Bedtime Story - Courage 1.01 APK

What do YOU want to be known for? Biography onMalala Yousafzai (Childrens Book)

You're looking around the Google Store trying to find a‘Remarkable’ book to read to your child...

Imagine sitting down with your child to read a personaldevelopment book that is ‘thought provoking’ while easy toread...

stories that consist of real life biographies and the actual‘Questions’ these people ask themselves.

May we introduce you to a series of books that... QuestionEverything!

The concept of these books are based around the followingtheme... that in life if we ask better questions we get betterresults.

These books tackle real world situations that we are all facedwith everyday but with an emphasis on asking
a ‘Quality Question’...

Leonardo DiCaprio: How can YOU stand out from the rest?” OprahWinfrey: How can YOU make an impact in this world? Michael Jordon:How can YOU turn a negative into a positive?

> Kids between 2 and 92 years
> > Parents who want to read to their kids, and kids who wantto play with the APP
> Parents that understand the importance of 'PersonalDevelopment'

WHAT WILL MY CHILDREN LEARN ========================
>You will find the game inviting and distraction-free. >Yourchildren build and practice cognitive skills, shape recognition,visual spatial skills.

REMARKABLE CUSTOMER SUPPORT ==========================
>If you have any new book ideas please email>

These amazing childrens books are focused around fun educationalstories that both the parent and the kids can relate to.

‘We are human’... if you can provide feedback once you havedownloaded this APP as to how your kid was able to interact and howyou found the story, that would be really helpful!

All the success

P.S: Quality questions create a quality life! Asking thoughtfulquestions is more important than having quick answers the followingwill give you an overview of why the theme was created.

What is a ‘Quality Question’

A ‘Quality Question’ can give us a new direction or perspectivein life... Let’s just say a person wanted to lose weight...

What are some of the questions they would ask themselves? “Howcould I lose weight?” or “Where is the closest Gym” or maybe “Howcould I bring the Gym into my house?” - every one of thesequestions... produces thoughts that may turn into actions...

How about... “How could I lose weight and enjoy the process?”That one sentence opened up a whole new world of possibleactions... just think about it... imagine losing weight andenjoying the all came out of taking the time toimagining a new ‘Quality Question to ask one-selves”

Money: “Am I worthy to have this money” how about... “Is thismoney worthy of me?” or Achievement: “Why can I never reach thatgoal?” how about... “What don’t I know yet that is preventing mefrom achieving the goal” the list goes on...

Once you have read the book, you may have some quality questionsthat you would like us to turn into a book - please contact us...“Why Me” --- “Why not you?”

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