Call Recording - Automatic Call Recorder
Have you ever had an important phone call and you need torecordsomething? Have you tried to remember a phone number oraddress?Have you been in a traffic jam when you received an orderfrom amajor customer? You may already have been in a situation youneedto remember a list of foods to buy that you forgot? Have youwantedto keep the sweet memories and tender words of yourbeloved?
Callu provides unique set of features that allow youtoautomatically record calls. An additional feature is the "Shaketosave" English: "Shake to record" where you have to shakeyourdevice during a call to start recording instantly. You canlistento the call recorded at any time or automatically sync withyourDropbox account.
Automatic Recording - Voice Recording - Important note:
- On some devices, call recording can not work properly duetohardware limitations. This is not a malfunction of theapplication,please do not leave negative feedback andcritiques.Vous can alsotry to refine audio source on the automaticconfiguration page ofthe record.
- Application may not work if ill are other applications forcallrecording in use. Please close or remove any otherrecordingapplications.
Call Recording - The full list of features:
• Automatic recording based on predefined rules
• Shake to save (option premium). Start recording everycallinstantly by shaking your device.
• Recording Filter. You can specify whether to record allcalls,only calls with your contacts, or only calls from unknownnumbers.You can even set up filters for each contact in the list,ie it iseven possible to choose which contact your contact listwill besaved or ignored.
• Favorites List calls. Calls which are permanently stored onyourdevice.
• Automatic synchronization Dropbox (option premium). Youcanautomatically synchronize all calls or Favorites calls.
• Dropbox synchronization Manual: You can choose to synchronizeeachregistered separately conversation.
• Notifications. Once recording has started, you can beinformedeither by the notification icon or sound. You can evenchoose whichsound will be played (Premium).
• Menu after the call (premium option). This is useful if youwantto examine every call and instantly delete the record,writeadditional notes or add it to your favorites.
• Advanced Memory Management. It is possible to limit thememoryspace occupied by the stored files. Limit may be based onthenumber of calls, the total space in megabytes or date of thecall(option premium).
Simple Call Recorder application that has an ability to:
-Automatic recording of telephone conversations
- Rdecording format «amr», «mp4», «wav» with a choiceofrecording quality
- Individual settings for incoming and outgoing "Save all ","Donot write", "Record contacts only", "Record contacts not only"
- Can not save conversations lasting less than N- seconds
- Ability to record/not record specific users (list ofexceptionsin the settings)
- Ability to change the place of storage of records
- Ability to disable notifications on the start /finishrecording
- All entries, "Date", "On behalf of the subscriber", "Onthephone number", "For the duration"
- Adding a comment to a recorded conversation
- The ability to call a subscriber of the program
- The ability to submit your entry through the available toolsonthe device to send (E-mail, Bluetooth, etc.)
Now, you can do smart recording automatically.
Does someone not keep their promises made on the phone? Now,youcan do smart recording automatically.
Use it when you cannot remember what was said on a call; whenyouwant to know exactly what was said; or when you want to hearthevoice of a loved one.
Your life will get smarter.
Key Features:
-Runs in the background and records your calls
-Intuitive interface makes it easy to use
-Choose from recording all, only incoming, or onlyoutgoingcalls!