Athan - Azan MP3 Pro Muslim 1.0 APK

Athan - Azan MP3 Pro Muslim is a collectionofthe Islamic azan which is the call for prayer in the muslimworld,this Azaan is made by the Imam or the muadine or muazine, formorethan 1400 year the Athan is heard all over the world tothebelievers to Pray to Allah. This app allows you to listen theazan.Azan MP3 is an Islamic app that allows you to listen theazansounds. Download Azan and enjoy the most Most Beautiful Azan bythebest Muadins in the Islamic world it can be used as FajrAlarm,Ezan Alarm or Salat Reminder some exemples of Adan : athanfrommecca (makkah ) or medina or al masjid al-haram, Adaan Saudi,ezanfrom Egypt, Al quds ( Jerusalem ) Athan. Azan MP3 - Adhan alarmisa super easy app that works on Android’s phones and allows toitsusers to listen to the latest muazzins’s incredible voicesandenjoy the beauty and deep words whenever you like. ThisIslamicapplication contains more than 50 different sounds of adhanmp3 forFajr and sobh Salat Alarm. For over a 1400 Athan is calledout bythe muezzin in the mosque to all muslims to pray to Allah 5times aday.

Call for prayer Times : Allahu akbar, Ash-hadu an-la ilahaillaallah, Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan-Rasul ullah,Hayya'alas-ṣalah,Hayya ʿalal-falaḥ, As-salatu Khayrun Minan-nawm,Allāhu akbar, Lailaha illa-Allah

Adhan :
God is greatest, God is greatest : الله أكبر
أشهد ألا إله إلا الله I bear witness that there is no deitybutGod.
أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله I bear witness that Muhammad istheMessenger of God.
أشهد ان عليا ولي الله I testify that Ali is the Viceregent (wali)ofGod.
حي على الصلاة Hasten to worship (salat).
حي على الفلاح Hasten to success.
حي على خير العمل The time for the best of deeds has come!
الله أكبر God is the greatest.
لا إله إلا الله There is no deity but God

Includes Athan from;

Sheikh Abderrahim Edghouch
Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdul Samad
Sheikh Ahmad Tijani
Sheikh Ali Mahmood [Maqam Bayati]
Sheikh Fahd Kanderi
Sheikh Hajjaj Hindawi
Sheikh Hassan Saleh
Sheikh Kamal Uddin
Sheikh Mahmoud Khalil Al-Husary
Sheikh Mansoor Al-Zahraany
Sheikh Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy
Sheikh Muhammad Al-Luhaidaan
Sheikh Muhammad Siddiq Minshawi
Sheikh Mustapha Ozcan
Sheikh Nasir Al-Qatami
Sheikh Nazim Al-Qubrusi
Sheikh Sadaqat Ali
Sheikh Taha Al-Fashni [Maqam Bayati]
Sheikh Yahya Hawwa
Sheikh Yasir Abdussamad
Sheikh Ustaz Fahmi Asyraf
Sheikh Rahim Moazenzadeh Ardabili
Sheikh Ali Ahmed Molla
Sheikh Abdul Majeed
Sheikh Zayed
Habib Syech bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf

Azan from Makkah Kaaba Mukarramah
Azan from Makkah Mukarramah
Azan Fajr from Makkah Mukarramah
Azan from Madinah Munawwarah
Azan from UAE
Azan from Egypt
Azan from Iran
Azan from Iraq
Azan from Pakistan
Azan from Bosnia
Azan from USA
Azan from UK
Azan from Indonesia
Kids Azan from Indonesia
Azan from Singapore
Azan from Philippines
Beautiful Kids Azan
and many more to come in the update Insya Allah.

Adhan is called out by the muezzin in the mosque five timesaday, traditionally from a minaret, summoning Muslims formandatory(fard) prayers (salah). Listening Azan MP3 Recited by ManyofMuadzin like Hamad Deghreri, Az Zahrani etc. Download andinstallthis app to listening beautifull voices of 50 Muadzin. Thisappcontains different types of Azan Audio for you. Athan is heardallover the world to the believers to Pray to Allah. DownloadandListen to Adhan Fajr ( Azan - Ezan - Athan - Atan - Adan )inMP3.

Disclaimer :
1. All of content in this application is not our trademark.
2. We only get the content from search engine, youtubeandwebsite.
3. Please let me know if your original content want to removefromour application.
4. This app is unofficial app and only support streaming. Thisapponly provides Mp3 Streaming and no download feature because itcaninfringe copyright.

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