Business Green 1.2.1044.2011 APK

BusinessGreen's mission is to help enable thetransition to a low carbon economy by providing senior businessleaders, policy makers, and sustainability executives with theinformation and analysis they need to drive successful greeninitiatives.

BusinessGreen provides up-to-the-minute business news andopinion on the green innovations and technologies that can helpfirms cut costs, reduce long term risks, and realise the commercialopportunities the low carbon economy offers.

This app contains the latest cutting-edge news and analysis fromBusinessGreen to keep users up to speed on the latest changes toregulation and market practices, while being designed to optimisetablet and smartphone functionality.

Like the highly successful BusinessGreen website, this easy tonavigate app gets updated throughout the day, but also givescustomers the ability to view articles offline, save and sharefavourite stories, and customise the type of content theyreceive.

As the need for companies to assess and reduce their carbonfootprints and impact on the environment increases, so does theneed for a vital source that provides a hard-headed businessapproach to environmental issues. Considerations of environmentalresponsibility now impact everything from customer satisfaction tostaff retention, the award of contracts to stock market valuations– BusinessGreen helps companies compete in this fast-changingeconomy.

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