analyze (chicken) 0.2.1 APK

Use meatanalyzer to check meat freshness.Aftermany years of research Meatanalyzer déveloped a software measuresfreshness percentage.Within the limits established by the laws thatapply at any time, Meat Analyzer will not be liable for any direct,indirect, special, punitive, incidental, exemplary, contractual, orconsequential or any other damages whatsoever and any kindwhatsoever, which would be the result of any loss, which, forexample, includes loss of use, loss of data, loss of profits,business interruption, litigation, or any pecuniary loss, whetherbased on breach of contract, tort (including negligence), liabilityrelating to the product or otherwise, resulting from, or relatedto, the use or performance of this application, the delay orinability to use this application, or the provision or failure toprovide any information, any service, any product, document, orother resources contained in, or accessible through Thisapplication, although Meat Analyzer has been advised of thepossibility of such damages.Copyright all right reserved

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