Abridged Karaite Siddur 1.0 APK

Karaism is the original form of Judaism asprescribed by God in the Torah. Karaite Judaism rejects lateradditions to the Tanach (Jewish Bible) such as the Rabbinic OralLaw and places the ultimate responsibility of interpreting theBible on each individual. Karaism does not reject Biblicalinterpretation but rather holds every interpretation up to the sameobjective scrutiny regardless of its source.

This is an openly distributable PDF file converted into an Appfor Mobile convenience.

Abridged Karaite Prayers
Prepared for the Conversion Course
of the Karaite Jewish University
January 2007 by
Nehemia Gordon, Moshe Firruoz
and Eliezer Ben Ephraim Hakohen

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