3D Home Exterior Design 3.0 APK

As they say, first impression is the lastimpression. Hence, if the exterior of your home is very pleasantand welcoming, people will be curios to see your interior, andprobably ask for some home decorating tips. You spend much of yourtime in the patio, may be playing with your pets or children,arranging a party in your garden, and many more things. To makethese things more interesting, the outer side of your home shouldbe attractive and beautiful. Paint, design, color of the outerwalls, and outdoor furniture are some of the factors that decidewhat your house will look like. Let us discuss these home exteriorideas one by one.


You need to be very careful while selecting colors for paintingthe exterior of your house, as they will decide what the house willlook like from the outside. You can take a look at the colors ofyour neighbors' houses and take suggestions from them to know howthey selected the color theme. Even a search on the Internet canhelp you know different types of color combinations that will suitthe exterior of your house. Take a look at the surrounding of yourhouse, and come up with a color scheme that will blend well withthe outdoor. When it comes to the color scheme, you need toconsider the color of all the outdoor elements, including windows,driveway, doors, walls, roof, and many more. See that none of theoutdoor elements looks left out due to a color that does notcomplement other colors. There are plenty of paint schemes for homeexterior, and choose the one that fulfills your needs. You shouldalso consider the color of your neighbor's house, as this will alsodecide the look of your house. Get color pallets or charts from anearby store, and mix and match different colors. These days,virtual painting makes it easy to decide the colors for exterior aswell as the interiors. Choosing the house paint is a very dauntingtask, and you should always consult an expert before finalizing thecolors.


There are several factors that need to be decided beforepainting the exteriors. There are different types of paintingtechniques for different types of surfaces. Doors and windows willrequire paints that are different from those required by walls.Many a time, it happens that the paint finishes even when a largeportion of a wall is yet to be painted, while sometimes you areleft with extra paint. The amount of paint required for paintingall the exterior surfaces should also be calculated properly, tomake sure that it fits in your budget. If you are remodeling theexterior of your house, then it is necessary that you remove theprevious paint properly from all the surfaces. Before starting thepainting process, it is necessary that all the surfaces are cleanand smooth to make the paint adhere properly. Clean, right brushesand tools should be used for painting the exteriors. Weatheraffects the painting, hence it should be done in propertemperature.


Victorian, Colonial, and Traditional designs are popular ideasfor home exterior decorating. Victorian style houses are known fortheir detailed work with a broad array of colors used in them,while Colonial style represents the details of the homes in thatera. Exterior designing also includes driveways, doors, windows,patio, and park benches. Choose the door for your house that is ofhighest quality and will complement the overall look. If you have adriveway, then pave it with the help of pea gravel. If your outdooris spacious and you have a garden, then you can include parkbenches.

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