Bible-Code Forgiveness (Free) 1.3 APK

Accept no cheap imitations. GOD has revealedhis own forgiveness app!

This is the free version. The 'Tithed' version is available inthe pane to the left titled 'More from this developer', or here:

The Tithed version offers access to the entire list of more than50 sins, faster, more reliable connections with the mind of GOD,new screens and sound effects, no more advertisements or nags,faster and more personal responses, more information about thenegotiation process, and greater chances of forgiveness due to anelite team of Archangels being employed to negotiate on yourbehalf.

This app allows you to communicate directly with the Almightyand seek forgiveness for your sins through a streamlined interface.This is the free version which uses the older, slower method ofconnecting to the Almighty, resulting more lost/denied connections,and which utilizes regular spirit negotiators to attempt to secureyour salvation... but hey, its free!


For decades, scholars have been studying the Bible Code- amethod of detecting secret messages and future predictions withinthe text of the sacred scriptures; and our company began advancedBible code analysis back in 2004. While analyzing the biblical textusing advanced chaos algorithms, we began detecting very deep,seemingly random patterns; just a long string of zeros and ones. Atfirst we thought it was an anomaly.. gibberish. But we kept theinformation anyway. Eventually, new versions of the patternsstopped being uncovered, and the entire collection was archived inorder of discovery, cataloged - and forgotten.

5 years later, an undergraduate student named Niles Smithey tooka closer look at these patterns and had a crazy idea.. to him theylooked like true, modern binary code sets called 'octets'. He triedcompiling the octets using several different computer programminglanguage settings, but got no results - until he tried Java. All ofa sudden the computer screamed to life! Lights began flashing, harddisks spinning, and indecipherable messages began flashing on thescreen faster than the human eye could track them.

That was the beginning of this project.

After 2 years of in depth analysis and deciphering, we have beenable to determine that the code is a method for communicatingdirectly with the mind of GOD through a machine... specifically itis designed to facilitate sin forgiveness by bypassing all of thered tape, unpredictability, bureaucracy and politics involved inseeking forgiveness through regular means.

Technical description:

As far as we can tell, here is how it actually works: The imagesincluded in this application (the background pictures) wereobtained directly from the holy octet stream obtained from thebible.. they just have .jpg headers attached. By feeding theseimages (really just a highly concentrated and perfectly timedseries of rhythmic binary streams ) to the Android processor, theprogram is able to induce precise fluctuations in the magneticfield surrounding the physical processing unit of your Androidphone; by controlling these fluctuations, it is able to induce anelectron flow which coalesces into a sub-atomic laser containmentarray. Once this containment array is stable, a very small quantumBose-Einstein condensate is generated which containsquantum-entangled neutrinos in direct communication with the mindof GOD! By identifying and monitoring the individual neutrinos,their spin and location, the app is able to utilize them tofacilitate information transfer with the Almighty. In this way theapplication is able to provide a direct, PERSONAL connection withthe creator of all mankind, and to streamline the process offorgiveness.

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