Binaural Beats Master 9.1 APK

Binaural beats are sound wave beats designedtoinduce your brain into a more relaxed state. These beats can beusedfor relaxation, stress reduction, sleep enhancement,creativity,anti-aging and intelligence.

Note that for binaural beats to be effective, you MUST beusingheadphones. We recommend laying in bed or sitting in a chairwhilelistening to these beats. Do not listen in your car or whiledoinganything else. While listening, focus on your breathing, niceandslow and deep.

Binaural Beats Master contains 9 different beats tracksincluding3 mixed sessions of varying lengths. Includes are tracksforinducing alpha, beta, theta and delta states.

A section is also included with information on binauralbeats,including what they are, how they are used, how you shoulduse themand their benefits.

Listen before going to bed or before you get up, and feelthepower of binaural beats for ultimate relaxation and a feelingofwellbeing! Enjoy!

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