Advanced Survival Strategy 3.0 APK

Advanced Survival Strategies App, is loaded with informationregarding advanced tactics for survival at different situations.This ebook app contains 20 actionable strategies that will help youstay alive in any survival situation. The contents of this survivaltechnique with advanced strategies are Navigating Your Way ThroughThe Wilderness 8 Using The Moon 9 #1. To Find South Or North #2. ToFind East – West Using The North Star 11 #3. To Find North #4.Navigating By The Sun Signaling #5.Targeted Signals Signal mirrorThe Signal Fire The Tree Torch Clothe And Rag Signals PerformingFirst Aid In The Wild #6. Major Injuries Bleeding FracturesDislocation Concussions #7.Minor Injuries Sprains Heat ExhaustionSun Stroke Muscle Cramps Burns Blisters Headaches Frostbite#8.Others Stopped Breathing Shock #9.Animal related injuries SnakeBites Stings #10.Hypothermia #11. Hyperthermia Essential SurvivalSkills #12. Making Rope #13. Making Knives Knives From Rock KnivesFrom Metal Knives From Bone Knives From Wood #14. Staff #15. ClubSimple Club Weighted Club Sling Club #16. Making A Spear #17.Making A Throwing Stick Throwing A Rabbit Stick #18. Making A QuickBow Stick Finding A String #19. Making An Arrow Tip #20. BolaPreparing Fish And Game For Cooking And Storing Fish Snakes BirdsSkinning & Butchering game The Psychological Aspect OfWilderness Survival When disaster strikes, everyone affected goesinto panic (or survival) mode. If you’ve watched any movieinvolving a catastrophe, you know that when resources are scarceand hope is in limited supply, anyone can be your worst enemy.Whatever you do or don’t do has to be in the best interests of yoursurvival. So unless you are willing to die for someone, you mustlearn how to make it on your own without a second thought.Nonetheless, you also have to come to terms with the fact that youjust don’t want to end up being the only survivor. There is beautyin knowing that you made it out of a survival situation with somepeople. But as I said, you don’t want to be a liability to whoeverwants to survive. The more knowledgeable you are about how tosurvive in the situation, the more indispensable you become toeveryone out there. That’s why they will be willing to go to greatlengths to make sure that you stay alive if they are to have anyhope of survival because to them, you are like a compass in themiddle of nowhere; if they lose you, they lose direction and theirchances of surviving also diminishes. Useful for survival tools,survival guide, survival skills, survival supplies, outdoorsurvival, survival, wilderness survival, survival equipment,survival gear, survival shelters, desert survival guide, outdoorsurvival guide, survival tips, middle school survival guide, armysurvival guide, survival guide wilderness, hyperinflation survivalguide, pocket survival guide, desert survival, outdoor survivalskills, desert island survival guide, outdoor survival tips,survival in the woods, survival magazine, wilderness survival tips,military survival gear, survival food, survival food storage,emergency survival supplies, emergency survival, survival foodlist, survival rations, survival preparedness, survival pack,survival products, disaster survival, emergency survival gear,survival food supply, camping survival gear, survival camp,survival gear list, outdoor survival gear, wilderness survivalgear, survival gear store, survival gear checklist, zombie survivalgear, winter survival gear. In simple terms, what you know can keepyou and everyone else who is with you alive. You can call the shotswhen there are disputes because you are the person with all theknowledge and can lead people throughout the survival period. Isthat what you are looking for? Well, if that’s it, then this ebookapp will give you advanced strategies that will help you stay aliveunder whichever circumstance. I hope you enjoy it!

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