Bondage Breaker Sleep Hypnosis 1.0 APK

This app will help you break free of personalbondages, bad habits and destructive behaviour that holds you back,with relaxing audio hypnosis from a professional hypnotist. It iscompletely free, and even features a relaxing spiral animation tolook at while you wait for your eyes to close naturally and fallasleep...

The advantages of hypnosis therapy are widespread. A lot ofindividuals report positive changes with hypnosis and it'srecognized as a valid type of holistic alternative medicine.Hypnosis is a popular technique utilized for weight loss, smokingcessation, healing, relaxation and stress relief. It's utilized toget rid of undesired behaviours and beliefs and to manifest newdesires. If you wish to influence your subconscious mind to acceptnew programming for positive alterations hypnosis is an effectivetechnique for doing that.

Among the chief advantages of hypnosis is that when you in ahypnotic state brain wave frequency decelerate. You centre or focusyour awareness and you're actually much more aware than usual. Astate of cantered awareness almost feels as though you're more ofan observer of thought and images rather than a part of them. Thisallows you to bypass the "gatekeepers" at the entrance to thesubconscious and superconscious so you are able to access theselevels of consciousness directly, and the brain is much morereceptive to suggestion. The unconscious or subconscious may thenbe reprogrammed so it lets go of old patterns, beliefs and feelingsthat no longer serve you. They may be replaced with suggestionsthat are favourable and affirming.

There are many sources of emotional bondage. However, we mustfirst be freed from ourselves. The relationships between the victimof emotional abuse and the victimiser is, of course, a circularrelationship, a chicken and egg dilemma. Interrupting thedestructive circle by confronting ourselves first is the necessarysequence for liberation. Unlike physical bondage, psychologicalbondage is kept in place by the imprisoned. A shocking fact,perhaps, but a fact, nonetheless. To be psychologically oppressedwe must participate in the oppression and oppress ourselves. To bepsychologically liberated we must choose integrity and liberateourselves.

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