Bulughul Maram Malaysian 1.0.2 APK

Bulughul or Bulugh Maram al-Maram min Adillatal-Ahkam, compiled by Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani (773 H - 852H). This book is a book of hadith thematic containing those hadithsas a source of law making fiqh (istinbath) by jurists.

This book became the main reference in particular to the Shafi'ischool of fiqh from. This book includes fiqh that receive globalrecognition and also many
translated worldwide.

Book Description Bulughul Maram contains nearly 1600 pieces ofhadith. At each end of the hadith contained in BulughulMaram,
Ibn Hajar mentions who the narrators of origin. Bulughul Maramenter hadiths are derived from primary sources such as Sahihal-Bukhari,
Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Sunan an-Nasa'i,Sunan Ibn Majah and Musnad Ahmad and in others.
Book Bulughul Maram has a special virtue for the entire hadithcontained in it later became the foundation cornerstone ofjurisprudence in Shafi.
In addition to mentioning the origin of the hadiths contained init, the author also includes a comparison between some other hadithhistory
that comes from lines another. Because of these merits, BulughulMaram until now remained a reference book of hadith widely usedregardless of sect fikihnya.
Method of preparation
method used by Ibn Hajar in compiling the book is the method ofthematic (maudhu'i) based on the themes of jurisprudence, startingfrom Chapter Purification (Thaharah) to Chapter Compilation(al-Jami '). He selects some traditions from the books of Saheeh,Sunan, the Qur'aan, and al-Jami relating to the laws ofjurisprudence.
Systematics book Bulughul Maram as follows:
Consists of 16 chapters from Chapter Purification (Kitabat-Thaharah) until Chapter Compilation (Kitab al-Jami '), eachchapter consists of several sub-chapters. Contain as many as 1596pieces of authentic hadith, hasan, even dha'if themedJurisprudence.
Cut (Ta'liq) circuit sanad, except at the level of friends andmukharrij.
Sometimes include lines of narration hadith succinctly and withadditional editorial mentions of history more and explain itsstatus.
explaining the status of weak hadiths (him there is a weakness,weak sanadnya ... etc.) or with the description of the clergy, suchas "weakened by Abu Hatim, etc.".
In terms of reinforcing the hadeeth, Ibn Hajar include informationquick that only includes sanad without repeating the content ofhonor.
Ibn Hajar uses certain terms dalampenyebutan issuing hadith(mukharrij), namely:

1. Rowahu as-sab'ah to the hadith narrated by Imam seven in thescience of Hadith, namely Ahmad, Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud,Tirmidzy, Nasa'i and Ibn Majah
2. Rowahu as-Sitta's hadith narrated by Imam besides sevenAhmad
3. Rowahu al-khamsah to the hadith narrated
by Imam besides seven Bukhari-Muslim
4. Rowahu al-Arba'ah to the hadith narrated by Imam besides sevenAhmad, Bukhari and Muslim
5. Rowahu ats-Tsalitsah to the hadith narrated by Imam besidesseven Ahmad, Bukhari, Muslim and Ibn Majah
6. Agreed alaih to the hadith narrated by Bukhari-Muslim book ofexplanatory Many scholars who later compiled the book of theexplanation for the Book Bulughul Maram.

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