Automotive Relay Circuit Guide 1.0 APK

Automotive Relay Circuit Guide - Runs on allPhones & Tablets
(Includes circuit explanations, how current flows and how to wirerelays from the ground up.)
By Mandy Concepcion

This book is a comprehensive work on automotive relays and theircircuit analysis. The book is also a companion to our Video-DVDseries of the same title. Here, we analyze how automotive relaysare connected with their peripheral components. Each section startswith the specifics of the components used in that circuit and thenthere’s a deep analysis of how current flows on the circuit. Theidea is to first explain and give the reader the particulars ofeach circuit, then go deeper and analyze why the circuit behavesthe way it does, how to diagnose it and how to connect it in casethe whole wiring is missing, obsolete or simply was never presentto begin with. Special thanks to Carmen Diaz for her invaluableinput on the cover layout, structure, arrangement and proofing.

Table of Contents

How to wire relay as ON button – Explains how to connect anautomotive relay to stay ON at all times. Useful for any devicethat stays ON and using a low current trigger switch.

Turn ON relay button diode – Details the use of a Diode as an ONcircuit. The diode itself is the key to it all.

How to make a relay injector security circuit – This is a clevercircuit for deactivating your vehicle’s fuel injectors as asecurity measure. It’s simple and concealed.

How to wire a relay starter kill-switch – Disabling the starteris fairly simple, but this circuit also employs other tactics tomake it more effective.

How to do a single relay car alarm – Shows how to wire a relayas an easy to connect car alarm. It’ll show you a cost effectiveway to secure your car.

How to connect a power relay – Gives you extensive input forconnecting an automotive relay as a power unit or to drive almostany kind of device.

How to wire a cooling fan relay – Useful in retrofitting anolder systems to work with electric cooling fans and to replace anout of production fan with a universal unit.

How to connect a fuel pump relay – There are many instanceswhere the fuel pump has gone bad an no replacement is available.Learn how this circuit works and how to wire the fuel pump.

How to do an alternator relay failure circuit – A very clevercircuit used as a warning to the driver when an impendingalternator issue is at hand.

How to wire relay power door lock – Power door locks have beenaround for many years. This section shows you how the circuitworks, how to connect it, retrofitting to an older car and how torepair the systems in case of failure.

How to wire a power windows relay – Resistive rest at ground orany other wiring scheme is foreign to many people. Learn how itworks right here in this article.

How to make a relay turn signal – Learn how to wire an entirehigh class turn signal system, found on luxury makes. Useful forretrofitting your own vehicle in case parts are no longeravailable.

How to wire an AC compressor clutch relay – A very reliablecircuit is presented here to bow help you understand an AC systemsas well as teaches you to retrofit older cars.

How to connect a headlight warning relay – Knowing when theheadlights are down is essential. This circuit will show you howthe circuit works and how to build it.

How to wire an ECM relay – The ECM relay meets all powerrequirements for the car computer. Learn how the circuit works andhow to connect it.

How to wire AC blower motor relay – Get the details onconnecting an AC blower motor and how to re-wire a new one ifneeded.

How to wire relay fog lights – Fog lights are necessary in manyareas. Most vehicles have no fog-lights and this circuit is gearedtowards explaining how they work and install them.

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