Black horse live wallpaper 1.1 APK

Black horse is flying through the nightsky!
Magnificent mane is waving on the wind.
The horse is sparkling with multicolored lights – green, blue andred…
It makes the horse look even more beautiful and mysterious!
The black horse looks really awesome!
This fascinating animal will win your heart!
If you want to cheer up and enjoy extraordinary animal, then thislive wallpaper is the perfect choice!

People know little about horses.
Most of people watch horses only in circus or in a zoo and thinkthat horse differs a little from other animals.
Actually there isn't a lot of such strong and gracefulrepresentatives of fauna on the earth.
Horse always was helpmate and friend for the man.
Here are some interesting facts about horses.
Horse surpasses many animals and human being in opportunities ofsense organs.
The structure of acoustic apparatus allows not just to acceptsounds, but also to strengthen them!
Sense of smell is very developed – horses perfectly feel smells andremember them.
It helps them to orientate, to find the road to a stable, to lookfor the owner.
Horses have color vision.
Besides, a viewing angle approaches to 360 degrees.
So horses see what happens both behind, and on each side.
Also horses see well in the dark.
One more feature is that horses have strongly developed sense oftouch – they perfectly feel with their lips and hoofs.
Horses always feel mood of the master.
These animals perfectly remember happened events, understandcause-and-effect relation.
It is known that horses have perfectly developed ear formusic.
They even have preferences in music!
Most often they like melodious and quiet compositions.
Scientists have determined important fact: the biofield of a horseis capable to exert healthful influence on a human being.
Depression and tiredness go away in several hours, spent near thissurprising animal.
Riding relieves man from many diseases of backbone, develops goodsense of equilibrium, develops coordination of movements,strengthens mental health.
This therapy affects children particularly well.
Horse is one of a few animals capable to sleep upright, at the sametime horses are capable to have color dreams.
Horse is a symbol of vital animal force, beauty, fidelity, graceand harmonious movement.
Horse also symbolizes power, nobility, fearlessness, freedom, valorand glory.
In painting horse is associated with wind, fire and a seawave.
Though horse is generally associated with congenital natural force,it can also symbolize the speed of a thought, intelligence andwisdom.
Folklore often allocates horses with the magic force of aprediction.
According to ancient beliefs horses know the mysteries of the otherworld, therefore they were used in funeral ceremonies as conductorsto the other world.
Sometimes horse is associated with sexual energy, desires orlust.
Horse is a sacred animal at many nationalities of North Africa andthe Middle East.
The horse combines symbolical qualities of several animals: braveryof a lion, sight of an eagle, strength of an ox, speed of a deer,dexterity of a fox.

Enjoy this lovely free live wallpaper!

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Select animation speed by your own discretion:
– enter "Live wallpaper" menu and select installed wallpaper;
– enter submenu with settings;
– tap "Animation speed" entry and make your choice;
– press "Back" button and then "Set wallpaper" ("Apply").
If you are not satisfied – please repeat the above steps and selectanother speed value.

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