Bolivia Flag 1.0 APK

The current flag of Bolivia was originally adopted in 1851. Thestate flag and ensign (and war flag) is a horizontal tricolor ofred, yellow and green with the Bolivian coat of arms in the center.According to one source, the red stands for Bolivia's bravesoldiers, while the green symbolizes fertility and yellow thenation's mineral deposits. The national flag of Bolivia isdescribed as a tricolor rectangle, with the colors red, yellow andgreen, in a ratio of 1:1:1, meaning three horizontal bands, withthe red on the superior part occupying a third of the flag's width,yellow in the middle band using the same width, and green in theinferior part, using the last third. The dimensions of the flag hadnot been defined since its adoption in 1851. Supreme Decree No.27630 of 2004 finally established that the size of the nationalflag be of 7.5 squares width by 11 squares long, a square can beany size, but always using the ratio 15:22. Bolivia is a beautiful,geographically diverse, multiethnic, and democratic country in theheart of South America. It is surrounded by Brazil to thenortheast, Peru to the northwest, Chile to the southwest, Argentinaand Paraguay to the south. It shares with Peru control of LakeTiticaca (Lago Titicaca), the world's highest navigable lake(elevation 3,805m). Sometimes referred to as the Tibet of theAmericas, Bolivia is one of the most "remote" countries in thewestern hemisphere; except for the navigable Paraguay Riverstretching to the distant Atlantic, Bolivia and Paraguay are theonly two landlocked nations in the Americas. It is also the mostindigenous country in the Americas, with 60% of its populationbeing of pure Native American ancestry. Bolivia, named afterindependence fighter Simon Bolivar, broke away from Spanish rule in1825; much of its subsequent history has consisted of a series ofnearly 200 coups and counter-coups. Comparatively democraticcivilian rule was established in the 1980s, but leaders have faceddifficult problems of deep-seated poverty, social unrest, and drugproduction. Current goals include attracting foreign investment,strengthening the educational system, and waging an anti-corruptioncampaign. The current President is Evo Morales who won majority ina 2005 election and inaugurated at the historical Tiwanakuarchaeological site. Morales and his party, the Movement forSocialism, were re-elected in 2009, with another majority. Thereare often large protests in Bolivia considering issues likeenvironmental protection, logging, hydrocarbon extraction, autoimports, mining, construction of highways, as well as other issues.These protests often cause the shutdown of streets in La Paz,specifically the area surrounding the Plaza Murillo, and thecreation of blockades along major inter-city travel routes. Iftravelling between cities by bus it can be common for the trip tobe stalled by several hours due to these protests. Bolivia'sclimate varies drastically with altitude and from one climatic zoneto another. It ranges from humid and tropical to cold and semiarid.In most parts of the country winters are dry and summers aresomewhat wet. Despite its tropical latitude, the altitude of citieslike La Paz keeps things cool, and warm clothing is advisedyear-round. The summer months in Bolivia are November throughMarch. The weather is typically warmer and wetter during thesemonths. April through October, the winter months, are typicallycolder and drier.

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