Camping Tent Ideas 1.1 APK

Dome tents have grown increasingly popular forfamily camping, and you get them in many different sizes. But issuch a tent really the right choice for you? Let's take a look atthe different types of family dome tents, and especially at thestrengths and weaknesses of this camping tent design.

Dome tent styles

Classic geodesic dome
Half dome or tunnel tent
The classic design shows a simple dome shape. There are also largerfamily tents that are made up out of several domes. Both are greatfor family camping which involves spending the whole time at oneplace, since they are larger and offer more space. Half dome ortunnel tents, on the other hand, are very good for backpacking. Byreducing the dome size, they cut down on weight and produce asmaller pack size, which makes them more convenient to carry.

Main strengths of dome tents

Large floor space - This gives you a large sleeping area andsufficient space for your luggage.
Highly sturdy in extreme weather - Instead of a static frame,stability is reached through all tent components working together,with poles made of flexible materials like carbon fibre. The low,round shape of dome style tents lets them easily shed rain andsnow, and makes them very wind resistant.
Lighter than cabin tents of the same size - This is mainly due tothe absence of a heavy tent frame.
Easy setup - Dome tents often use shock-corded poles. These easilyunfold to full length, and a color coding shows you where each polemust go.
Free-standing - Most family dome tents can be set up on any levelsurface, for example your backyard. However, the rain fly does needstaking. Also, it's generally advised that you do stake your tentdown, just in case strong winds come up.
Weaknesses of dome tents

Less usable space - Family dome tents offer less space forcamping furniture than equally sized cabin tents. Large items canonly be set up in the center part.
Less freedom to move - Due to the dome shape, head space is often aproblem. Whilst larger tents might allow you to stand fairlystraight in the center (if you are not very tall), the smallersized ones allow you only to sit up and make you crawl ratherinstead of walk. Half dome or tunnel tents might not even allow atall person to sit up straight.
These considerations clearly show you what dome style tents aregood for, and when you should rather not pick them. Classic domesare a great choice for camping vacations that are likely to faceheavy weather conditions, especially strong wind, but will find youmost of your time outside. Half dome or tunnel tents are excellentoptions for backpacking or other types of travel-camping. Ingeneral, family dome tents are rather for people who can do withless space and comfort, whilst those travelling with half theirhousehold, or expecting to spend much time inside the tent, shouldrather opt for a cabin tent.

Weaknesses of frame tents

Longer setup - Frame tents are not necessarily easy to set up.They often take longer to pitch than dome tents or ridge tents,since the frame is larger and consists of more parts. Also, thelarger size of the tent may require more people for the setup.

Higher prices - These tents tend to be more expensive thanequally sized dome tents, but this does not always have to be thecase. The price also depends on the brand and quality. You can getgreat deals on any kind of camping tents when you shop around alittle.

Less wind stability - Due to their corner-design, frame tentsare less suitable for extreme weather conditions like heavy winds.If you plan such an excursion, dome tents are the better campingtents.

Larger pack size - Since they are larger, frame tents alsoproduce a larger package to transport. This might be a problem ifyou have a small car.

Bigger weight - Due to their heavier frame, these camping tentsweigh more than other types. This can cause problems likeoverloading your car.

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