澳門公務員Apps 1.0.2 APK


- 方便公務員記錄上下班時間,自動計算每週累計遲到時間,防止超過30分鐘上限;
- 上下班提醒功能,可作為鬧鐘之用,自動跳過公眾假期及個人休假,放假前無需再手動調校鬧鐘;

- 在手機上輕鬆輸入年假計劃及各類假期,包括年假、病假、預放明年假等,自動統計假期日數;

- 根據公務員的薪酬規則自動計算每月薪酬,可按個人需要自行調整計算規則、增減薪酬項目等;

- 自動更新氣象局的天氣消息及惡劣天氣警告(颱風及暴雨),顯示公務員在惡劣天氣情況下的上班規定;

Macau Macau Civil Appsisdesigned for a range of civil design portable tools, mainfeaturesinclude:

1 Attendance Management:
- Facilitate the civil records of working hours,automaticcalculation of the cumulative weekly late time, to preventmorethan 30 minutes maximum;
- Commuting reminder function can be used as an alarm clockareautomatically skipped public holidays and personal leave,beforethe holidays no longer need to manually adjust the alarmclock;

(2) Leave Management:
- Easily enter the phone and all kinds of vacation leaveplan,including annual leave, sick leave, leave, etc. pre-releasenextyear, automatic statistics number of holidays;

3. Compensation Management:
- According to the Civil Service rules to automaticallycalculatethe monthly salary, according to personal need to adjustthecalculation rules, increase or decrease in salaryprojects,etc.;

4 weather news:
- Automatic Update Bureau of Meteorology weather informationandsevere weather warnings (typhoon and rainstorm), wherecivilservants in case of inclement weather during office;

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