Beethoven Symphony 3 1.0 APK

Ludwig vanBeethoven(1770.12.16—1827.03.26)wasa German composer and pianist. Acrucial figure in the transitionbetween the Classical and Romanticeras in Western art music, heremains one of the most famous andinfluential of allcomposers.
Beethoven is acknowledged as one of the giants of classicalmusic;occasionally he is referred to as one of the "three Bs"(along withBach and Brahms) who epitomise that tradition. He wasalso apivotal figure in the transition from the 18th centurymusicalclassicism to 19th century romanticism, and his influenceonsubsequent generations of composers was profound.


Symphony 3:1 Allegro con brio
Symphony 3:2 Marcia funebre. Adagio assai
Symphony 3:3 Scherzo.Allegro vivace
Symphony 3:4 Finale. Allegro molto

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