AndCamera/Photo Editor/Vector Graphics Editor 3.18 APK

Forum: - Buttons easier than slidingwhen your hands are on the table: Photo viewer has previous/nextbuttons. Simply tap the buttons to change photos. There is also a'Delete' button, which just needs tap&confirm to delete. -Double-tap to zoom in to the max and the panning window is openedautomatically. When you switch to previous/next photos, the photosmaintain the same zoom and position. With this, it's easier tocompare the details of continuous-shot photos. - Use date &time as files names to store files(IMG_20150430_16111039.jpg). Thisavoids file name conflicting and is easier to identify. - imagedrawing/illustration tools: cropping, drawing text, line(with orwithout arrows), mosaic/ground glass to mask out faces, EXIF datestamp, ovals and rectangles. Object based: removable, movable andresizable. image flip/rotate/sharpening, transparency(alphachannel). Adding grid lines. - Reshaping a portion of image. Youcan use it to shrink (chin/waist)/enlarge/remove something. Foreye/mouth enlargement, 'image stamp' is better. - Text backgroundin in photo editor support oval/round rectangle(with/without speechbubble). Multi-line Text with shadow - photo editor supportsnon-rectangular(polygon) region image processing: (sharpening/coloradj/spray/pencil sketch/grey level/pointillism/oilpainting/colorfulness(saturation)/negative), shapes, extractimage/remove background & save as png). Region blur&coloradjustment, for skin beautifying(smooth wrinkle/eye bag) - photoeditor supports region copy/resize (e.g. enlarge eyes, face/headswapping) with polygon image stamp - photo editor supports savingcontext for resuming editing, undo/redo. - photo editor support'outside poly adj'. 1. Select the region with an editable polygon.2. Click 'Outside poly adj' to select the image effect(e.g. grey orblur) outside the the region. - The polygon selection of photoeditor supports holes. The hole can be used in polygons(polygonselection + Rectangle), filters, image stamp copy and partial imagesaving. - Creating/editing posts and banners that include photosand text. - Bézier/Bezier curve editing - image processing forblack/white laser printer. Reducing toner usage and color-to-greyaliasing. - Text/polygon/oval with gradient -rectangle/polygon/oval new option: canvas hole. Cut a transparenthole in the canvas with the specified background color. - Supportprinting. - Headshot photo output: select a region of image andcopy several times and save to a file. - Fast selecting photos bydate. The last photo of the date is showed to help seeking. - filename editing, which can be displayed on the jpg viewer and used asa comment. The file name doesn't affects the order of display inthe 'gallery'. - Easy to select the size of focus window, so it isless-likely to have poor focus or light-metering when the target issmall. - Easy to select EV (Exposure value). - jpg/video filesfolder/classification - Long click screen to open the Fast ZoomSeekbar, much easier than two-finger zoom - face detection (if yourcamera supports) - Time-lapse video recording - Video recordingsettings: video format (3gp/mp4), video frame rate, video bit rate,audio bit rate, microphone on/off - While video-recording, you cantap LCD to fix the focus and position. Thus it doesn't have theproblem of 'continuous blur and clearness' of 'Continuous VideoFocusing'. There is a button to switch back to 'Continuous VideoFocusing'. (Note: It may not work on some phones with Qualcommsolutions.) - Support writing to external SD on Android 5 - videoplayer supports capture/grab a video frame and save it as a .jpg.Support playing speed on Android 6

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