Antivirus guide 2.0 APK

Antivirus Guide

There are so many great things about the internet you know thatthere is going to be problems. And there are! Identity theft,fraud, and maybe the largest most problematic is the epidemic ofcomputer viruses that are wreaking havoc. These viruses aredifferent scripts (if you can call them that) written for purposesof destruction. It is the classic "minority of trouble makersruining it for the vast majority of the rest of us." So what sortsof viruses do we worry about and get anti virus programs for.

Well, there are all sorts of different kinds of virus-typethings traveling around in cyber space and require the protectionof an anti virus tool. Examples include worms, spiders, spyware,and adware. They have a variety of effects ranging from puredestruction to actually taking sensitive information off of acomputer's hard drive.

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