Affirm You! 1.0.0 APK

Affirm You! is a compilation of 4000+Affirmations in a list format.

With over 30 Affirmation categories to select from, this app wasdesigned to be your go to app for getting your fill ofAffirmations.

Here are just a handful of Affirmation categories: Abundance,Confidence, Friends, Freedom, Home, Integrity, Marriage, andRespect to name just a few.

Just think of this app as your very own Affirmation directory.No matter your need, you will be hard pressed to NOT find an appthat applies to your situation.

Need help with remaining positive? >> There's anAffirmation category that.

Need help with focusing your emotions? >> There's anAffirmation category for that.

Or perhaps you need assistance with improving your outlook onyour health? >> There's an Affirmation category for that.

So let's get on the same page here!!! This app contains OVER4000+ Affirmations. It have 2 BONUS categories *Affirmations forChildren* and *Hip Hop Affirmations*!!! It also has a Mini VisionBoard Slider.

Affirmations for Children provides you with over 100 ways foryour child to Affirm themselves.

Hip Hop Affirmations is a list of Affirmations taken frompopular and not so popular Hip Hop songs. These Affirmations aregems that have always been there, however, without the properforum, they have never been digested how they should.

The Mini Vision Board Slider is included to help you visualizeimages and put affirmations to them.


#1 This app is scheduled to update at least 2 times a year whichbasically means more affirmations for you to put into action.

#2 Once you purchase and install your app, that's it. This appwas developed to run independently from your device. What does thismean? NO INTERNET CONNECTION IS REQUIRED TO RUN THIS APP!!!PERIOD!!!

So what are you waiting for? The Affirm You! App was made JUSTfor you!!!

: A Note From The App's Creator :

I really had a great time with putting this app together foryou. It is my intent that the Affirm You! App assist you on yourlife's journey of improvement. Sometimes we all need a littleassistance. So here is your assistance!

Take Care and Affirm YOU!

App Information