Body Fat & Bmi Calculator 1.03 APK

Body Fat Calculator and Bmi Calculator

This application uses an advanced formula, that takesintoconsideration not only your height, weight and waist, but alsothehip, neck, wrist and forearm circumference (for women), in ordertoprovide the most accurate body fat estimate you can getwithoutspecialized equipment. A person's body fat percentage is thetotalweight of the person's fat divided by the person's weightandconsists of essential body fat and storage body fat. The bodyfatpercentage is a good measure of an individual's fitness level,asit is the only body measurement which directly calculatestheparticular individual's body composition without regard totheindividual's height or weight. The widely-used body massindex(BMI) provides a measure that allows for the comparisonofindividuals of different heights in terms of their weight. Duetodifferences in body composition the BMI is not necessarilyanaccurate indicator of body fat, for example individualswithgreater than average muscle mass will have a higher BMI.Manybodybuilding and weightlifting enthusiasts measure theirbodyfatpercentage using a caliper skinfold test - a professionalbody fatcaliper that measures the thickness of a fold of your skinwith itsunderlying layer of fat. This is the most accurate way tomeasureyour bodyfat, but unless you have the specialized caliperthis freeapp provides the most detailed way to monitor your bodycompositionand the effects of your exercise routine on your body,whether youare a gymrat, powerlifting fan, and bodybuilder or justtrying tostay in shape.

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