Buy Sell Easy 2.0 APK

BuySellEasy was created to help you selllocally the things you love but no longer need. It’s a fun andhappy way to sell, buy or trade your stuff with neighbors andfriends.
Creating a new BuySellEasy is a simple 3 step process:

1. Take pictures of the item you want to sell
2. Enter description and price
3. Share on Facebook, Twitter and Google+

No hassle, No headaches, Simple.
And it’s absolutely FREE.

So what more can you expect from BuySellEasy

Automatic item description – Writing long detailed descriptionsis a huge pain. Once you enter the name of your item we bring thefull item description for your review so that you won’t spend toomuch time on that, and your buyers will be super happy!

Price proposal – One of the hardest things in selling your stuffis the “for how much?” question. You want it to sell, but you don’twant to sell things for less than their worth. BuySellEasy givesyou prices of similar items and calculates, based on theinformation you provide, what is the recommended price you shouldsell your item.

Location-Based marketplace – If you want to see what otherpeople are selling, BuySellEasy brings you the best items sold inyour area, and in your social circle.

In-app communication – BuySellEasy enables you to chat withsellers directly inside the app. No more annoying emails of phonecalls. If you like something - start chatting now!

Finally, a personal message to our users: BuySellEasy is a brandnew application, and this is our first version. We are eager toprovide you with an amazing experience, and hope you will enjoy ourapp. If you experience issues or problems, please help us improveBuySellEasy by visiting our support website at

Permissions explained:

Like most apps, we ask for permissions on your device. Thesepermissions are used to make the BuySellEasy experience everythingit is. We would like to explain here why we need these permissions.Transparency creates trust.

Camera: We use the camera of your mobile phone or tablet to takephotos of the things you want to sell. Then, we make these photosbeautiful through filters.

Location: We use location information from your device to saveyou the trouble of telling us where the item is located. We NEVERdisclose accurate location information, only an estimated one.

Storage: We use the internal memory of your mobile/tablet deviceto store photos and content from the BuySellEasy app. We NEVERaccess anything but these photos and content.

Accounts: When using BuySellEasy, you will be identified usingthe account registered on your mobile/tablet device. We NEVER storeany passwords or transfer your details to any 3rd party. When youpost on BuySellEasy, however, we present your email to potentialbuyers for communication.

App Information