Atron Synthesizer Unit 1.4 APK

The ATron contains four unique synthesiserseach with a distinct sound source and a variety of controls onlyavailable on android. All of the synths can be turned into anoise-box, outputting a continuous signal.

The ATron also contains a synthesis 101 resource where users canlearn more about synthesis methods and techniques that can beexplored in the ATron allowing you to get the most from theapplication (TEXT IN ENGLISH ONLY). Topics covered are waveforms,additive, subtractive and modulation synthesis, filters anddelay.

The four synths found on the ATron are the Pusher, Mod, Twinsand Sines. Each contain amplitude and frequency sliders providingcontrol of volume and frequency output of the key values.

The Mod:

• Sound source combines a sine and square wave giving it aricher sound.
• Delay with time and feedback controls to generate unique delaysand echoes.
• Frequency oscillation with controllable LFO rate (speed) andintensity (depth) levels.
• Low pass filter with cutoff control.


• Sound source combines two banks of oscillators the firstpowered by six sine waves the second by six square waves. Each waveis tuned a step higher than the last with amplitude becomingsmaller as the frequencies increase giving a richer tone.
• Individual amplitude sliders providing amplitude control forseparate banks of sine and square wave oscillators.
• Amplitude ring modulation with controllable rate (speed) andintensity (depth) levels.
• Frequency slider providing control frequency output of the keyvalues.
• Frequency oscillation with controllable LFO rate (speed) andintensity (depth) levels.


• Sound source consists of three parallel sine oscillators thatare detuned by a full octave giving it a fatter sound.
• Delay and feedback time control with individual amplitude levelsto create unique sounds and echoes.
• Frequency oscillation with controllable LFO rate (speed) andintensity (depth) levels.

The Twins:

• Dual sound source, with individual tuning, each powered bycombination saw and square waves.
• Delay with time and feedback controls to generate unique delaysand echoes.
• Frequency oscillation with controllable LFO rate (speed) andintensity (depth) levels.
• Low pass filter with cutoff control.

App Information