Caravan Of Dreams 4.5.1 APK

Caravan of Dreams, an organic vegan NewYorkrestaurant, was founded by Angel Moreno in 1991 as the placewherethe Spanish expat could combine his passions for food,health,music, arts, and community. Since then it has served theEastVillage in particular -- and New York City in general -- withallorganic, all vegan, kosher verified, and extensive livefoodoptions, including raw vegan plus a fully stocked bar,nightlyentertainment, and occasional educational seminarsandevents.

Built plank-by-plank and brick-by-brick by Angel, Caravan ofDreamsbecame the vanguard of a new mode of living, and has sincebecomeone of the established stalwarts of the East Village sceneand asymbol of the Zeigeist.

Caravan of Dreams is for people that appreciate the qualityofthings and -- like Angel -- have a deep respect for theelements.This can be found in the restaurants commitment to thefreshestorganic food ingredients, structured water, energy-savinglighting,and more. The purity of Angel's vision and dedicationfostered anon-going and evolving community of participants whoembrace betterliving.

The restaurant is now the home for that community, a placewhereAngel and others reach out to countless people to develop newideasfor a greater world based on the Caravan of Dreams tenet: goodfoodand health, music and dance, friends, family and lovers. Thesearethe indigents to the wellspring of happiness Angel hasalwaysenvisioned and actively shares.

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