Chirping Murai Batu Champion 1.0 APK

Kucica forest (Copsychus malabaricus),alsoknown as a rock-rumped warbler whose condition was threateneddueto hunting.
Included in the Old World flycatcher family or birdsworms.Scattered throughout the island of Sumatra, PeninsularMalaysia,and part of the island of Java.
Some experts consider the race of North Borneo KUCICA-whiteeyebrows(Copsychus Malabaricus stricklandii) as a distinctspecies.

Chirping Murai Batu application contains a collection ChampionforMasteran Birds chirping sound Murai Batu order Rings withbeautifuland contains some care tips Burung Murai Batu. Withthisapplication you can train your pet bird or just listen tothemelodious sound of the birds and provides some tips for dailycareof your pet bird.

Feature applications:
- Play the sound of chirping birds Murai Batu
- Ring tones, text messages, contacts and alarm (long pressonmp3)
- Care Tips
- Stop, Shuffle, Repeat
- Content can be shared in the Application Features Share

App Information