Anti CockRoach Repellent Free 1.1 APK

Many people are disgusted by cockroaches andcan't close eyes at night, when they were visited on the day of thecrawling insects. With the anti cockroaches sound simulation youcan take their fears. Tell them, the app would beat cockroachesaway with their high-pitched tone, similar to an ultrasonicmosquito plug.
Of course you should be clear, that your smartphone can not play areal ultrasonic sound! Also, there is no scientific evidence thatcockroaches feel repelled by ultrasonic waves and goe away. Usethis app to fool your friends and if necessary to take them alsothe fear. Note that these Android-Simulation does not replace areal exterminator! Call always the professional, if there are manyof them.

How Does It Work:

The anti cockroaches app is quite simple: Choose between differentfrequencies and start playback of the simulated ultrasonic soundswith a simple click. The frequency selection you should be sent toa tone that is barely no longer perceived by your ear.
Your friends will think your smartphone or tablet would play aright ultrasonic tone. This illusion is even more realistic bytheir sinusoidal oscillations during playback.

During the simulated cockroaches the device display must not beswitched on. This saves the battery.

If you like the anti cockroaches Prank Sound, then write a reviewin the Google Play Store. But especially if you could prank yourfriends. Just write an e-mail, if you find an bug in this free Appfor Android. I will try to fix it as soon as possible. Also featurerequests shall be communicated in this way.

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