Become an Entrepreneur 1.9 APK

In this course, you will learn how to be an entrepreneur from SteveBlank. No matter what business vertical you're entering, serialentrepreneur Steve Blank outlines a few points of necessary focusfor the emerging business start-up, including market opportunity,market regulations and distribution, competitors and complimentary,and technology breakthroughs.

He notes that the customer is not always the same thing as thepayer, and that this bifurcation is creating interesting newbusiness models. Take this course and start learning about becomingan entrepreneur.


- An Entrepreneur's Checklist
- Is First-to-Market Best?
- Vertical vs. Horizontal Markets
- Market Risk and Technology Risk
- The Entrepreneur and the Family
- Fall 2009 Quarter Roundup: What Did We Learn? (Entire Talk)


• Lifetime access to 6 lectures
• A community of 39400+ people trying to learn the samething!
• 130+ discussions
• Watch courses on the go: video lectures, audio lectures,presentations, articles and anything inside your course
• Watch courses in offline: Save courses for offline viewing so youcan watch them while you're on a plane or subway!


"Are you agile enough to survive the rigors of the first 18months? Can you fire your original customer thought base? Can youlisten to your multi customers and those that pay your bills? Thisis an excellent refresher course in practicalentrepreneurship."
- (Sieg Holle ) ★★★★★

"Steve is easy to understand and makes the curriculum clear forbeginners and small business majors like myself"
- (Dustin Vanderburg ) ★★★★★

"This course summarizes the key questions entrepreneurs facesuccinctly."
- (John Newton ) ★★★★★

"This course is in brief a gold nugget of entrepreneurship. Itshows you how to start up and how to build a road map of what to doto rich success on your business. This is course has my bestacceptance and I rated five stars. It is worthy. StanfordUniversity is in my opinion an entrepreneur builder. GoStanford."
- (Robert Delgado ) ★★★★★

"This gives new entrepreneurs a great reality check."
- (Paul Baker) ★★★★★

Instructed By: Steve Blank | Serial Entrepreneur

Steve Blank is a retired serial entrepreneur with over 30 yearsof experience in high technology companies and management. He is aConsulting Professor at Stanford in the Graduate School ofEngineering STVP Program.

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