油漆式速记法-超右脑日文检定N5级简体版 1.03 APK

JLPT(Japanese Language ProficiencyTest,日本语能力试验)是一种公信度高的日本语能力的国际性检测,由日本国际教育支持协会及日本国际交流基金会共同举办。












JLPT (JapaneseLanguageProficiency Test, Japanese Language Proficiency Test) isaninternational detect a high degree of public confidence intheability of Japanese, jointly organized by the JapanInternationalEducation Support Association and the JapanFoundation.

2010 onwards JLPT implemented the new system, the testseriesconsists of four stages to five stages, from difficult toeasysequentially for N1 ~ N5. Basic level of understanding of N4and N5Japanese main test candidates in the classroom learning, N1and N2is detected the candidates' understanding of life in avariety ofsituations. In addition, N3 is N4, N5 towards N1, N2stages of thetransition between the old system two compatible withlevel 3 N3between difficulty level.

The test of a certificate to prove as a Japanese languageabilityof school enrollment and workplace work. On "JapaneseLanguageProficiency Test" related information please refer to theURL: http://www.jlpt.jp/.

N5 test candidates obtain a certificate, and cangenerallyunderstand basic Japanese, in terms of reading, in orderto be ableto read hiragana, katakana or basic kanji words, essaysandarticles. In terms of listening, you can understandshortconversation class or slower of life.

"Paint-style shorthand" combine "a lot, the wholebrain,multi-level" basic theory, fusion intuitive right brain andleftbrain thinking of speed reading test, addingmulti-sensorystimulation, so that learners use visual (momentarymemory),hearing (native speakers live pronunciation), tactile(touch thekeyboard or operating) Japanese vocabulary quicklyconvertlong-term memory.

The software contains JLPT 895 basic words and right brainLenovoimages. Key features include cognitive, retrospective,Lenovo,multi-sensory, tactile, paint mouse ... etc. units. Which"paintsmouse game" combines classic games entertaining, easy toplayresistance, adhesion characteristics, the topic of sex andgamemechanics, etc., both learning and entertainment,customs,competition nature of Japanese vocabulary learninggames.

Main screen
Contains shorthand classrooms, custom fonts, computerdictionary,description, production base, sound control button.

Shorthand classroom
Including cognitive tests, retrospective tests, associativetests,multi-sensory tests, tactile quizzes, games and other gamingmousecells, as well as paint-style shorthand description of theHeartbutton.

Paint mouse game
Combined market entertaining classic game, features easy toplayresistance, adhesion, Sexuality and game mechanics, etc.,designcombines learning, entertainment, customs, competition natureofword learning games.

Shorthand range setting
After selecting the shorthand courses, thus setting speedreadingspeed, range, press "Start Speed ​​Reading" button to startthewords speed reading, if close human voice can reach "an eyeforspeed reading" the highest level. In addition, individuals canmakesettings for color, font, fixed / non-fixed and othersmallitems.

Upon completion of the answer, and the answer will show thelengthof time the case, move the mouse to the bottom of the Englishword,you can also display the correct Chinese meaning, can bereviewedagainst the wrong answer or guess text.

Computer dictionary
Dictionary pronunciation with the point that is conducivetoself-test and memories, and both inquiries, preview andreviewfunctions.

App Information