Angry Autos 1.0.5 APK

Proudly made with ♥ in India!

You will be playing against other players live from acrossthecountry. An active internet connection is required!

From the makers of Dadi vs Jellies and Shiva: The TimeBendercomes a racing game with a Desi twist - Angry Autos.Driverecklessly and knock pesky pedestrians out of your way toscorepoints. Race against opponents from all over India and theworldand see who can be the most dangerous rickshaw driver ofall.

Move over race cars and monster trucks - Angry Autosarehere!

Game features:

1. Simple, one-tap controls
2. Play against opponents from all over India and the world
3. The closest you'll ever get to feeling like a derangedautodriver
4. The only time you'll get the thrill of a rickshaw ridewithoutpaying exorbitant fares
5. Completely free! No in-app purchases

App Information