Backbone, Parse and jQuery app 1.0 APK

I show how to build apps with public andadministrator side. The app is a great help to learn Parse,Underscore. j's and Backbone. j's. To understand everything youneed to download code from Dropbox, and go trough Parse andBackbone documentation.
Learning JavaScript is the same as learning Maths. You have to gotrough many examples to understand the concept. The reward is high.Is much easier to build apps with Parse and JavaScript. Parseapplications are fast and we can use Parse database for web andnative applications.

We need to write less code. Example:
//Logging In
var user = $('#username_2').val();
var pass = $('#password_2').val();
Parse.User.logIn(user, pass, {
success: function(user){
$('#returnData_2').html(user.get('username') + ', you are loggedin.');
error: function(user, error){
$('#errorData_2').html('Error: ' + error.code + ' ' +error.message).fadeIn();

I don't think is similar book or app on the market with so manyinformation and is free. You'll be surprised how easy is to insertprogrammatically elements into a browser with Parse andJavaScript.

I learned all I know about web development from the internet andbooks. I have more than 100 books about web development. Not manyknows about If you ask me is worth to invest time tolearn Parse and Backbone.

App is build for tablet. Is possible to use on phone with biggerscreen.

App Information