist, and she is not romantic at all. Shenever wants to have a love relationship.A dangerous place where she was involuntarily taken into is theCountry of Hearts.It is a world with a fairy-tale atmosphere, but only buildings andsmall animals are mellow.Actually, it is a dangerous world.Hatter is the mafia and it is normal for employees of the amusementpark to have a gun.Most of residents are dangerous and they always start fightingand killing each other.Moreover, a dispute over territories broke out and it becomes thethree-way struggle among the Hatter, the Queen of Hearts, and theGowland.The heroine who wants to go home but can’t was forced to have astrange medicine (not voluntarily).She thought that this is a dream and decided to enjoy herextraordinary life.Which side should she take part in and how should she act inorder to go back to the original world?And, the heroine is less enthusiastic about a love relationshipthan anyone.Can she have a serious love relationship?〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓“I want to go back.” Until when will she think so ……?〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓-------------------------------------------------●CHARACTER●〈The Hatter〉Blood=Dupre/VoiceActor:Katsuyuki KonishiBoss of the Hatter family.●〈The March Hare〉Elliot=March/VoiceActor:Tsuguo MogamiThe No.2 in the Hatter family.●Tweedle=dee&dum/VoiceActor:Jun FukuyamaThe Gatekeepers of Hatter's residence.●〈The Queen of Hearts〉Vivaldi/VoiceActor:Yuko KaidaShe is an inhumane, cruel, arrogant beautiful woman.●〈The White Rabbit〉Peter=White/VoiceActor:Koki MiyataA man with rabbit ears.●Ace/VoiceActor:Daisuke HirakawaThe Knight of Hearts used to be a subordinate of Vivaldi workingfor The Queen of Hearts.●Mary=Gowland/VoiceActor:Kenyu HoriuchiThe Owner of the Amusement park.●〈The Cheshire Cat〉Boris=Airay/VoiceActor:Noriaki SugiyamaHis cynical smile is his character. He likes riddles.●〈The Clock maker〉Juilius=Monrey/VoiceActor:TakehitoKoyasuA gloomy machine maniac.●Nightmare/VoiceActor:Tomokazu SugitaThe Nightmare.●Alice=LiddellHeroine.
ハートの国のアリス 1.01 APK
不思議の国のアリスを踏まえつつ、まったく異なるストーリー展開の恋愛アドベンチャーゲーム。--------------------------------------------■オープニングと各キャラ1話目は無料■■攻略キャラ:9キャラ / 全18ルート■サブイベントは100種類以上!◇1キャラ:700円(税別)(ボイス無し:500円(税別))※【時計塔】に滞在する【ユリウスルート】の攻略は【エースルート】のベストエンド攻略後に開放されます。◇全キャラセット:3800円(税別)(ボイス無し:2500円(税別)) 【全キャラセット特典】 特典1:ナイトメア恋愛シナリオ 特典2:真相エンディング※ダウンロードはWiFi接続のご利用をおすすめしております。--------------------------------------------●SUPPROTユーザーサポートは以下のURLよりお問い合わせください。※レビュー欄のコメントにはご対応できません。 ご注意ください。◇お問い合わせ※アプリが落ちる(強制終了されてしまう)場合は起動中のアプリを一度全て終了してください。※ストアでの課金が正常に終了した場合、ダウンロードの成否によらず、その後の返金はいたしかねます。--------------------------------------------●STORY〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 銃弾飛び交う赤の世界<ワンダーワールド> 心<ハート>を奪われたら、帰れない。〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓現実主義で、夢見がちなところが皆無な主人公。特に、恋愛ごとはこりごりだと思っている。彼女が引っ張り込まれた(自主的にではない)のは、やけに物騒なハートの国。メルヘン調な世界なのに、ほのぼのしているのは建物や小物だけ。帽子屋がマフィアだったり遊園地の従業員は銃携帯が標準だったりと危険な世界。主だった住人は皆危険人物ばかりで、すぐに乱闘騒ぎや殺し合いに発展してしまう。その上、領地争いまで勃発しており、帽子屋・ハートの女王・ゴーランドが対立する三つ巴状態。おかしな薬を飲まされて(やっぱり自主的にではない)帰るに帰れなくなった主人公は、早々に「これは、夢オチだ」と決め付け、非日常を楽しむことにする。どの陣地に味方し、どう行動すれば、元の世界へ帰れるのか。そして、登場人物の誰よりも恋愛に乗り気でない主人公に、まともな恋愛は出来るのか―――。〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 帰りたいと、いつまで思えるか――〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓-------------------------------------------------●CHARACTER〈帽子屋〉ブラッド=デュプレ CV:小西克幸帽子屋ファミリーのボス。いわゆるマフィアのボスで、部下は皆物騒な者ばかり。そのトップである彼も当然のように危険な男。自分で動くよりも企みごとをするほうが好きで、影で操る司令役。非常に頭がいい。……のだが、面白ければよしという性格で気分屋でもあるため、緻密なはずの計画を自ら穴だらけにしまくっている。本人は楽しいのでいっこうに構わないらしいが、周りはいい迷惑。〈三月ウサギ〉エリオット=マーチ CV:最上嗣生帽子屋ファミリーのNo.2。帽子屋の相棒。元犯罪者で、脱獄囚。とても短気で、昔はすぐ銃をぶっぱなす「すごく悪い奴」だった。帽子屋とつるむようになってからは丸くなり、今は三秒くらい考えてから銃をぶっぱなす「ちょっと悪い奴」へと転身。自分では、すごく進歩したと思っている。トゥイードル=ディー&ダム CV:福山潤帽子屋屋敷の門番。冷めた考え方をする、クール&ドライな双子。好きなものは休憩とお金。通称、「ブラッディ・ツインズ(血まみれの双子)」。どちらが兄か弟かあやふやで、立ち位置がころころ変わる。たまに無邪気な面も見せるが、だいたい悪意に裏打ちされている。〈ハートの女王〉ビバルディ CV:甲斐田裕子無慈悲で残酷、傲慢な美女。ヒステリックで、感情的。帽子屋とゴーランドとは敵対関係。早く始末してしまいたいがうまくいかず、周りにあたり散らしている。自分の部下は使い捨ての道具、その他のものは利用価値すらないゴミという認識。絵に描いたような女王様だが、人には言えない秘密の趣味を持つ。〈白ウサギ〉ペーター=ホワイト CV:宮田幸季ウサギ耳をはやした危ないお兄さん。アリスを不思議の国へ導く(ひっぱりこむ)、案内人。時間を常に気にかけている、と自分では言っているが、時間計算はかなりアバウト。白兎だが、おなかは真っ黒ともっぱらの噂。エース CV:平川大輔ハートの騎士で、ハートの女王・ビバルディの元部下。城を出て、ただいま放浪中。とってもツイていない男で不幸体質。やることなすこと、ことごとく裏目に出ていく。何もしないほうがよさそうなくらいのツキのなさだが、行動派で前向きな彼は動き回っては失敗を繰り返してしまう。時計屋・ユリウスの数少ない友人。メリー=ゴーランド CV:堀内賢雄遊園地のオーナー。洒落のような名前の男で、ゴーランドさんと呼ばれている。メリーという名前は嫌がって教えようとしないが、秘密は周知と化している。音楽センスはゼロよりマイナス寄り。〈チェシャ猫〉ボリス=エレイ CV:杉山紀彰シニカルな笑みが特徴の、ナゾナゾ好きな猫。なんでもかんでも、すぐナゾナゾ。ヒントを与えるときもあるが、だいたいが邪魔になるだけ。問題をふっかけるだけふっかけて、答えを言わなかったりもする。〈時計屋〉ユリウス=モンレー CV:子安武人根暗な機械マニア。すぐに落ち込む。時計塔に住んでいて、あまり外には出ない。物事を悪いほうへ悪いほうへ考え、人間不信気味だが、エースとは仲がいい。自分より不幸な彼を見ると、とっても幸せな気分になれるらしい。暗い上に嫌な奴である。三月ウサギ・エリオットの投獄にも絡んでおり、恨まれている。ナイトメア CV:杉田智和具合の悪そうな夢魔。主人公を惑わしたり導いたりする。While based on the Alicein Wonderland, love adventure game storyline completelydifferent.--------------------------------------------■ 1 episode each character and the first opening is free ■■ capture Character: Character 9/18 all root■ Sub-event more than 100!◇ 1 Character: 700 yen (excluding tax) (voice: No 500 yen(excluding tax))※ capture to stay in the [Clock Tower] of [Julius] route will beopen to the best end capture After the ace root].◇ all character set: 3800 yen (excluding tax) (voice: No 2500yen (tax not included))[All character set privilege]Love Nightmare Scenario: 1 BenefitsTruth Ending 2: BenefitsDownload ※ We recommend the use of WiFi connection.--------------------------------------------● SUPPROTPlease contact us from the following URL user support.※ It can not respond to review comments field.Please note◇ Contact※ Please end all that once the application is currently runningapp to fall (from being killed) If.※ If the charging of the store is successful, regardless of thesuccess or failure of the download, we can not refundthereafter.--------------------------------------------● STORY〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓World of red flying bulletWhen deprived of heart, you do not go home.〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓In realism, where dreamy hero is none.In particular, I think have a bellyful of romance each.She was pulled in the (not voluntarily) is a country ofdangerous awfully heart.Though it is a fairy tale-like world, are you only dimly and theaccessory building.Hatter dangerous world mobile gun is Dattari standard employees oramusement park was Mafia.Residents was mainly just all dangerous person, I would developinto killing each other and rough-and-tumble immediately.Moreover, the territory dispute to have erupted, three-cornered hatshop state-Queen of Hearts-Gorando to conflict.Hero that no longer go back (not on a voluntary basis after all)to return is Nomasa strange drug, to be branded "It's a dream punchline" with early and enjoy the extraordinary.The favor of any position, what if behavior, do you go home tothe world of the original.And, the hero is reluctant to love more than anyone of thecharacters,Is it possible decent love ---.〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓Want to return, you can either seem forever -〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓-------------------------------------------------● CHARACTERBlood = Dupre CV: Konishi KatsuyukiBoss of the Hatter family.In the so-called Mafia boss, who just dangerous allsubordinates.He is the top man also dangerous as a matter of course.I like better to the each plot rather than work on their own,commander role to manipulate in the shadows. Head is verynice.The ......'s, but because it is also a moody personality thatsettle interesting: if,I have earnestly riddled their own plans should be dense.It seems to not care at all himself so fun, good junk around.Elliot = March CV: best 嗣生No.2 Hatter family. Buddy Hatter. A former criminal, escapedprisoner.Very impatient, long time ago was "very bad guy" that Buppanasu thegun immediately.The rounded it from getting to Tulum and the Hatter,Turned to the "bad little guy" that Buppanasu the gun from thinkingabout three seconds now.I believe in myself, and very advanced.To~uidoru = D & Dam CV: Jun FukuyamaGatekeeper Hatter mansion.To think that cold, twins cool and dry.Things like money and break.Commonly referred to as "(twins bloody) Bloody Twins".Which is a vague or brother or brother, standing position isschizo.The show also occasionally innocent face, but are backed by amalicious roughly.Vivaldi CV: Yuko KaidaCruel ruthless, arrogant beauty. In hysterical, emotional.The hostile relationship with Gorando and Hatter.I want would kill early but are scattered thunder, Upon aroundwell.Subordinate their own recognition that not even garbage utilityvalue of disposable tools, other things.It's the queen picturesque, but has a secret hobby of it can not besaid to people.Peter White = CV: Miyata KoukiDangerous brother you Hayashi rabbit ear.Leading to the Wonderland Alice (Komu pull), cicerone.You have said it yourself, and that care is always the time, butthe calculation is fairly About time.It's the White Rabbit, but the stomach rumors and exclusivelyblack.Ace CV: Hirakawa DaisukeKnight of heart, former subordinates of the Queen of Hearts,Vivaldi. Exit the castle, wandering now.Unfortunately constitution in man has not been very made that they do, go backfired entirely.But it is lack of luck much that seems to be better to donothing,His positive behavior in school would repeat the failure to movearound.One of the few watchmakers friend Julius.Merry = Gorando CV: Horiuchi Ken'yuThe owner of the amusement park.A man with a name similar to the pun, it is referred to as Mr.Gorando.It is not trying to teach you loath is named Mary, but the secrethas become a well-known.Music sense minus closer than zero.Boris = Erei CV: Sugiyama NoriakiFeatures, cynical smile is a riddle cat lovers.Anything and everything, riddle immediately.It is also when you give a hint, but generally only get in theway.The Fukkake Just lay it on the problem, but also or did not say theanswer.= Julian Monre CV: Koyasu TakehitoMachine mania Na dark roots. I fall immediately. If you are livingin the clock tower, you do not go out much.Thinking toward bad to worse-things, it's human feeling distrust,but intimate with ace.If you see him unhappy than you, it seems to become very happymood.It is a nasty guy on dark.Are at stake even imprisonment of rabbit Elliott in March, and isUrama.Nightmare CV: Sugita TomokazuNightmare sickly.I or led or deceived hero.
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The Walking Dead: Season One APK
***Season pass on sale for 50% off. Purchasemust be made in app.***As featured in TegraZone, The Walking Dead is a five-part gameseries (Episode 2-5 can be purchased via in-app) set in the sameuniverse as Robert Kirkman’s award-winning series. Play as LeeEverett, a convicted criminal, who has been given a second chanceat life in a world devastated by the undead. With corpses returningto life and survivors stopping at nothing to maintain their ownsafety, protecting an orphaned girl named Clementine may offer himredemption in a world gone to hell. Experience events, meet peopleand visit locations that foreshadow the story of Deputy SheriffRick Grimes. A tailored game experience – actions, choices anddecisions you make will affect how your story plays out across theentire series.• Plays great on NVIDIA SHIELD• Winner of over 90 Game of the Year awards• All five award-winning episodes plus special episode ‘400Days’• Choice matters: your decisions change the story around you• Save over 25% on additional episodes by purchasing the SeasonPass and gain access to Episodes 2-5, plus special episode 400 Daysimmediately- - - -SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSMinimum specs:GPU: Adreno 200 series, Mali-400 series, PowerVR SGX540, or Tegra3CPU: Dual core 1GHzMemory: 1GBRecommended specs:GPU: Adreno 300 series, Mali-T600 series, PowerVR SGX544, or Tegra4CPU: Quad core 1.5GHzMemory: 2GB
Game of Thrones APK
***Episode 1: Iron From Ice is nowFREE******BEST VALUE - Get additional episodes in Game of Thrones bypurchasing the Season Pass [Episodes 2-6 bundle] viain-app***Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series is a six part episodicgame series set in the world of HBO's groundbreaking TV show. Thisnew story tells of House Forrester, a noble family from the northof Westeros, loyal to the Starks of Winterfell. Caught up in theevents surrounding the War of the Five Kings, they are thrown intoa maelstrom of bloody warfare, revenge, intrigue, and horror asthey fight to survive while the seven kingdoms tear themselvesapart. You will take on the role of different members of theForrester household, and determine their fate through the choicesyou make; your actions and decisions will change the story aroundyou.The Season Pass is the best value and entitles you to all fiveremaining episodes at a discount when compared to buying eachepisode individually (All Episodes Available Now!).SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSMinimum specs:GPU: Adreno 300 series, Mali-T600 series, PowerVR SGX544, or Tegra4CPU: Dual core 1.2GHzMemory: 1GB- - - -The game will run on the following devices but users may experienceperformance issues:- Galaxy S2 – Adreno- Galaxy S3 MiniUnsupported Device(s):- Galaxy Tab3- Droid RAZR
Crafting and Building APK
Do you like building games? Crafting andBuilding is a new free building game. Download now the FREE game of2017!Start building and show the world your best game and constructions.Crafting and Building is a free game for the whole family: fromkids, boys and girls, to adults.Features:- Building game: Build your own constructions. Who will have thebest building?- Fun game: Play with villagers and animals it is so fun!- Cool game: Find a hidden cave with your friends, multiplayer modeis cool!- Perfect game for the family: boys and girls will love it.- One of the best simulation games: start constructing your houseand meet your neighbors.- Cool graphics: enjoy the best pixel graphics with high fps.- Free game: play the game for free!- Choose your character: boy or girl? Custom skin ?- Build anything: house with a room and a kitchen? A castle?- Multiplayer games: you can play online and help your friendbuild!The gameplay:Learn to build by building your house in a fortress or amine.Decorate your building with friends furniture and your own skin.Learn more and more and you will be capable of building massivestructures castles and temples in no time!Exploration:Tired of people? Play with pets! Adopt a wolf or a cat, ride ahorse! Unlike in other games, there is no monsters in crafting andbuilding you can focus on constructing your buildings or exploringthe world.Play with friendsStart exploring! You can visit a world built by your friends! Who'sgot the biggest structure? Check if they finished their new castleand give them a hand, they will repay you later! Multiplayer is somuch fun!Many block types:There are many block types ranging from grass block to diamond andeven temple stone. You have many options when it comes to buildingyour empire.Crafting and Building it is an innovative free building game whereyou can play with pets, start incredible construction and play inmultiplayer.Disclaimer:Not an official minecraft product. not approved by or associatedwith mojang.
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Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™ has arrived.Play as Rey, Finn, Kylo Ren and Poe Dameron in Disney Infinity: ToyBox 3.0. Visit the store in the app to find out more.Create your own universe in the Toy Box!Great Characters. Great Adventures. JOIN FORCES.Imagine a wide-open world of possibilities where all thecharacters, vehicles and settings you’ve collected can cometogether in whatever way you want them to. Create your own gameuniverse where you can make anything happen. Mix, match and mash-upStar Wars™, MARVEL, Disney and Disney•Pixar characters together inone place!ALL-NEW FEATURES:- NEW CHARACTERS - Toy Box 3.0 now welcomes Star Wars™ to theever-growing collection of MARVEL, Disney and Disney•Pixarcharacters – including those from Toy Box 1.0 and 2.0! Put yourimagination to play with over 80 characters to choose from!- 3D TOY BOX HUB - Introducing the all-new 3D Toy Box HUB whichincludes: Toy Box sharing, networked multiplayer, INteriors,platforming, combat, racing and farming simulation- IMPROVED CONTROLS – Play the game using classic controls orgesturesWEEKLY CHARACTERSTry 3 Characters for Free – They rotate often, so check back toexplore new characters and play styles.DAILY CHALLENGESPlay in new Daily Challenges, a mini Play With Friends - Connectonline to play and build Toy Boxes together!TOY BOX 3.0 ANYWHEREAccess your Toy Boxes from your Android device, PC, and console.Continue right where you left off on any platform when logged intoyour Disney Account.CHARACTER UNLOCKSLogin to your Disney Account in the TOY BOX, TOY BOX 2.0 and TOYBOX 3.0 apps to unlock and carry forward your previous TOY BOXcharacters. Use web code cards from your physical Disney InfinityFigures to unlock characters in the Toy Box 3.0 app.Registration may be required for some features.Before you download this experience, please consider that thisapp contains in-app purchases that cost real money, pushnotifications to let you know when we have exciting updates likenew content, as well as advertising for The Walt Disney Family ofCompanies and some third parties.Disney Infinity: Toy Box 3.0 for Android is compatible withselect phones and tablets running Android Version 4.4 and higher,with xhdpi or higher resolution.Privacy Policy – http://disneyprivacycenter.comTerms of Use –
Castle of Illusion APK
PLAY AS MICKEY IN THIS MAGICAL DISNEYADVENTURE! ALL-NEW HD GRAPHICS AND GAMEPLAY!Mickey Mouse returns to star in Castle of Illusion, a fantasticalreimagining of the Sega Genesis classic. When the evil witchMizrabel kidnaps Minnie, it’s up to Mickey to brave the dangers ofthe Castle of Illusions to rescue Minnie. Gather your courage andtraverse enchanted forests, take on hordes of rebellious toys andnavigate mazes of living books. Play as Mickey and save Minnie fromMizrabel’s evil clutches!GAME FEATURES –- Play as Mickey Mouse in this reimagining of the classic SegaGenesis/Mega Drive game!- Experience a world of wonder, brought to life with all-newgraphics and magical adventures!- Journey across five magical worlds filled with Mizrabel’spowerful minions!- Complete hidden challenges to customize Mickey with classiccostumes!- Best played with a controller- Get Castle of Illusion on the Google Play Store and you will beable to play on Android phones, Android Tablets and Android TV.(Progress is not synched between devices) - Android TV users: acompatible gamepad is required to play additional information about our practices in the United Statesand Latin America regarding children’s personal information, pleaseread our Children’s Privacy Policy at
Fly and survive through the 🏆 Game of theYear -winning action adventure BADLAND.More than 50 MILLION players and counting!★ 5/5 - AppSmile★ 4/4 - Slide to Play★ 5/5 - AppSpy★ 9.2/10 -★ 9/10 - Destructoid★ 4.5/5 - TouchArcade"BADLAND is one of the most beautiful games on Android and one ofthe must download games of 2013." -- Android Authority“BADLAND is a standout game that we can’t stop playing.” --AppSmile“BADLAND’s unique gameplay and atmosphere make it a must-download.”-- Slide to Play“BADLAND doesn’t simply look pretty, it’s an absolute treat toplay” -- AppSpy“A hallmark of excellence.” -- Destructoid🏆 Outstanding Mobile Game -- Satellite Awards 2014🏆 Grand Prix -- the International Mobile Gaming Awards2014🏆 Nordic Indie Sensation Award -- Nordic Game 2013🏆 Apple Design Award 2013🏆 Apple iPad Game of the Year 2013OVERVIEWBADLAND is an award-winning atmospheric side-scrolling actionadventure platformer set in a gorgeous forest full of variousinhabitants, trees and flowers. Although the forest appears to beright out of a beautiful fairy tale, there’s something terriblywrong. The player controls one of the forest dwellers to find outwhat’s going on, and discovers an astonishing number of imaginativetraps and obstacles on the way.BADLAND takes side-scrollers to the next level with its innovativephysics-based gameplay combined with stunning, atmospheric graphicsand audio.BADLAND also features a highly original local multiplayer mode forup to four players on the same device, where the name of the gameis survival of the fittest with no rules. It’s totally OK to pushyour rivals in front of spinning circular saws to survive. Or, ifthat's too rough for you, you can also cooperate with your friendsand play the modified single player campaign with up to fourplayers.FEATURES• SINGLE PLAYER campaign with 100 truly unique levels and morecoming in updates• MULTIPLAYER mode for up to four players on the same device in 23levels and more content in future updates• COOPERATIVE mode for up to four players - Survive the modifiedsingle player campaign with your friends• LEVEL EDITOR: Create levels, share & play!• LEVEL WORLD: New levels to play all the time• Intuitive one-touch controls combined with innovative leveldesign• Full support for game controllers 🎮• Highly immersive audio-visual gaming experience• Designed for Android phones, tablets and Android TV• Supports Cloud Save and Immersive mode• More levels and content coming in updatesNow featured on NVIDIA TegraZone. Plays great with full controllersupport 🎮 on NVIDIA SHIELD Portable and SHIELD Tablet, and AndroidTV.Follow usFacebook - - / www - http://www.badlandgame.comBADLAND Forum -