Anorexia Carer 1.0 APK

Do you find yourself feeling guilty,frustratedor even angry as you try to help?

'Anorexia' is a puzzling complex of behaviors that everyonefindsdifficult to make sense of. The person manifesting thesebehaviorsmay be as puzzled as anyone else, and at a loss toexplain why theyhave this distorted relationship with food andeating. And beingpressured to come up with an explanation may makethings worse, asraised stress levels tend to aggravate compulsivebehaviorpatterns.

The challenges of caring for an anorexic

While the anorexia sufferer strives through their strangeeating(or rather, not eating) pattern to satisfy their need to haveasense of control over their lives, the people who care for themcanfind themselves floundering. How exactly do you help someonewhohas got caught up in this pattern? How do you deal with yourownresponses - guilt, frustration, anger, anxiety or whatever itmaybe?

Above all, if you look after someone with anorexia, you mayfindyourself haunted night and day by the question: "Will thispersonever recover...?"

You may already have worked hard to find out as much aspossibleabout anorexia and other eating disorders, and discoveredwhat sortof things make matters worse, and what sort of things seemto help.But even when you have a fair understanding of what isgoing on,and how compulsive behaviors 'work', it can still be veryhard toknow what to do for yourself as a carer in thissituation.

We aim to remedy this.

Hypnosis can help you look after yourself (and them)

Anorexia carer is an audio hypnosis session developedbypsychologists specifically for people who care for an anorexicandwill bring you powerful, effective emotional andpsychologicalsupport in what you do.

As you relax and listen repeatedly to your download,you'llnotice that you:

Relax faster and deeper each time you listen
Begin to notice that you are feeling much calmer and morerelaxedgenerally in your life
Sense the fog of worry and concern lifting and clearing
Make specific plans to meet your own needs more effectively
Discover or invent creative ways to be truly 'present'andsupportive with the one you care for
Notice the relationship between you changing in more andmorepositive ways.
Download Anorexia carer and look after yourself as well asthem.

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