Cabbage Soup Diet APK

Cabbage soup diet recipes are all over theworld, as so many people use this diet as a way to lose weighttwice a year. Remember that when using this diet, you should dietfor one week and take several months off then you can resume yourdieting practices again.

The first of many cabbage soup diet recipes is the militarycabbage soup. For this recipe you will need a large pot, 13 ouncesof chicken broth, 3 bell peppers, a can of whole tomatoes, a headof cabbage, green onion to taste as well as a large bunch ofcelery. Clean all of your vegetables under cold water by gentlyrubbing all areas. Chop the vegetables into sizes you can eatcomfortably. Place all ingredients into the pot on the stove onhigh heat. Allow the soup to come to a rolling boil, which couldtake as long as 15 minutes. Place the heat on low and allow tosimmer for an additional 10 minutes. Vegetables shouldn't beovercooked when soup is done.

Another of the many cabbage soup diet recipes is the spinachaddition. You will need half of a head of cabbage, 3 onions, agreen pepper, a head of celery, a can of diced tomatoes and a packof onion soup mix along with 3 vegetable boullion cubes and a watersource. You will also need an 8 ounce can of vegetable juice, a cupof sliced mushrooms, 2 cups of spinach leaves and seasonings totaste. Chop the cabbage and celery into bite sized pieces, and thendice the onions and green pepper. Add all ingredients into a largepot and cover with water enough to fill half the pot. Place on thestove on high heat for at least 15 minutes. Your soup should cometo a rolling boil, and then reduce the heat to low for 10minutes.

For a broccoli variation in cabbage soup diet recipes, you willneed a half of a head of cabbage, a yellow zucchini and a greenzucchini, a green pepper, 2 mushrooms as well as 10 garlic cloves,1 celery stalk, a carrot, 1 bunch of broccoli, a can of crushedtomatoes and a pack of onion or mushroom soup mix and one liter ofwater. Wash all of your vegetables under cold water, and then sliceor dice into bite sized pieces. Add all ingredients into the potand cover with water. Place on the stove on high heat for 20minutes and then reduce heat to low for 15 minutes. Allow to cooland serve.

For the cabbage soup diet recipes for days 5 and 6 when meat isallowed, the cod and shrimps recipe is the best. Use a choppedonion, half a head of cabbage as well as 2 minced garlic cloves, acan of chicken broth, a can of vegetable broth, a pound of shrimpand a pound of cod. Add in one can of tomatoes of your choice and atablespoon of white wine. Cook all veggies until they are soft, andthen add the broths, wine and tomatoes. Simmer for half an hour onlow heat. Add cod and shrimp until cod is flaky and shrimp is nolonger pink.

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