- Cover full syllabus of exam with permission of ABRSM * -Recommended by Bloomberg Businessweek and effectiveness proven byInternational Journal of Music Education. - More than 500,000 usersworldwide - More than 180 exam practice questions - 94% users findaural skills improved after regular usage - Improve your accuracyin pitch and in identifying musical features, cadence and chord.Also help to train your musical ear - No matter which instrumentyou play: piano, violin, flute or guitar ..., aural is always acore part of musicianship training.____________________________________________________ * The syllabuson which AURALBOOK for ABRSM is based is © by The Associated Boardof the Royal Schools of Music and is reproduced by permission ofthe copyright owner. AURALBOOK for ABRSM Grade 6 includes: TEST 1:Sing upper part of phrase and TEST 5: Clap a phrase • Instantanalysis of your performance, and your response will be displayedclearly in comparison with the correct answer • ArtificialIntelligence (AI) teacher will give comments & tips in a humanvoice TEST 2: Sight singing • Auto accompaniment • Instant analysisof your performance, and your response will be displayed clearly incomparison with the correct answer TEST 3: Recognise cadence •Wrong answer? AI teacher will demonstrate how the differentcadences sound like for better learning TEST 4: Recognise texture,structure, characters, style and period, and other features • Buildyour musical vocabulary through multiple-choice questions • Morethan “Right’ or ’Wrong”, AI teacher will explain in detail on whythe answer is inappropriate and automatically provide thehistorical background of the piece for your revision!____________________________________________________ Startpracticing with your musical AI teacher. Make the best of AURALBOOKto elevate your music skills now!

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