Boddhi Satva 1.403 APK

The Belgium-based, Central AfricanRepublic(C.A.R.) born, Boddhi Satva vowed early in his career tomake astatement through a signature sound of his own. This soundhastaken him to the four corners of the world and back. All thewhilehis music has graced some of dance music's most highprofiledrecord labels. The recipe for this infamous sound; half acup ofpumping exotic rhythms , 2 table spoons of sexy deepness, aquarterstick of undefinable soul, and a dash of global exuberance.A soundthat not only suffices your appetite but also keeps youcoming backfor more.

App Features include:

- Listen and buy your favourite music
- photo gallery
- Blog, facebook & twitter feeds
- Regularly updated event calendar
- Fan wall that allows you to leave comments
- and much more

App Information