Butterflies Mount 0.1 APK

Permainan shooting dengan cara menembakanbolayang berbentuk unik ke sasaran anda. Hilangkan kejenuhandengangame ini, capai peringkat tertinggi dengan cara menuntaskansetiaplevel yang dimainkan.

- Dua mode permainan dan banyak menantang tingkat.
- Alat peraga lebih menarik Anda harus belajardaripertandingan.
Dan masih banyak lagi fitur lainnya yang tersimpan dalamgameini.

Shooting game with aballshaped fire ways unique to your target. Eliminate boredom withthisgame, the highest ranking achieved by way of completing eachlevelis played.

- Two game modes and many challenging levels.
- Props more attractive you have to learn from the game.
And many other features that are stored in this game.

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