Champagne-Ardenne English 1.0 APK

Welcome to Champagne-Ardenne!

14 not-to-be-missed places/activities in Champagne-Ardennethatyou can visit at your own pace using our audio guides.

With our geolocalisation and augmented reality features, youcango wherever you fancy and never get lost!
There are two circuits: the Champagne tourist route where youwilldiscover Bar-sur-Aube, Bar-sur-Seine (Les Riceys), the MontagnedeReims, the côte des Blancs, the Marne valley, theSaint-Thierrymassif and Château Thierry. The other circuit is aregionalheritage route including Charleville-Mézières, Reims,Troyes, DerLake, the Meuse (Monthermé) valley, the forêtd'Orient,Colombey-les-deux-Eglises.

Take in the sights and the sounds of the guided walksinChampagne-Ardenne.

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