Call Stopper 1.0 APK

Are you tired of letting your emotions controlyour present and future?

Are you tired of being embarrassed for having few drinks andmaking that awkward/stupid call to your ex boyfriend/girlfriend orcurrent flirt?

Would you accept help? :)

The solution is our simple app!

Anvesoft present you "Call Stopper"! The only app that will saveyou the heartache and embarrassment!

Download the app now and take control of your impulseemotions!

NOTE: Before continuing make sure you uninstall Call StopperLite, if you have installed.

- How to use Call Stopper -

1. Open the app and choose "Disable a number"
2. Enter the phone number or pick one from your contact list
3. Click Next and choose for how long would you like to disablecalling
4. Enter the reason for disabling the number (this is optional, butrecommended, so you know why you don't want to call thatperson)
5. Review your decision and just click Yes.
6. On the last screen you can see the number(s) you have disabled,until when it will be disabled and your reason for doing it!

When you try calling the disabled number, you will be shown amessage saying that the number you are calling is disabled.


NOTE: Please don't post stupid comments. Send us an e-mail for anyquestions at Thanks!

Please rate the app and also comments and suggestions are alwayswelcomed and will help us improve the app! :)

NOTE: Due to Android's limitations, at the moment it is notpossible to block outgoing messages. We will implement thatfeature, as soon as Android enables that option.

App Information