aide aveugle help blind people 1.0 APK

Ce logiciel peut apporter une aide aux personnes non voyantes
Pour l'utiliser , il faut un smartphone Android assez recent(4coeurs) ecran assez large (5") avec une bonne camera frontale etunecouteur .
Le smartphone se porte en position portrait a la ceinture aumilieudu corps ,ecran vers l'avant , la camera prend une photoaintervalle defini et une ligne est scannee . Cette ligne peutetrepositionnee vers le bas (le sol est vu a 2 ou 3 metres) ,al'horizontale ou en position intermediaire. Elle peutcomprendre100 , 50 ou 25 pixels ; chaque pixel est analyse et unsoncorrespondant a la couleur est emis ; l'intensite du sonestproportionnelle a la luminosite .
En exemple , si la ligne comprend 50 pixels et le son estd'uneseconde , chaque pixel de l'image produira un son de 2centiemes deseconde ; la ligne est balayee de gauche a droite ; unson de pixelplace en debut de sequence identifie un objet a gauche, en fin desequence il identifie un objet a droite
L'ecran comprend 8 touches , l'utilisateur est cense enutiliserprincipalement 2 , les autres touches etant pour lapersonne quiaidera l'utilisateur.
La description qui suit est faite EN PLACE DE L'UTILISATEUR,smartphone sur le ventre , ecran vers l'avant:
- la touche ON/OFF est en haut a gauche et un appui court surcettetouche met en route le scan , un appui long arrete lescan
-la touche fin est en haut a droite (appui long) ; a l'arretlesreglages sont enregistres et un prochain demarrage se fera aveccesvaleurs
- au niveau dessous ,les touches permettent de regler l'intensiteduson dans l'ecouteur (appui long)
-la troisieme rangee de touches reglent le niveau du scan (verslebas touche de droite , vers le haut touche degauche)(appuilong)
-en bas a droite la touche regle le nombre de pixels duscan(100,50,25), la touche a gauche regle la duree du son ( 1,2,3ou 4secondes)(appui long)
.......La suite sur INFO sur le smartphone
This software can provide assistance to blind people ; to useit,need a smartphone Android pretty recent (4 cores) quite widescreen(5 "") with a good camera front and a listener.
The smartphone is in position portrait on the belt in the middleofthe body, screen forward, the camera takes a photo atintervaldefined and a line is scanned. This line can bepositioneddownwards (the soil is seen 2 or 3 metres), horizontal orinintermediate position. It may include 100, 50 or 25 pixels;eachpixel is analysis and corresponding sound color is issued;theintensity of sound is proportional of brightness.
As an example, if line includes 50 pixels and sound is of asecond,each pixel in the image will produce a sound of 2 hundredthsofsecond; the line is scanned from left to right; pixel placesoundat the beginning of sequence identifies an object left, at theendof sequence identifies an object right.
The screen has 8 keys, the user is supposed to primarily use 2;other keys as for the person who will help the user.
The following description is made in PLACE OF THE USER,smartphoneon the belly, screen forward:
-the button ON / OFF is in the upper left and a short press onthisbutton starts the scan, long press stop the scan
- the end button is in the upper right (long press); thesettingsare saved and next start will be with these values
- at the bottom, the keys are used to set the intensity of thesoundto the listener (long press)
-the third row of keys set the scan level (down :right key ,top:left key)(long press)
- bottom right the key set the number of pixels in thescan(100,50,25), the key left rule the length of sound (1,2,3 or4seconds)(long press)
....Following in INFO on smartphone
This software can provide assistance to blind people
To use it, you have an Android smartphone fairly recent (4cores)rather large screen (5 ") with a good front camera andanearpiece.
The smartphone carries a portrait position the belt in the middleofthe body, screen forward, the camera takes a picture adefinedinterval and a line is scanned. This line can be positioneddown(the floor is given 2 or 3 meters), a horizontal orintermediateposition. It may include 100, 50 or 25 pixels; eachpixel analysisand a sound corresponding to the color is issued; theintensity ofsound is proportional to the luminosity.
In example, if the line includes 50 pixels and the sound ofasecond, each pixel of the image will produce a 2 hundredths ofasecond; the line is scanned from left to right; a pixel ofitsplace in the beginning of sequence identifies an object left inthefinal sequence he identifies an object right
The screen has 8 buttons, the user is supposed to use mainly 2,theother keys being for the person who will help the user.
The following description is made POSITIONING THE USER smartphoneonthe belly screen forward:
- The ON / OFF button is top left and a short press on thisbuttonstarts the scan, a long press stops scanning
-the end button is on the top right (long press); to the stopthesettings are recorded and next boot will be done withthosevalues
- At the level below the buttons to adjust the intensity of soundinthe earpiece (long press)
-The third row of keys shall regulate the scan level (downrightbutton up left soft key) (long press)
-in the bottom right rule affects the number of scanpixels(100,50,25), the left button adjusts the sound duration(1,2,3 or 4seconds) (long press)
....... The following INFO on the smartphone
 This software can Provide support to blind people; to useit,need a Android smartphone pretty recent (4 cores) quite widescreen(5 "") with a good camera head and a listener.
The smartphone is in portrait position on the belt in the middleofthe body, screen forward, the camera takes a picture atdefinedinterval and a line is scanned. This line can bePositionedDownwards (the soil is seen 2 or 3 meters), in horizontalorintermediate position. It May include 100, 50 or 25 pixels;Eachpixel is sound analysis and Corresponding color is Issued;theintensity of sound is proportional of brightness.
As an example, if line includes 50 pixels and sound is of asecondcontents, each pixel in the picture will Produce a sound oftwohundredths of second; the line is scanned from left to right;pixelup sound at the Beginning of an identified object sequenceleft, atthe end of an identified object sequence right.
The screen HAS 8 keys, the user is Supposed to Primarily use2;--other keys as for the person Who will help the user.
The Following description is made in PLACE OF THE USER,smartphoneon the belly, screen forward:
-the button ON / OFF is in the upper left and a short press onthisbutton starts the scan, long press stop the scan
- The end button is in the upper right (long press); thesettingsare saved and next start will be with thesis gains
- At the bottom, the keys are used to set the intensity of thesoundto the listener (long press)
-the third row of keys set the scan level (down: right key,top:left key) (long press)
- The bottom right key set the number of pixels in thescan(100,50,25), left the key rule the length of sound (1,2,3 or4seconds) (long press)
.... Following in INFO one smartphone

App Information